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AggroMonitor 1.0.0

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About This File

Super simple plugin which draws a circle underneath mobs that you dont have aggro from and from that mob a line is drawn to the person that has aggro.

It's meant for tanks to easily see when a non-tank has aggro and can pick up the lost aggro.

It has some basic settings:

  • 3 Tank names that it will not trigger for if they have aggro
  • Range to search in

I'll add a screenshot later.

I've not done much testing, let me know if anything is borked. It's a .cs file so open it up in notepad++ and edit what you want!

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4 hours ago, tonycali said:

what do u run it as wrotation?. and does it work in vanilla?.

You should be able to run it with any botbase (I've only tested it in vanilla but it should work on any wow version)

I've not tested it since the 2.0 wrobot update, are you having issues?

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