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vodkalol reacted to Matenia for a file, Simple AntiDetection
This is a small plugin which will not be developed further. The source is attached, you can modify it and recompile it yourself if you're interested.
If GMs turn your mob green, this plugin *should* recognize that your enemy is no longer attackable, stop the fight, turn around and walk away a little, then say something in chat before pausing the bot for a few seconds and moving on its way.
For specifics, check the source. The IsEnemy() method can probably be changed to contain UnitIsFriend (Lua) in case GMs use a different method that makes the bot think the target is attackable even if its faction is friendly to you. In that case, you might need to also change it to check for specific NPC flags. But this would require knowing exactly how GMs test for a bot.
vodkalol reacted to Matenia for a file, MovementRandomizer
Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying
MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
vodkalol reacted to Matenia for a file, [Example] Random areas (on a timer) for grinding
This is not a quester useful in itself.
It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes.
Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class.
It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
vodkalol reacted to Bambo for a file, [Bugfix] Orgrimmar Blaze Avoider
Hey wRobot Community,
with the current pathing there is a problem in orgrimmar. My bots keep running into blazes and bonfires.
This small plugin fixes most of these spot, if you find any spot that your chars still get stuck on in vanilla orgrimmar, please let me know.
Download the .cs file Put it into your plugin folder Enable this plugin Remember please: A like/thank you button can be pressed for free and makes me feel like a super hero. Please press it if you use this. ?
Orgrimmar Blaze Avoider.cs
vodkalol reacted to Droidz for a file, WRobot - Official
More info: here
Change Log: here We support all Windows versions, from Win Vista to Win 11.
You can found list of supported game versions here:
Install notes:
WRobot don't works? go here to repair it.
Don't forget to select your WRobot version in "Update" window.
You can download old version here.
vodkalol reacted to Matenia for a file, WhatsGoingOn - Showing bot status ingame
Quickly thrown together plugin that creates a frame in game and shows what your bot is currently doing so you don't have to check the bot status all the time.