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Posts posted by youthemannowdog

  1. On 7/20/2019 at 11:12 AM, maukor said:

    Paid profiles are for normies with 1-2 bots. Wish wrobot had the same documantation as HB had ; )

    that's funny because in glider it was the opposite.

    All the profiles were AT LEAST pretty good so the normies had no issue leveling off of free profiles (without 4+ deaths per hour and getting stuck on EVERY quest) so the normies didnt pay.
    And then the professional botters payed $35 a pop for amazing silent completely afk mass bot-able profiles that nobody could dream to visually detect through private forums.

    here tho all the content is braindead and the client lacks basic built in features

  2. 9 hours ago, CocoChanel said:

    No, you are wrong. Some of them are complete fucking idiots. Not giving a single fuck and just pumping out shit quality quest scripting and also horrible grind spots with 5000 mobs stacked on top of each other. Its completely their own fault. Take a look at andoidos stream when he is making his profiles. Not a single fuck is given when it comes to how well a character will be able to handle the quests, he just puts in the spots for where the quest items/mobs are, with no regard whatsoever if the bot can handle that many mobs. I doubt that this is a bot issue,  but rather a problem with profiles not being controlled properly. Profiles on Honorbuddy's paid profile section were tested properly and were only allowed if they were well scripted. I hope for the love of god the rules change for what kind of profiles are allowed to be up for sale on here.

    well at least I didnt say it I guess

    (but you're absolutely right)

    But hey - this is what it looks like when you tell a developer on WRobot that their stuff isn't as good as they think it is and is only popular because nobody else competes
    they'll passive aggressively tell you that you're a basic american racist through a fucking coupon  while at the same time trying to tell you that everyone elses fightclasses that you're beta testing are shit.

    piss off.PNG


    Calling me a basic american racist while your content does this


  3. It's just very monopolized here. I don't know if that's intentional. 
    And to be fair most of my experience so far has been TBC or lower but I've looked into the forum download sections up to legion out of morbid curiousity.

    Matenia makes the fight classes and makes a mandetory plugin that basically any serious botter basically needs to compensate for the lack of usability in the client.

    Andoido is the only person making questers but damn does it struggle

    Bambo and Truly are/were the only people really making any grinders... but grinders get you banned...

    Only recently someone made a newish base dungeon setup, nobody is making solid all inclusive pvp/dual/arena/bg etc profiles, sparse profession profiles, etc.


    And that's pretty much it. That's all you get folks. These people aren't bad guys, they're not idiots, it's not that they aren't good developers, nor are they swindling people. It's just a shitty situation that we have so little, the little we have doesnt seem to make a package that's comparable to the Bots of past, and it's very confusing for new people to come to terms without knowledge in C# and LUA.

  4. I have no other plugins on aside from yours.

    Havent tried vanishing powder yet - however based on the pathing I just kinda feel like it'll vanish, walk a little bit away, and then just bandage back into combat.

    That's an assumption tho.
    The pathing works and makes sense when I am dead or if I was ranged but doesn't work as melee or alive. At least if two NPCs are within 40 yards of each other.

  5. 1 minute ago, Talamin said:


    To sum it up: I agree on your points of quality, but i can´t agree about the Honorbuddy/WRobot discussion ?

    I get that but you tip toed around Glider being very powerful like Honorbudy but was dependant on a client and mostly content provided by random people.

    WRobot is marketed as a bot and for a new comer the forums seems to portray that simply paying for this plugin, this profile, and this fightclass you'll be "truly" afk in no time.
    That's misleading and patently false. Arguably fraudulent.

    And I can make my own shit that's fine - its just that I jumped into this real quick just because it seemed to be advertised as something it is no where near. Who is to blame? Seems like everyone.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Talamin said:

    I don´t get your point. Glider is no more, Honorbuddy is just for 3.3.5 available without the needed meshes for 58+.

    If you are not satisfied with what you get you have to leave the boat. I´ll understand your frustration if you want a all in one solution and you don´t get one, or if you pay for profiles which say they are 100% afk and the don´t, or if you pay for a fightingclass which doesn´t do the job. On the other hand, you can get some free Profiles and Fightingclasses in the download section, maybe try to use them instead of paying one.

    And for your last words: You should ask yourself first why you can´t bot with Glider, Pirox and Honorbuddy in Retail, then you will find the answer.



    The point is that WRobot is a fraction of what honorbuddy and glider was and the content people here make for it dont fix it or even come close and a new person will pay substantially MORE than they did with Glider and Honorbuddy for significantly less quality overall in botting experience.

    So you pay for all this stuff hoping eventually you'll have a practical bot that you can leave alone and not have 10+ deaths per hour on but you cant. That's misleading.

    When Honorbuddy and Glider said you could bot afk without looking they were right. You could do that. And you could do it cheaper for YEARS before it took Blizzard stealing the source code for the bots (Honorbuddy) or sueing for YEARS to win (Glider and kinda honorbuddy). The bots could do dungeons, they could do questing from 1-whatever, they could do duels, etc. There isn't a single dungeon/BG/Arena/questing full without constant issues profile for 1-70 AT LEAST and that's because there's no confidence and the documentation/client itself doesn't allow for it. 

    You cant bot with glider and honorbuddy because they dont exist. They never cared about shitty private servers because they wanted the big fish - retail. WRobot barely hung onto retail and cant even hang with private servers because none of it works without DIYing the entire thing yourself after finding that $70 worth of shit doesnt work.

  7. 1 hour ago, Talamin said:

    True words. The Content changed so much until Cata. Therefore it is much easier to level after this and creating Profiles. 

    Why? This is literally a click to move bot based on meshes, fight classes, and plugins to create a humanlike experience.
    In vanilla you didnt have instancing, instancing based on quests, instancing based on quest progression, LFR/LFR/LFG, etc.
    It's only harder because you have less chance to fail as a coder before the customers character that they're botting will die. The only thing that changed was the game became easier - that only made lazy bot profile makers jobs easier. 

    Honorbuddy did it, Glider did it, and they charged substantially less for the entire experience. The content creaters created better content, they did it for cheaper, and they did it for longer. There is a reason both services were so successful while WRobot relies on like 10 people to create (and charge whatever they want) for whatever content they decide to make.

    I'll say this a thousand times. You can spend 1,000 hours on something and it's not very good. You can create something that took 1,000 hours, cry about how long it took and how much you should charge - until other people come in and then charge half the price and created something 5x better in 40 hours. That's not the customers fault you took so long to make something so unusable without "manual intervention" as Matenia would say every 5 minutes.


    Here it is - quick and dirty. 

    After watching this video tell me this.
    If you create profiles/plugins/fightclasses for WRobot will you take the blame? My experience in Redridge has been the same on my level 40 hunter and my level 15 frost mage. Which is garbage. Are you telling me that if you put 1,000 hours into a fight class, plugin, and profile leveling me from 1-60 that I wouldnt, if ever, die for silly reasons or be OBVIOUSLY detected visually by everyone around me? No? Well then are you willing to say that the client is to blame? Do you need better documentation to help you code a better experience for your customers? No? The client is perfect? You are perfect? Then why cant I BG right now in retail with your profile in the classic relaunch here in a few weeks? Why cant I WRobot in retail? Because the content is based on an imperfect client creating imperfect plugins/fightclasses/profiles.

    Just be logical.

  8. 6 hours ago, Garub said:


    I really wanted Wrobot to get to that level of honorbuddy documentation.  Okay, I will not talk about my suggestions for improvement, if the community does not even care about doing something great, I do not have the strength to do it alone, nor does Droidz manifest, so I will not spend more words on it.  Sorry to bother someone.

    The community would have to remake their content that's why creators are against your requests.

    There's probably a reason this bot in terms of content is about a fraction that of Glider and significantly even moreso than honorbuddy.

    I was so confident with Honorbuddy because the profiles were at such a high level of standard and polish that I could confidently leave the bot running by itself after 5 minutes of setup with no added costs 24/7 365 on BLIZZ servers. This bot doesn't even come close to what has previously existed unfortunately. Wish it wasn't so.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Zer0 said:


    There is a problem with your setup. Provide us with some footage so we can help you sort it out.

    I tweaked a bunch of stuff over the past couple of hours again and with Anduido's questing profile, Matenias Humanizer, and Matenias combat rogue fightclass it's running fine right now. I'm still running into packs of mobs depending on the grinder. Having it set to 90% regen minimum is basically a requirement so I'm spending a huge amount on food just because the fightclass isn't able to keep up with energy regen for attacks making combat last forever.

    As it stands like $75 in and the bot is good enough for me to have to watch it constantly. I know Honorbuddy is different and had a paid staff however glider was pretty consistent in letting me go to work and just leave it on IN BLIZZARD servers...

  10. 3 minutes ago, tonycali said:

    I wish this guy was trollin but he's prolly 20's and wants that insta gratification lol =p.

    You have to be young to want to pay for as advertised finished products that are "truly afk" "good spell usage and efficiency" "levels almost totally afk"?

    I mean I guess even when a 5 year old walks into 7-11 and asks for the Snickers chocolate bar with caramel and it looks like trash, tastes like trash, and only had 2% kinda caramel they'd be upset too. Maybe I'm 5.

  11. 14 hours ago, Matenia said:

    Just fyi, the fightclass is likely mine, hence why I responded to that earlier.
    You keep claiming to have experience, but I've not seen anything but complaints.

    Please, oh wise one, teach me how to create a rogue fightclass that won't die vs same/higher level boars in westfall when you're running dagger rogue at low levels, probably still haven't even got an offhand weapon equipped and think that somehow the bot can magically make your rogue invincible when coded well. What exactly do you want to do? At that level, you have gouge, ss, evis and evasion. In Vanilla/TBC, Evasion is on a 5 minute CD. Every player who's stupid enough to engage combat below 100% HP with a mob his own level under those conditions is likely to die unless evasion is ready.

    It's like... learn your damn class. I'm 100% sure, you've actually failed to set up wRobot to regen at 55 or 60%, so it doesn't regen after rezzing and it still engages combat unless you drop below 35% (the default setting). Then you come here and blame people because you lack basic game knowledge. 
    Not to mention every single profile specifically points out that rogue and warrior are the hardest classes to bot on and you need to manually interfere to update gear occasionally. 

    im running a plugin that auto buys vender gear at same level if it drops below two levels.

    regen is at 100% because i couldnt find any other way to not have 15 deaths per hour minimum.

    you dont have to call me out because you're getting upsetti that you're stuff isn't making a pleasant leveling experience.
    manually interefere? I have my wrobot latency down to nothing and if I interfere I kill the vulture with 60% HP left but if your fightclass and humanizer plugin fights it runs at 15% HP and gets picked off because it clicked to move in a zig zag pattern for WHATEVER FUCKING REASON.


    again - why did glider community made profiles lead me to less deaths? i had no real issues back in the day downloading random free profiles but paying $55 here gets me 10 deaths per hour fully kitted with downloads and settings fully tweaked for max survivability yet i'm still dying 6 times in a row to a same level vulture in westfall. I literally turned off the bot yesterday and just called it off. It's not working.


    and PS that bot level bullshit doesnt exist with a good bot - with honorbuddy everyone was the same thing. the bot was so good it couldnt be detected until blizzard ripped the source code. I'd be "level 2" if I didnt have to basically pay for shit and then add hundreds of line of code. I pay for finished product not tested by 10 friends in discord one week projects.


    if all these "sellers" could just list their products as unfinished, barely tested, requires regular "manual interference", is not afk, grinds 5 levels and then picks up 2 quests to save on code, clicks sinister strike like .8 seconds after i have the energy for it, and runs away dying from NPCs in a zigzag no sprint guaranteeing death, then great! Then there would finally be no false advertising 

  12. I think the issue is that "competant buyers" shouldnt be people who realize that most payed for content in Wrobot is not even remotely out of the box ready to use without a ban within the first week of botting without decent code alteration or 10+ deaths per hour.

    its about expectation - new users are brought to a payed for client called Wrobot with the promise of competant and dedicated coders who write quality scripts that do what you pay for. They frequently dont and you are the person who fronts that burdon by being banned, by having to fix their code, or by having to pay for other stuff that works better with other peoples shit.

    I don't think you should expect your consumer to heavily modify your stuff because the other profiles or fightclasses they have to download/pay for are garbage even if your plugin was decent.


    Like literally just now. I bought Andionos 1-60 profile for grinding, I have a payed for Combat Rogue fightclass, I have Matenias Humanizing plugin - and my rogue just died fighting a same level 15 goretusk in westfall TWO TIMES IN A ROW. One NPC killed me, and we were the same level. That's not proper coding nor is it quality fightclass coding. Not only did Wrobot fail to provide me a quality mesh, nor did Matenia develope code that could get me out of dying two times in a row to a same level NPC, nor did the maker of the combat rogue fightclass code something that could quickly execute a good rotation. It's ALL low quality.


    I just spent the equivalent of a brand new triple AAA game title to get probably the lowest quality botting experience out-of-the-box experience that WoW has had available since botting in this game became available.


    Probably the saddest part is that no specific programmer is to blame. A good profile and good humanizing plugin but a bad fightclass will still lead you to level 2 weeks slower than you would by yourself with 10+ hours per day of botting. A good plugin and fightclass but a bad profile can get you 2 weeks slower than yourself. This hasnt existed until WRobot.

  13. 3 hours ago, Ordush said:

    I will bet you that most of us here use more than 40 hours on our stuff lol. 

    4 hours ago, calmwhiteguy said:

    You can spend 100 hours on something and it's still shit and that doesnt give you the right to be upset that someone calls it shit despite you spending a ridiculous amount of time on it.



  14. It's not about conflict - it's about hoping people step up their quality.

    It's dissapointing for hundreds of new users coming in and finding a bot that microtransactioned like a phone and just like phone apps the overall quality is extremely subpar.

    And this is directly comparing to the exact same system Glider had, for example. Glider was a bot that people sold profiles for. Why did those look so much less like bots? Why did they do so much more in one profile than a plugin, a fightclass, and a profile can do in WRobot community?


    I know nothing can come out of this - it was just to voice general frustration coming from a developers point of view - the quality and pricing matchup here is not as advertised. It's mostly highschool weekend coding with an iffy client that very clearly gets a lot of people banned in private servers. All the while everything is listed as AFK QUESTING BOT or FULLY FUNCTIONAL FIGHTCLASS when it doesn't do anything as advertised, only lets you do it on one IP, and gives you a limited amount of downloads. I'm over here testing the BEST 3 "questing" + grinding bots for alliance 1-60/70 in TBC and there's 15 other people next to me running the same paths, doing the same fightclasses, it's all copy pasted lines of code and minimal effort. I'm "questing" one level out of 5 on every top level most downloaded profile.

    We've done better than this in the past and it's dissapointing to see where the botting community has gone. 


    The only thing I've found here that would even raise an eyebrow linking in a Resume is Matenia's work so far.

  15. I write C++, C, Java, HTML CSS, LUA, and Python.

    WRobot calls them Plugins, Profiles, Fightclasses, etc.

    If you spend 40 hours (and i'll bet you money that 75% of the things sold on here went nowhere near 40 hours) on something and sell 80 copies of a $10 dollar "plugin" that's $800 which equates to $20 an hour worth of work.

    If you spent 40 hours 3 years ago on a profile and then continued to sell it at $10 per pop per SINGLE IP address - and then you've sold 200 copies that's $2,000 for which you made $50 an hour on something you half assed 3 years ago.

    That's money. And in most states in the USA that's decent money. For something that's 1/5th the quality people charged the same in under Glider.
    I think it's a lack of dedication. 40 hours for people here seems to be 10 hours for the people who made profiles when Glider was around. You can spend 100 hours on something and it's still shit and that doesnt give you the right to be upset that someone calls it shit despite you spending a ridiculous amount of time on it.


    compound that with you selling a 1-60 and then just adding a 60-70 separate payment instead of making a TBC specific 1-70 profile looks lazy. It wouldnt take much to combine them and it will improve the quality and feel of the product but things like that aren't considered here. It's about professionalism and quality. You spend a month making 12 half assed $10 each profile/plugin/fightclasses and you're making decent money while people get banned regularly in the servers.

  16. 1 minute ago, Ordush said:

    Most of you guys are forgetting that a lot of the coders on the old bots were actually paid to do what they do.

    I mean $5-10 for a profile that only quests one level out of 5 is basically getting paid to do what they do - which is probably about 200 copy paste lines of code.

    Or a plugin that just says to sinister strike 5 times and then eviscerate. Or frost bolt until damaged then frost shield.


  17. I'm not singling you out Matenia - you're humanizing plugin is the only thing that makes WRobot even function.

    Unfortunately the others (bamboo) either do 1-60 and charge for 60-70 separately or dont offer anything for TBC or whatever. The whole experience as a newcomer is incredibly frustrating and expensive compared to what was offered with nearly the same service (Glider) or actually professional (coders were paid by Bosslands) Honorbuddy examples. There's no where near the same polish.

    That and both of them List everything as "grinder + quests" which means 1 level of questing and then 5 levels of grinding, 1 level of questing, 5 levels of grinding.

    For example with Anduinos when I bought the 1-60 it was the same as Truly's. I hit level 10 and now I have to just watch it grind and skip all these quests until 14 then it might pick up 3 quests to level 15 and then grind till 19 again. That's not really polished.

  18. 16 minutes ago, Zer0 said:

    everything he said

    Yeah man - as a former creator for Glider profiles it really is a challenge and I get that. I just rarely if ever saw people put out work that was anywhere near as low of quality. For every 20 payed profiles/plugins/etc there are 1 that are listed as advertised and yet even then everything moves exactly like a runescape bot.

    I just put in like almost $50 FOR ONE CHARACTER (A human rogue) just to see how far it can get. I can tell you that after a half hour of tinkering and restarting Wrobot things usually start and I've got it from 10 deaths an hour to 1 or 2. After that it's mindless illogical half grinding half questing sometimes dying sometimes afk'ing. Honorbuddy would level me at least 4x as fast and any average rated Glider profile would be 2x as fast

    You NEVER got that low of quality with anything near HB or Glider community profiles. By 6 months in most glider profiles were VERY solid and it almost became hard to compete as a creator. Here it feels like "hard work" was a full weekend of redbull and tweaking 4 lines of code after someone got banned from an untested/unfinished "really afk" profile.

    Like I'm running Humanizer/afk plugin ($25), a payed for combat rogue plugin($10), and Truly afk 1-70 ($10) and jesus christ I genuinly have to have my eyeballs glued to the screen wondering WTF is going on with this idiot bot every 5 minutes? Like you've got 5 quests to turn in but your vanishing off of level 8 mobs when you're level 11? It's disgraceful. And I don't mean to hate on creator content - I just hate paying A LOT OF MONEY compared to what was available in the past for an exponentially more buggy and inefficient system.


    It's also REALLY dissapointing to have creators require order ID's on their plugins that confine you to however many IPS THEY want you to use or however many accounts open THEY want to charge you for. You cant just pay for 3 sessions on Wrobot and start. You have to pay for a fightingclass for each character ($5-10 each), a Plugin to make them at least function in combat ($15+) and then hope to god that there is a semi decent leveling profile in your expansion (rare and $5+). Then after you pay all that money you realize that the plugin only gives you one IP so if your bot gets IP banned you lose your $25. Then your Quester requires you to pay for more IPS.. Then you're out $55. It's shady, its bad for business, and you folks rope people in with bot promises and then microtransaction them with all this shit tier coding.

  19. Well I found that for any questing profile to have the faintest efficiency I have to skip half the quest options until I google when they become available.

    Secondly someone recommended the humanizing plugin ($20) and that was the bare minimum to not chain die after already tweaking the settings you mentioned.

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