Quester - Wotlk
55 files
58 - 67 Outland
By colderpotato
I made this earlier today it goes to 67 from 58 and mainly grinds near alliance towns.
Can use it horde if want also recommend having bags, flying mount and decent gear.
The toon i did these with 1x lordearon was fully 60 twink pvp geared may not be super auto for everyone if gear lacks.
Also use quester with this one should go fine its one of those grinders.
Quest 5-10 A
By titi__x
quests from lvl 5 to 10 (elwynn forest).
highly recommend:
get addon Quest-Omatic (thx to colderpotato) auto accept and finish quests. You need to enable selling or buy bags. search radius: 40 attack before being attacked. make goldshire your home and get some food. important: not tested, i can't afford key (its so annoying to run bot with trial key).
if you need some help or you find any bug let me know!
also if you need 1 to 5 profile.
- wotlk
- quest 1-5 a
- (and 1 more)
10 - 15 LochMod Beta
By colderpotato
This will go off from where the 1 to 10 leaves off atm it has been started and it will find path out of towers only goes to about 11.
Because no longer going off of zygor since don't wan deal with flight paths to much yet, but I am looking into ok quests to do atm.
As it sits atm level to 11 and half way to 12 going to be adding filler next update + few quest just ran out of time for it now.
1-12 Mulgore (Tauren) -
Full AFK Questprofile.
Enable Selling Items Get Bags With current Version of the Bot 1.5.6 (38508) - Stop the Bot at LvL 6 and train new Skills.
Report Bugs via Privat Message.
Quest 1-5 A
By titi__x
do all quests in start zone "except quest=3905 to avoid being stuck" then continue to goldshire.