70-80 - Legion
6 files
[A + H][Grinder] 73-80 Argent Stand
By eeny
Really simple profile i use for my characters. start on the stairs west of Argent Stand and simply run around the block killing ghouls / fiends / abominations. Given enough time you can get to 73-80 with this profile.
Its all next to town to selling / repairing is quick. I'm sure some smart person can modify this to add vendors and such, my bots found their own way however.
Enable "attack target in fight" or you will walk past a fair bit.
78-80 Northrend Crystalsong Forest (Horde/Alliance)
By Mr. Robot
This is a nice spot I used to level two warriors from 75-80. I had heirloom gear for both though so if your toon isn't very strong you should wait until you're 78. It has good exp for leveling and there are both Horde and Alliance FPs & vendors very close. The location is pretty secluded though so I never saw any other players there. There are a couple things you can skin and tree mobs you can harvest for herbs.
70-74 Grizzly Hills
By tonycalves
I created this profile because there was no profile for lvl 70-74. It is simple and quick, many mob and they are not far from each other. Not many people go through here. Tell me :)
Zul drak - Gundrak Zone
By Jdpower
77-80 Leveling grinder profile.
Lot of herbs and minings.
Around 60K XP/hour unrested
Aroung 20G/h + junk sales
Rate if you like it :)
Hyjal 78-82 Leveling
By Warl0ckz
This is a small route to level from 78-82. It will kill the earth elementals outside the starting place in Hyjal. You might be able to start here at 77 but the mobs have 30K hp so I don't know. There is a vendor and repair included which I think is only for Alliance but I am unsure because both horde and alliance come and go from the place where they are.
The gold from here isn't that bad either. I did this lv 80-82 and got about 600G purely from the greys and greens that I just sold to the vendor. You also get a lot of volatile earth and a few stacks of ores if you have mining. I get about 170 volatiles in the 2 levels which are about 2G 50S on my realm as well as the ores selling for 45G per stack on my realm.
Please give some feedback!
75-78 Scholazar Basin - Snakes - Gators - Plants.xml
By Minerals
Just a simple grind in Scholazar Basin to get xp and farm Borean Leather.