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Everything posted by Talamin

  1. Because you don´t have a cooldown on your revive ability and usefuls.waitiscast just wait until the Cast is done. So when the target don´t accept the ressurrection immediatly he get´s spammed over and over again. Therefore just use a timer for each target you already casted revive on, so it won´t spam revive on the same target again and again.
  2. Hmm, never had this problem and there is no reason why it should work first and then stop working. Can you try it without plugins and addons? Maybe something is interfering on your side?
  3. you mean collecting all aggroing mobs first? That´s something the FC tries to accomplish infight, but sometimes for boars or wolfes it´s not possible to build the needed aggro. Therefore just get a bear and you will never have aggroing problems because of aoe taunt! Waiting until mobs are attacking the pet was an option in a earlier release, but it´s too botlike how the bot handles the Pet, so at the moment i leave it as it is. To sum up: Just use a bear and you never will have another pet for leveling!
  4. I can’t reproduce this behavior. My blood dk is using the dnd correctly. If you can hand me over a log I can take a look, otherwise I can’t help here.
  5. Frost and Blood use the same function which is called for DND. Will try it myself with a frost spec when I find the time.
  6. hmm, did you use d&d as Frost or Blood? because as blood i leveld in the past several characers?! And what Treshhold for Death and Decay you have set in the settings?
  7. You did read that it was the itemfilter addon and according to his log he plays Druid with Scripters Fightingclass?
  8. There is no way to edit the DLL File. I am sorry but I can’t give support for this kind of server.
  9. The rotations are selected by your spec. Since ascension don’t have this as far I know I have to rewrite some parts and I don’t know if I want to spend this amount of time for one server ?
  10. Just use the AIO, this one here is not supported anymore.
  11. well, could be an old logging... will remove it in the next release.
  12. To be honest, some more Information would be helpful. Did you buy the Poisons? If so, which do you have? Level of your Character? Situation while this happens and and and... A Log would be fine too. If you don´t want it posted here, you can come to our Discord and poke me there.
  13. Did you still not realize that Wrobot is for private servers and for private server only?
  14. I have already an PayPal link in the description, but you know: Why should anyone make a tip when they can get all for free?! ? As long this is not paid, there will be no one who makes a tip for the time and effort which is spend on this.
  15. The fc is designed in the first line to be used solo, but I will adapt some checks for the ownership of dots and debuffs, then this should be solved.
  16. Then you do something wrong ? join discord and upload a log. Backpaddle works for sure!
  17. Nah, maybe at some point i will add some movement to the FC, but for now it is good as it is ?
  18. Well, Arms have just the buffs added... if you want to level use Fury or Prot, Description above what´s working is green, what have bugs is yellow and red won´t work until now!
  19. Not really. All spells and items are included in only english so it won’t work with any other client language, sorry!
  20. True, and i tested the above mentioned Equip Plugin which works well on my end.
  21. Whats wrong with this? https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1605-cata-autoequip/
  22. 1. The DLL has to be in the FC Folder and has to be selected as FightingClass. And pls use the english Client or the FC will cause massive problems. 2. The Warrior Routine doesn´t have many Options. Most of it is full Auto Use of Talents and Spells to get the best level Experience. If you see something annoying let me know and i can adapt it, or wait until a new release is done. If you need other advices or have some ideas you are welcome to join our Discord or give me Feedback here. Greets
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