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[Dungeon] The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

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[Dungeon] The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

This profile works with "Quester" product (copy downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\" and use it with product "Quester") (try to start near dungeon portal).

ps: It is a dungeon sample profile, to get more informations about how to create dungeon profile, edit this profile with "Easy profile creator" and read step 0 in "Quests order editor".

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A good sample. I can work with this if the target is a boss. but in one case the targets are mobs (farming for a very rare drop). With this i didnt found a good condition to break the loop. And there is also a door on the farm way.

Maybe a good break condition would be something like "no mobs found" or "in the near of position x,y,z". But my c# is bad . Any Ideas ?


Just tested on Stratholme: In this case, you have more then one Scenario Criteria Info: (First the 3 Ziggurate - Bosses, second the 9 Monster, third the Baron.). Wrobot checks the criterias for exit to fast and because of this, the Profile stops to fast. The Stratholm Profile has some other Problems, but this is at first my Problem (I Think)

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Maybe I have a solution with multi-scenario-sriterias


_, _, completedObj,_,_,_,_,_,critID = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1); if critID ~= 24922 then completedObj = 'true'; end;


instead of


_, _, completedObj = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1);


In the second step (syntax not checked) I check also the critero ID. Is the ID wrong, then is the criterio gone (so my hope). Is it true, ComleteID will do the job.


But did I see it right, thart completeObj is not local? (critID also, but this is only one line more.)

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It seems to be skipping all the trash mobs unless i manually target them?, been looking through my settings and cannot find a way to fix this on my own. And yes "Start fighting with Elites" is enabled

Also will we be seeing more profiles for dungeons in the near future - especially the big profit ones? (AQ, Uldaman, RFD, Maraudon, DM N, DM E... etc.)

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I am trying to create a dungeon profile with easy profile creator and it loads nothing when i select this profile

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On 11/5/2017 at 6:17 AM, Cptcodface said:

What exp is this for? The new or the old Sunken Temple?

Since this file was not posted in a "private" server section, I would assume this is for the retail version of the game, @Cptcodface.

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