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[PAID] Frostmage 1-60 1.3.1

   (7 reviews)

About This File

Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. DO NOT USE ON TBC+

For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version.


Installation instructions


How to get your transaction id

Go to your purchase email, which also contains your download link. Download the product and install it following the README.txt


Your transaction ID here is "1314324" you will need to copy this into the fightclass settings after purchasing it to be able to use it. Make sure the DLL file is extracted into your FightClass folder.
You do this by clicking on the little cogwheel icon after selecting the correct filename in your Fight Class (wRobot settings tab).
Scroll all the way to the top and enter the ID you received in your email:


For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly.


Creates Water/Food, so that you can use it for max level farming in highly contested areas too.
It automatically sets your current water/food in general settings. You only need to activate drinking.

You should utilize the Permafrost talent, it makes kiting more effective.


Dynamic Rotation

  • Polymorphs offtargets if you are attacked by more than 1 enemy
  • Evocation during combat, only after kiting so that you aren't interrupted
  • Kites away from your enemies if they are melee and will switch target if someone gets closer to you
  • Uses Frostbolt+Fireblast at low levels and Shatter (Cone of Cold) at higher levels
  • Wands if no mana is left

Situational Spell Usage

  • Uses all your spells, Evocation, Cold Snap, etc


  • Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot
  • No need to put anything on your bars
  • Can buff players around you


This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.

If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.


PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key


I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.


Check out my other Fightclasses

What's New in Version 1.3.1   See changelog


- authentication system bug fixed, this caused the server (and your client) a lot of load, PLEASE update

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Ho ann the CS is just spammed he wont even wait the cast ^^ sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt not really trouble but im feeling beta tester

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The wand is used after blink which sometimes waist the nova time coz he randomly stop after X shots ( not only when mana low)

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1 hour ago, shadowsaso said:

I'm gonna DL your smartest blink move to try, but maybe you should put an option so he wont use blink when mana <50% ( less risk and save mana) idk

You can disable blink in the fightclass settings, if you are grinding in generally overcrowded spots.

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I feel like I got ripped of my this, im using your human plugin and this profile.


Frostbolts are not casting instantly after each other it always wait like 200ms or more, "not" spamming like a human would, also when you start the bot and it wants to generate food/water it spams trying to create it while running, also using number1 on your key is really annoying the bot is really awful, the cone of cold is also a mess and hardly casted at rank level 30.


The profile also just tends to run into mobs before taking them at RANGE.

The ideal way would be frostbolt x3 or 4x until mob arrives, cone of cold, move away frost bolt 2x, frost nova if no yellow mobs around, use COC/Firenova when mob is less than 7-10%, I feel like you should add those settings so players can adjust their self, the profile it self is not very good.


Get the profile to blink at escape, so many irritations about this profile, the sheep is good however, in most cases, with that said, while having 2 mobs, killing the first then being low health, resheep mob being sure it wont get out, then use first aid and nail it after, why is this not a thing, that is the human way profile and human plugin screams bot.


Also your human profile does not add up for extra mob aggroing while escaping, it will only escape from initially but every other mob you drag with it, will let you get killed, half cooked plugins :(



Last but not least, the bot does not take into consideration when a mobs get auto frost nova, it will waste another frost nova 10-50ms after the mob just got auto hit by it, WHY, add delayed check timer to see if mob is already captured.


Get the plugin to use class skills like bezerking on trolls, its wasted!


uh uuh uhh last thing profile is shit spamming fireball/frostball on key1 all the time its insane, the swap sounds plays every 100ms or so, swap swap swap swap swap swap swap.

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Gonna address this one by one, but it's clear to me that you didn't use wRobot without my product and therefore aren't really sure what wRobot can and can't do or how it works in general, so I'll try to give you a short rundown:

If you have problems with the rotation being slow (i.e. there is time between frostbolt casts), you're either running on a toaster or 30 bots at once - something is severely slowing the rotation down. If you actually check the log, it will tell you very clearly how long the average rotation is taking. You can disable framelock, it will slow the rotation down but works better with slow computers. This can sometimes skip some spells.

I don't really understand why it bothers you that I am switching out hotkey bars. But this has to be done in vanilla, to check if the spell can be casted. This isn't PQR, if you're using this while playing the game yourself, you're doing something wrong. Disable the ingame sound if action bar swaps are bothering you (or disable the background sound, I'm sure you're not actually sitting there waching the bot play).

If you have problems with it casting conjuring spells while running, adjust your latency settings in wRobot. 500-800 is the least you need on most vanilla servers.

The profile does not run into mobs at all. wRobot controls this behavior, I only control behavior once wRobot starts a fight. The plugin comes with a smart pull option that improves this behavior a bit, but if you are running a quester and your "attack before being attacked" option is not on, wRobot will only fight back against enemies already attacking you. It doesn't attack enemies that aren't on your current grind/kill list.

Now for the actual rotation. Most players don't have good gear. Cone of Cold is pretty mana cost intesive, therefore it is ONLY used to shatter, as it says in the product description. That means if your enemy is in CoC range (or there are several enemies) and right after casting frostbolt. Fireblast is used in the exact same way, plus on enemies below 15%. The reason the bot will sometimes cast frost nova into frostbite is not because I don't check this (I do), but rather because by the time you personally see frost nova hit, it was casted "ages" ago. It is either that, or your wRobot updating enemy debuffs too slowly (again, CPU/computer speed issue).

Implementing first aid (and re-sheeping the same mob on your own timer) aren't easy tasks, that's why you will not see them around here anyway. Automating (properly) first aid alone is a huge undertaking that, if I ever implemented it, would either come as a separate plugin or as part of HMP - but definitely not inside a regular fightclass. Berserking is  part of the fightclass, so I'm not sure what you're talking about...


HMP does account for additional mobs and tries to avoid them when making a path to escape. It clearly says in the description that this won't work in crowded areas. It is set to run 125 yards away. If you don't drop aggro by then, you're pretty much dead anyway. There is only so much you can do programmatically and I cam very open and honest about where the products are flawed. There are videos included for a reason. You cannot say you feel cheated when there are free plugins all over (created by me) portraying parts of the functionality, as well as a free demo version of the fightclass attached to evaluate the product. 


I encourage you to make your own fightclass using the fightclas editor and run wRobot without my plugin to see how advanced things actually are.

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I will copy next log for you


Use another hotkey BAR than on BAR 1 use on another example like 4 or 5 "bar"

I see others profiles I paid for doing exactly this, sometimes you want to play your self or monitor it while dying and want to take over, suddenly hotkey 1 on bar 1 is mana gem or something..


Im running on a 8700k 5ghz cpu  wth 16gb 3600mhz cl14 + 1080ti 11gb + 250gb 960 evo and a 1tb 840 evo from samsung ...

I have around 30ms latency to server im just next to it elysiu....


My internet is 1/1 gbit on the WAN side

I really doubt my system is a "toaster"


The bezerker has never worked for me on your fight class it works on imagepro and other paids profiles i paid for for other classes, but not yours.


But tell me what, give me screenshots of general settings every window that has the important settings and what you suggest and I will see if it helps anything, because all my shit is default, with paid lvling profiles, your hmp and vanillamage fight plugin.

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7 hours ago, temptempdk said:

The bezerker has never worked for me on your fight class it works on imagepro and other paids profiles i paid for for other classes, but not yours.

Try redownloading. I changed something about it, but since it's worked for me before, I'm not sure if this will fix your issue with it.

As for your system - vanilla is badly optimzied for modern hardware. If there is some sort of bottleneck (I've heard this from Nvidia users), it struggles to even get 30fps sometimes. I'm not sure this is the case for you, but it very well could be. You can check out the "Fight" logging. If the rotation constantly jumps over 100ms, that's an issue that needs to be taken care of. You are doing the whole 60hz/60fps/vsync enabled with CTM, correct? 

I'm at work, so can't take any screenshots. But for latency increasing (in advanced settings, for wRobot), you can find plenty of threads her -. like this: 


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22 hours ago, Matenia said:

Try redownloading. I changed something about it, but since it's worked for me before, I'm not sure if this will fix your issue with it.

As for your system - vanilla is badly optimzied for modern hardware. If there is some sort of bottleneck (I've heard this from Nvidia users), it struggles to even get 30fps sometimes. I'm not sure this is the case for you, but it very well could be. You can check out the "Fight" logging. If the rotation constantly jumps over 100ms, that's an issue that needs to be taken care of. You are doing the whole 60hz/60fps/vsync enabled with CTM, correct? 

I'm at work, so can't take any screenshots. But for latency increasing (in advanced settings, for wRobot), you can find plenty of threads her -. like this: 


My client(wow) runs at 1000fps constantly if not cap put on I have to cap it to 60fps and 60hz via nvidia drivers and set 60hz and vsync ingame in order to work with wrobot, I'm on a 240hz monitor.


Anyways your profile also only cast rank1 frost nova all the time even after it has ranks above it.


And it does not cast berzerking with latest download as of today 13-02-2018


Also errors in the log, i only run your hbm and class fight nothing else.


Also only generates rank3 instead of rank4, did not specify this since it has never been an issue before now it is, i wrote that issue under hbm, i assume it should do that?




07:17:39.812 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk is in our way, attacking!
07:17:40.012 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk (lvl 35)
[F] 07:17:40.931 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:17:46.477 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:17:48.605 - Fightclass successfully casted: Counterspell()
[F] 07:17:48.768 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:17:52.448 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 07:17:54.084 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:17:56.764 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:02.118 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:02.244 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:04.983 - Fightclass successfully casted: Fire Blast()
[D] 07:18:05.462 - [Fight] Target dead
07:18:05.947 - [Regen] Started
07:18:07.111 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Pumpernickel
07:18:07.796 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Spring Water
07:18:25.709 - [Regen] Finished
07:18:26.427 - [Looting] Loot Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk
07:18:34.059 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk is in our way, attacking!
[F] 07:18:35.795 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:35.795 - Iteration took 490ms
[F] 07:18:35.943 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:36.126 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
07:18:36.164 - [HumanMasterPlugin] cancelling regen while in combat
[F] 07:18:36.315 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
07:18:36.353 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk (lvl 36)
[F] 07:18:36.448 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:40.191 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[E] 07:18:41.648 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indekset lå uden for området. Det må ikke være negativt og skal være mindre end størrelsen på samlingen.
Parameternavn: index
   ved System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   ved System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   ved AutoEquip.EquipItems()
   ved Main.DoBackgroundPulse(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)

[E] 07:18:42.236 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indekset lå uden for området. Det må ikke være negativt og skal være mindre end størrelsen på samlingen.
Parameternavn: index
   ved System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   ved System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   ved AutoEquip.EquipItems()
   ved Main.DoBackgroundPulse(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)

[F] 07:18:42.598 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:45.421 - Fightclass successfully casted: Fire Blast()
[F] 07:18:46.999 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:49.689 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:53.376 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:53.499 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:18:57.187 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:00.709 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:03.311 - Fightclass successfully casted: Fire Blast()
07:19:04.213 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk
[D] 07:19:04.379 - [Fight] Target dead
07:19:04.962 - [Regen] Started
07:19:06.081 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Pumpernickel
07:19:06.765 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Spring Water
07:19:23.927 - [Regen] Finished
07:19:29.892 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Whirlwind Stormwalker is in our way, attacking!
07:19:31.212 - [Fight] Player attack before being attacked by Whirlwind Stormwalker (lvl 36)
[F] 07:19:31.361 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:31.361 - Iteration took 179ms
[E] 07:19:32.037 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indekset lå uden for området. Det må ikke være negativt og skal være mindre end størrelsen på samlingen.
Parameternavn: index
   ved System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   ved System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   ved AutoEquip.EquipItems()
   ved Main.DoBackgroundPulse(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)

[F] 07:19:36.102 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frost Nova(Rank 1)
[F] 07:19:38.666 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:41.300 - Fightclass successfully casted: Fire Blast()
[F] 07:19:41.617 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:41.750 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:41.865 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.007 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.174 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.294 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.422 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.548 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.681 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[E] 07:19:42.800 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indekset lå uden for området. Det må ikke være negativt og skal være mindre end størrelsen på samlingen.
Parameternavn: index
   ved System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   ved System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   ved AutoEquip.EquipItems()
   ved Main.DoBackgroundPulse(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)

[F] 07:19:42.816 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:42.934 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:43.912 - Fightclass successfully casted: Counterspell()
[F] 07:19:44.285 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:47.969 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:51.664 - Fightclass successfully casted: Frostbolt()
[F] 07:19:53.284 - Fightclass successfully casted: Fire Blast()
07:19:54.173 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Looting Whirlwind Stormwalker
[D] 07:19:54.321 - [Fight] Target dead
07:19:54.722 - [Regen] Started
07:19:55.722 - [Regen] Use food Conjured Pumpernickel
07:19:56.405 - [Regen] Use drink Conjured Spring Water








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Iteration took 179ms

Here it jumped over. Other than that it looks fine to me, so I'm not sure what could cause the previously explained issues.
To clarify, is the spell ACTUALLY called Berzerking in your client? It is called Berserking in mine and this might be a rare issue between the enGB and enUS client.

Yes, it specifically uses rank 1 frost nova, because higher ranks do barely any damage (we're talking 200 damage difference between rank 1 and max rank), but cost a wasteful amount of mana.
Please join my Discord for additional support.


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Hey mate, i bought ur mage profile in december but it wasnt running so smoothly. i see you updated it, but i did not receive an email with the dl link for the new version. on the forum its only the demo. wherre can i get the upgraded version of your fightclass which i payed for? thanks in advance mate

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Is there a way to make the character use first frostbolt when exactly in range to use it? As of now my character keeps running into the mob so first frostbolt dont land on the mob before before the mob actually gets the first hit of me.. Seems kinda not efficient imo. Any way to work around this?

Thx in advance.

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3 hours ago, doped0c said:

Is there a way to make the character use first frostbolt when exactly in range to use it? As of now my character keeps running into the mob so first frostbolt dont land on the mob before before the mob actually gets the first hit of me.. Seems kinda not efficient imo. Any way to work around this?

Thx in advance.

Frostbolt range is set to 25 yards. This was requested by several people, because mobs usually keep moving and if you set it to frostbolt range (30-36 yards, depending on talents), they will outrange you constantly.

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Another one, bot seems to have trouble deciding wether to attack a mob or not. Sometimes when someone gets tag just before me, i throw a frostbolt, then it goes back to not targeting him. Then it starts spam targeting it, casting 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving, cast 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving. Looks shady as f. Solution to this?


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1 hour ago, doped0c said:

Another one, bot seems to have trouble deciding wether to attack a mob or not. Sometimes when someone gets tag just before me, i throw a frostbolt, then it goes back to not targeting him. Then it starts spam targeting it, casting 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving, cast 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving. Looks shady as f. Solution to this?


Set latency settings higher in advanced wRobot settings. The fightclass doesn't do any targeting itself. If someone gets a tag before you, you probably have a plugin to stop fight.
Support on Discord.

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12 hours ago, Matenia said:

Set latency settings higher in advanced wRobot settings. The fightclass doesn't do any targeting itself. If someone gets a tag before you, you probably have a plugin to stop fight.
Support on Discord.

Give us a link to your discord, or pm it to me if you dont want it out there.

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7 hours ago, doped0c said:

Give us a link to your discord, or pm it to me if you dont want it out there.

It's both in this thread (at the top) AND the purchase email you received where it says that's where support is.

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No, source is not available. I've released a very basic, free fightclass with my framework for 1.12, which you could build your own upon.

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Dynamic Rotation

  • Polymorphs offtargets if you are attacked by more than 1 enemy

    I have yet to see this FC sheep anything. I've had 3-4 mobs on me even 2 and it will not sheep
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Are you sure you've downloaded the fightclass through the link in your purchase email as opposed to the demo attached to this forum post?
It definitely works - make sure you run WoW without addons and polymorph is activated in your fightclass settings.

Edit: Also obviously they need to be humanoid or beast so it's possible to poly them

Edited by Matenia
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Hi Matenia.

Its a great class and im extremely happy with it, thanks for your hard work.

I do have a few suggestions however:

1. Is it possible to have the first frost nova cast at full range when the mob is first coming to you so logic is mob <10 yards. The bot doesn't then need to kite and especially at low levels it would normally die before reaching you - maybe even add this as a setting. It is more human to do this way.

2. Also, when health of mob is less than 10% ignore frost nova, it looks quite dodgy mob been on 1% and we run away to cast.

3. This one might be hard - after sheep is it possible to run to frostbolt range and then just wait for the mob sheep debuff to wear off before fighting? This gives best possible chance for some regen and cooldowns to come back, even if its too hard to make it run to range just waiting out the sheep would be beneficial

Other than these this is the best mage fight class out there.

Thanks for the considerations

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2 hours ago, Abyeus said:

Hi Matenia.

Its a great class and im extremely happy with it, thanks for your hard work.

I do have a few suggestions however:

1. Is it possible to have the first frost nova cast at full range when the mob is first coming to you so logic is mob <10 yards. The bot doesn't then need to kite and especially at low levels it would normally die before reaching you - maybe even add this as a setting. It is more human to do this way.

2. Also, when health of mob is less than 10% ignore frost nova, it looks quite dodgy mob been on 1% and we run away to cast.

3. This one might be hard - after sheep is it possible to run to frostbolt range and then just wait for the mob sheep debuff to wear off before fighting? This gives best possible chance for some regen and cooldowns to come back, even if its too hard to make it run to range just waiting out the sheep would be beneficial

Other than these this is the best mage fight class out there.

Thanks for the considerations

1. I would have to interrupt frostbolt in most cases. The logic is already to nova within < 10 yards (nova range is 8 yards btw). It's not something easily possible and would interrupt the rotation itself.
2. I definitely check for enemy HP to be above 50%. The only case in which this is ignored is if you have 10 mobs in melee range on you.
3. Not possible due to how wRobot starts/ends combat. The mobs are already bugging out (unfortunately) a lot when getting polymorphed and it was a hell of a fight to get to bot to attack them at all. I can't wait around until polymorph ends. 

Make sure you actually have the fightclass downloaded from Rocketr and not the free demo on the forums here.

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3 hours ago, Matenia said:

1. I would have to interrupt frostbolt in most cases. The logic is already to nova within < 10 yards (nova range is 8 yards btw). It's not something easily possible and would interrupt the rotation itself.
2. I definitely check for enemy HP to be above 50%. The only case in which this is ignored is if you have 10 mobs in melee range on you.
3. Not possible due to how wRobot starts/ends combat. The mobs are already bugging out (unfortunately) a lot when getting polymorphed and it was a hell of a fight to get to bot to attack them at all. I can't wait around until polymorph ends. 

Make sure you actually have the fightclass downloaded from Rocketr and not the free demo on the forums here.


Thank you for your quick reply. 

1. OK understand. In this case is it possible to add option to not kite on frost nova then? I prefer face tank it and use frost nova for shatter, by the time its kited its not benefitted much. 

2. I'm really surprised by this because I've definitely used frost nova below 50%, it's even used it after fire blast in rare occasions where that doesn't finish mob off. 

3. I complelty understand this and thought it might not be possible. 

Finally. Yes I'm using the latest version of the paid version with my transaction Id in the class settings. 

I appreciate your time on this 

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