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[A] [Quest] 1-60 grinder V6

   (6 reviews)

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About This File

Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers.

The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling.

The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60.  At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide.  A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC.

Leveling paths:

Vanilla 1-45

1-6 Northshire 

6-14 Elwynn

14-19 Westfall 

19-22 Redridge 

22-32 Duskwood. 

32-36 STV

36-45 Swamp of sorrows

Vanilla 25-60

25-31 Wetlands

31-37 Arathi

37-43 Badlands

43-51 hunterlans

51-55 WPL

55-60 EPL


While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.

The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on.

A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.


What's New in Version V6   See changelog


Added small blackspots for some areas to stop the bot running into groups of 3-4.

Added druid / pally trainers for 6-45

Added some rare spawns in 25-60

still a grind profile.


V6 19th December 2017

Added 1-22 quest profile to vanilla

Added more files to BC content

Modifies 6-45 and 25-60 grind spots and added / removed some mobs after continued testing / use.



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2 hours ago, Torug said:

@Duskwood why not still farming Ogres all the time? Easy to kill, good respawn - no fucking person there. Instead he is farming some Wolves 7 level below me. 
Any way to "force" to use ogre Path?

I dont like to leave the bot in 1 spot for too long- while the Ogres are great farming if you spend 4 lvls there people will notice.  If you want it to stick around a while longer there- edit the fiile with a notepad (make a copy first) and search for  line      


and change 30 to 31 or 32 as you see fit.

Alternatively, use the quest file editor

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Just bought it, im a lvl 7 now but it keeps walking to Dane Winslow in Northshire Valley. Its stuck there for almost a hour now, any fix?

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2 hours ago, pepzlesy said:

Just bought it, im a lvl 7 now but it keeps walking to Dane Winslow in Northshire Valley. Its stuck there for almost a hour now, any fix?

This can't be using the 6-45 file? 

If it's the 1-6 file you likely manually completed a quest and now the bot is trying to complete it again. GOTO quest options / enable disable steps and untick the quest it's trying to pick up. 

Or just load the 6-45 file. If it's still stuck send me a log and il check where it's hung up

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Hey Eeny, Just about to ding 50 grinding in hinterlands with hinterlandsend on the 25-60, and It's in the cave grinding the Ooze's, I noticed that It will run up the ramp, attack the mob and jump off (taking some falling damage) and subsequently pulling more mobs down below if they've re spawned. It will continue to run up the ramp and jump off over and over (for hunter at least) and actually results In quite a few deaths, I've been baby sitting it and just pulling my pet back down so It'll stop getting stuck in a loop like that. I'm sure It's a problem with pathfinding more than the profile but I think the waypoint's could be slightly improved.

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1 hour ago, Faffywaffy said:

Hey Eeny, Just about to ding 50 grinding in hinterlands with hinterlandsend on the 25-60, and It's in the cave grinding the Ooze's, I noticed that It will run up the ramp, attack the mob and jump off (taking some falling damage) and subsequently pulling more mobs down below if they've re spawned. It will continue to run up the ramp and jump off over and over (for hunter at least) and actually results In quite a few deaths, I've been baby sitting it and just pulling my pet back down so It'll stop getting stuck in a loop like that. I'm sure It's a problem with pathfinding more than the profile but I think the waypoint's could be slightly improved.

Thanks, il take a look at it, may blacklist that cave entirely. You could look at the alt files azshara/ tanaris to lvl up. 

Lvl 50 on north dale may also be time to start lvling by hand to eliminate bans. Areas are getting busy with 60s above that point 

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3 hours ago, eeny said:

Thanks, il take a look at it, may blacklist that cave entirely. You could look at the alt files azshara/ tanaris to lvl up. 

Lvl 50 on north dale may also be time to start lvling by hand to eliminate bans. Areas are getting busy with 60s above that point 

Luckily i'm on a low pop pve server "hint hint" so most of the area's are wide open, no fear or afk botting for hours. I'm trying Azshara now as i was doing WPL Sorrow Hill, but I had to manually blacklist some areas since once you clear the initial part It would just run into the graveyard area, 5-7 mobs and ultimately die, I got it worked out now but a level 60 mage showed up aoe farming the spot..

Only got to 40ish on northdale before i just gave up, more trouble then it's worth.

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@eeny having another issue, with the 25-60 cloth profile, I'm trying to run it in EPL my hunter is 56 now (The 47-56 profile works great by the way) aside from the fact that by default it was set to sell blues, so I lost who knows how many rares, but anyway I have my toon sitting in EPL and i ran the profile and he's not moving at all, or looking for mobs, I tried upping the levels for the profiles and still nothing, any idea?

Running the non-cloth profile works however, i guess its not set for any cloth mobs in EPL? all beasts.

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11 minutes ago, Faffywaffy said:

@eeny having another issue, with the 25-60 cloth profile, I'm trying to run it in EPL my hunter is 56 now (The 47-56 profile works great by the way) aside from the fact that by default it was set to sell blues, so I lost who knows how many rares, but anyway I have my toon sitting in EPL and i ran the profile and he's not moving at all, or looking for mobs, I tried upping the levels for the profiles and still nothing, any idea?

Running the non-cloth profile works however, i guess its not set for any cloth mobs in EPL? all beasts.

The pulse structure  look the same between files- share a log with me via PM?

Edited by eeny
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Im stuck at the Quartemaster Lewis in Sentinel Tower twice now, i cant find a reason why it gets stuck. I really liked the help you gave me on Discord but now its still stuck and i cant find a way to keep the bot going. The account level is lvl 29 works fine untill now

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12 hours ago, pepzlesy said:

Im stuck at the Quartemaster Lewis in Sentinel Tower twice now, i cant find a reason why it gets stuck. I really liked the help you gave me on Discord but now its still stuck and i cant find a way to keep the bot going. The account level is lvl 29 works fine untill now

Its not a profile specific issue- more general bot thing


.  You will find some vendors are better than others, if you find one that doesnt work- either add a blacklist to the profile, or blacklist the vendor through Tools ? blacklist editor

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46 minutes ago, Chrille94 said:

the bot is trying to kill hunters pets 

bot settings >advanced options > ignore combat with pets

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3 hours ago, brosky said:

33 lvl, gets stuck in a hill in duskwood trying to get to kurzen, known problem ?

not really- that should be a move to from darkshire to STV.  was the bot going after a bugged mob or something?

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bot was working wonderfully for 2nd days but for some strange reason it wont sell stuff now? doesnt seem to know when bags are full it just stays doing loot animation.

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1 hour ago, Reggan said:

bot was working wonderfully for 2nd days but for some strange reason it wont sell stuff now? doesnt seem to know when bags are full it just stays doing loot animation.

The profile doesn't control how the bot interacts with vendors.

This could just be a bad vendor, sometimes if a vendor has a chat option before the vendor window the bot can struggle, also if you have a bunch of stuff in the first bag on your do not sell list it can bug out. 

Maybe just blacklist the vendor (tools blacklist editor) and force the bot to go to another one and make sure the stuff in your do not sell list is out of your first bag. 

Or look at a plugin / addon that auto sells greys. 

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bots going good huge problem in redridge, bot get stucks under pier and just patrols back and forth.


22:24:17.511 - [Fight] Player Attack Great Goretusk (lvl 17)
[N] 22:24:17.615 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9337.519 ; -2190.06 ; 54.72597 ; "Swimming" to -9453.433 ; -2123.409 ; 70.36365 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:24:18.055 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (271.1417y)
[N] 22:24:21.846 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:24:21.846 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[D] 22:24:21.862 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
[N] 22:24:27.248 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9322.684 ; -2209.488 ; 54.72665 ; "Swimming" to -9602.135 ; -2081.053 ; 68.87911 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:24:27.743 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (428.8501y)
[N] 22:24:33.401 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:24:33.401 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 22:24:34.434 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 22:24:34.434 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -9300.384 ; -2217.309 ; 58.71487 ; "None" - Target pos: -9293.152 ; -2219.835 ; 62.38076 ; "None" Continent: Azeroth Tile: 36.15746_49.43822
[N] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out
[N] 22:24:35.598 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 22:24:35.598 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9300.516 ; -2217.263 ; 58.62083 ; "None" to -9602.135 ; -2081.053 ; 68.87911 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 22:24:35.776 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (366.3742y)


also another issues is my bots seems to find there way back to elywnn to farm when they are 20 lol?

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On 7/29/2018 at 8:48 PM, eeny said:

The profile doesn't control how the bot interacts with vendors.

This could just be a bad vendor, sometimes if a vendor has a chat option before the vendor window the bot can struggle, also if you have a bunch of stuff in the first bag on your do not sell list it can bug out. 

Maybe just blacklist the vendor (tools blacklist editor) and force the bot to go to another one and make sure the stuff in your do not sell list is out of your first bag. 

Or look at a plugin / addon that auto sells greys. 

fixed vendor issue a quick restart and all is good

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I bought the guide its not that sneaky but if you leave the channels off you can just watch netflix or what ever in the same room and not get caught. 3-4 people assumed i was botting but replied so it was no biggie.


I like the level pace with this not to many deaths and sticky zones only arthi it got stuck on mobs that were a bit high level like the voids my only problem is got to 52 but it still sends me to the hinterlands. 

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5 hours ago, ulmo123 said:

Hey ,


I accidentally bought Alliance profile instead of Horde possible to make the change?


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1 hour ago, miltonbrad said:

Are you planning on adding more stuff to the alliance grinding proile pack like u did with horde?

Pulled down the latest file recently?  should have ~ 40 alt files in there.

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so just an opinion but the 6-45 should skip redridge cause 1 redridge is bugged with pathing issues. 2 the mobs arent high enough level to really give enough xp. 3 u level till 19 in westfall and the mobs in duskwood are level 20 so its not hard to level once you're 19. just a thought, im running the bot now and i made it skip redridge and its doing fine as a paladin and hunter combo and im sure just the paladin would get along smoothly.

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