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Posts posted by TheSmokie

  1. Click on Item and KILL mob (Overridepulse)

    	var pos = new Vector3(x, y, z); // Vector3 postion
            int npc = 1; // hostile unit
            int clickitem = 1; // item you need to click on
            var target = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Entry == npc && o.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 50 && o.IsAlive);
            while (MovementManager.InMovement)
            if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(pos)) < 3)
            if (target != null && target.IsAlive)
                ObjectManager.Me.Target = target.Guid;
                if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(target.Position) >= 30)
                if (ObjectManager.Target.Name == "unit") //name of the unit
            return true;

    1 - edit to your needs, change the info.

    2 - use overridepulse

    3- in quest order editer, do Pulseallinone

  2. 1 hour ago, binban said:

    Hmn, at server warmane that quest get's complet by retalking with the quest giver!
    Smokie, Thanks to you, I learn alot, i have been editing ur profile and i got alot of improvement!
    well the reason is i have around 50 dks at level 65/68 doing transmutes every day, i have been using ur profile sooo much! Thanks dude!

    the improves i have done so far was:

    # to do  quest faster, alot faster

    # Fixed equiping bracers, equimenet manager is not equiping,  also fix equiping 2nd finger using equipslot n' macro

    # No longer die from elite Stable Master Kitrik, when doing Grand Theft Palomino quest, i change the horsie to pick and there is a safe spot

    # Change to do mount quest as soon as possible for faster movement
    # Quest order,  quest like looting skulls or ThePlaguebringersRequestPart2 by giving priority to thooses quest and  u will do lesss killing
    # when doing Death Comes From On High i added a jump because it move slowly if u dont.
    # when doing quest like A Special Surprise, its has wrong id, atleast for undead, i only create undeadeds((((if (Quest.HasQuest(12750) && ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Undead && !(Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(1, 12750)) ))))) for me its 12750 and u sing 12748 on all Also when i started editing this profile, i used download from last year! dont know how is ur profile nowadayas(Gonna check it right now) .... yep still the same Id!

    #Another thing that i fixed was last quest, as horde, I dont know why the fuck it happen, but i ended  SO FAR from orgrimmar, in azshara, trying to" fly" like it happens when he try to go acherus the ebon hold, when something gooes wrong, so i edit it! now it just stay theres, also added Blacklist zone when going to deliver to trall, it tryings to over a big fire camp! and looks so botish!
        <Blackspot X="1903.183" Y="-4268.35254" Z="31.9433155" Radius="5" Continent="Kalimdor" TypeArea="POLYAREA_BIGDANGER" Comment="Orgrimmar &gt; Valley of Wisdom" />
        <Blackspot X="1897.91516" Y="-4263.16" Z="32.1274338" Radius="5" Continent="Kalimdor" TypeArea="POLYAREA_BIGDANGER" Comment="Orgrimmar &gt; Valley of Wisdom" />
        <Blackspot X="1893.30957" Y="-4271.811" Z="31.9505444" Radius="5" Continent="Kalimdor" TypeArea="POLYAREA_BIGDANGER" Comment="Orgrimmar &gt; Valley of Wisdom" />

    But still There is something i cant fix!
    When doing Bloody Breakout if he dies because he run out of the shield protection, it gets bug! dont know if u can ninja loot head!

    Send me a pm on discord https://discordapp.com/invite/xQuhs5C

  3. @Droidz

    The code didnt work, it is a pet from what the dev tools say but everything i tried didnt work,


    dev tools info on unit : 

    Name: Scarlet Ghoul (Entry: 28845 )
    GetDynamicFlags = 0
    GetUnitDynamicFlags = None
    WowClass = Warrior
    IsLocalPlayer = False
    IsBlacklisted = False
    Position = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None"
    PositionWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None"
    PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None"
    Health = 2450
    MaxHealth = 2450
    MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
    HealthPercent = 100
    HealthRatio = 1
    IsGoodInteractDistance = True
    InteractDistance = 4.3
    CombatReach = 0.9
    IsSwimming = False
    IsFlying = False
    IsStunned = False
    AggroDistance = 0
    Rotation = 1.775268
    Pitch = 0
    CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid
    FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
    Mana = 0
    MaxMana = 0
    ManaPercentage = 100
    Rage = 0
    MaxRage = 100
    RagePercentage = 0
    Focus = 0
    MaxFocus = 0
    FocusPercentage = 0
    Energy = 0
    MaxEnergy = 100
    EnergyPercentage = 0
    Chi = 0
    MaxChi = 0
    ChiPercentage = 0
    Runes = 0
    MaxRunes = 6
    RunesPercentage = 0
    RunicPower = 0
    MaxRunicPower = 100
    RunicPowerPercentage = 0
    SoulShards = 2450
    MaxSoulShards = 0
    SoulShardsPercentage = 0
    Eclipse = 0
    MaxEclipse = 0
    EclipsePercentage = 0
    UnitClassification = normal
    IsElite = False
    IsWorldBoss = False
    HolyPower = 1000
    MaxHolyPower = 0
    HolyPowerPercentage = 0
    Alternate = 0
    MaxAlternate = 0
    AlternatePercentage = 0
    DarkForce = 100
    MaxDarkForce = 0
    DarkForcePercentage = 0
    LightForce = 0
    MaxLightForce = 0
    LightForcePercentage = 0
    ShadowOrbs = 0
    MaxShadowOrbs = 0
    ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0
    BurningEmbers = 1000
    MaxBurningEmbers = 0
    BurningEmbersPercentage = 0
    DemonicFury = 0
    MaxDemonicFury = 0
    DemonicFuryPercentage = 0
    ArcaneCharges = 0
    MaxArcaneCharges = 0
    ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
    Faction = 2
    DisplayId = 25000
    GetMove = False
    SpeedMoving = 0
    GetDistance = 3.402057
    GeHitBoxtDistance = 1.002057
    GetDistance2D = 3.400037
    GetDistanceZ = 0.1172256
    IsAlive = True
    IsDead = False
    IsLootable = False
    IsTaggedByOther = False
    TaggedByMe = False
    IsTapDenied = False
    IsMyPet = True
    HasTarget = False
    IsTargetingMe = False
    IsTargetingMyPet = False
    IsTargetingPartyMember = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
    IsMyTarget = True
    IsMyPetTarget = False
    IsPartyMemberTarget = False
    IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
    IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
    Target = 0
    TargetObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
    Level = 56
    IsBoss = False
    PetNumber = 0
    Name = Scarlet Ghoul
    DBCacheRow = 429415616
    UnitFlags = PlayerControlled
    UnitNPCFlags = None
    Skinnable = False
    IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
    IsNpcRepair = False
    IsNpcVendor = False
    IsFlightMaster = False
    IsNpcInnkeeper = False
    IsNpcVendorFood = False
    IsAuctioneer = False
    IsNpcTrainer = False
    IsNpcWildPets = False
    Summon = 0
    CreatedBy = 32
    CreatedBySpell = 52490
    SummonedBy = 32
    IsPet = True
    PetOwnerGuid = 32
    InCombat = False
    InCombatFlagOnly = False
    InCombatWithMe = False
    CastingSpellId = 0
    CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
    CastingTimeLeft = 0
    IsCast = False
    CanInterruptCasting = False
    IsMounted = False
    MountDisplayId = 0
    TransportGuid = 0
    InTransport = False
    Reaction = Friendly
    IsTracked = False
    IsOnTaxi = False
    NotSelectable = False
    IsAttackable = False
    PlayerControlled = True
    Silenced = False
    Rooted = False
    Influenced = False
    Confused = False
    Pacified = False
    Fleeing = False
    Possessed = False
    NpcMarkerId = 0
    NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True
    NpcMarker = None
    IsOutdoors = False
    IsIndoors = True
    IsPartyMember = False
    IsPartyLeader = False
    GetBaseAddress = 492847576
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 492851680
    Guid = 17379391445961550717
    Type = Unit
    Entry = 28845
    Scale = 1
    MinInteractDistance = 4.3
    MaxInteractDistance = 50




  4. 26 minutes ago, Squirepints said:

    Hello all,

    I recently purchased a 1-60 alliance quester profile by androido to use on the TBC server i'm on (to my knowledge vanilla profiles SHOULD work with TBC servers) and i've run into a couple of issues with the bot.

    The first problem I am having is that the bot is refusing to use flight paths. While the profile had my character in wetlands it refused to go into the town there and instead ran all the way back to ironforge and then back to the wetlands each time it needed to sell, train and other stuff.

    The second problem that I am currently having is that the bot is not purchasing new food/drink for me. I am sure that I set the bot up to purchase food and drink but it does not seem to want to do it ?

    Thanks for taking a read!


    Report all problems to @Andoido

  5. Hello, 

    Here you go! 

    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = "name"; // ground mount, change name to whatever mount you wish to use.
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlyingMountName = "name"; // Flying mount, change name to whatever mount you wish to use.
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount = true; // true or false for useage 
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = true; // true or false for useage 
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Save(); // this is to save the settings


  6. 31 minutes ago, Yakub said:
    • Good job Jeppe on the screenshots, took you 24 hours to come back with the "real conversation".
    • In these Corona times of full isolation, took you 24 hours to post them "real" screenshots.
    • Unfortunately for you, I saw the real chat that happened between you guys and apparently you mixed some stuff.
    • You've hidden the begging part, you also mixed some parts of the conversation, I understand now why it took you 24 hours. lol

    All of this thread it's naming and shaming, I feel like I am being trolled now, maybe I am.

    I dont think anyone takes you seriously about the classic wow bot and anything your saying on this thread right now. im pretty sure everyone is trolling you. kinda in big red writing tbh,

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