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About Networkz

  • Birthday 02/24/1994

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    Computers, Quads, Skidoo's, Anything with electronics or a motor that i can somehow try and take apart and make function in a higher efficiency manner. I may be 19 years old, But i am really fucking smart ! lol. Have a questions just ask bros !

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  1. I have not forgotten, i just left the world for a while, im currently trying to restart everything from scratch, but its another learning curve lol. I need to learn alot of coding in order to be able to do everything and get it as fully afk able as i can.. so its going to be alot of work and a long road.
  2. You need to run the Updater in the folder you placed all your WowRobot stuff. Dont run the Bot itself, there is another one that says updater. run that, update your client, and then your good to use the bot again.
  3. So, your going to need to make a travel profile to travel from one zone to the next, and your going to have to call on it in the functions Load profile, Once loaded it should run it to the next zone, once there get it to load your next zones daily quest profile. A) Make a Profile for each zone, and its Dailies. B) Make Travel profiles from one zone to the next. C) Do a zone > Travel To Profile > Do the Zone > Travel To profile > Next zone etc.. and so on so fourth. you can use the quester like a grinder. just get it to follow waypoints all the way to the next zone. Might work.. Inside quest tools, on the bottom, there is a path creator that marks waypoints. you could use wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(38.23928f, 10.52102f, -4.297345f)); **Use this in a RunCode Statement. Add a new line with new Vectors for each hotspot you want to follow Until you get to the end then run your next profile, I havent tried it out yet as im not in the process of making anything haha. or you could Try and use followpath as a quest type ? maybe....
  4. Droidz, Would there be a Possibility of adding in a Route Creator or something. I find in alot of areas when making questing profiles in the new zones there are alot of reacurring Stucks in very awkward places.. What i mean by this addons is Creates more Complex Route based profile to Call upon when going To and From a Spot to turn in quests or Run to Another zone etc.. I would find this very useful in the work that i am doing. So this addon in my mind. Would. Create a set of Exact waypoints to follow with click to move or Set hotpot every X amount of Steps. Then When writing a New Profile you can call on to a profile like (if=quest(123455)) =isCompleted; call(profile(123455)) returnPath; execute= returnPath; I cant code worth a piss so im not sure if im on crack or what lol. Or if you can Implement something like this at all. if you can read my mind Awesome, If not I tried xD
  5. DROIDZ! Would you potentially make a Development team for mmorobot ?
  6. Well then let's get something for WOD going. Seems like we have a dev options setup :)
  7. Might be able to work something out with you. Trying to get my quest profiles going here. But i gotta relearn everything because i quit for a long time. so its taking a bit for the c# coding to get back in lol.
  8. Yea, I have to refamiliarize myself to coding for wow again lol.
  9. Is anything wrong with the code droidz.. I can't seem to find a mistake in it. Was practically a copy / paste from yours haha!
  10. Okay, fight classes I actually know nothing about haha. I am just like a profile creator for the actual movement / waypoints / quests. Etc... I could learn the fight classes but I dont know a lot of coding like others to get them working to their best possibilities. I could try and find a way to open up the code on some of honorbuddies fight classes and maybe import the code... But everything else would take me a while haha !! I dunno. I'll see what i can learn. Although my monk isn't mistweaver I could change specs just for the profile.. Umm. But yea just let me see if I can do something over the next few days / weeks. I roof everyday so I work 12 hour days right now lol. So time is limited unless it's raining.
  11. Droidz By the time im done this your going to turn me into a proffesional programmer lol ! ! !
  12. I TOOK TO LONG OF A BREAK I FORGET IT ALL ! ! ! ! ! OMG ! ! ! Okay So ive Been through the Forum and Been looking and i did find what i thought was an answer to my question, I in turn tried it out and am still experience an issue. My Log Comes up with the steps and the steps actually look good, I dont have any debug errors or errors at all. But when i use (EDIT* 35933 is the Quest Azeroths last stand. This is for starting your 90 - 100 Journey.. and i beleive the second turn in for 90 - 100, after doing the quest The Dark Portal. or It just stands there, It doesnt try and open the window to accept the quest or Turn it in.. And Also If i wanted to accept one or more of these types of quests would the code look like this or would this work for accepting or not lol.. Sorry this is like relearning my ABC's The Log is Fairly Long and 95% of my issues are all at the bottom, I went through and deleted the first quest on the profile because ill just make it start in the Blasted lands. Ummmmm!!! What else.. Yea thats about all. Everything at the bottom of log is my issues lol. top 75% is irrelevant to the question so far xD This is also quite literally the very first quest on the profile lol! 21 May 2015 12H15.log.html 90-100 Horde.xml
  13. What kind of Profiles would you like to see done >_< Ill see if i can get to some of them. I just got back after a long break so my quest profiles are being created again as necessary.
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