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[Ohren]Fight Class Collection Mending Broken Classes

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About This File

Let me know if you come into any issues with my fight classes.

-Arcane Mage uses Cold Snap and Nether Tempest. It should be set up properly for WRotation and Grinder.

-Blood Death Knight uses Death Pact and Blood Tap talents.

-Destruction Warlock works. Doesn't use any talents quite yet.

-Elemental Shaman doesn't have any talents currently. It's a quick rotation I made for a friend who is planning on maintaining his own cooldowns and such. I'll add more to it later.

-Fire Mage uses Cold Snap and Blast Wave. Currently Blast Wave is not handled all that great, so it may not fire sometimes, but I will be fixing it eventually.

-Frost Mage uses Cold Snap as a heal.

-Fury Warrior uses Storm Bolt! It is also HIGHLY recommended to pick up Wild Strikes, since that's how I programmed the Rage management, but I also added in the option to use Sudden Death.

-Guardian Druid uses Dream of Cenarius for Healing Touch and Cenarion Ward on CD (such an awesome talent),

-Marksmanship Hunter is done. Talents it uses are Stampede, Dire Beast, and Glaive Toss.

-Ret Paladin uses Selfless Healer for survivability.

-Shadow Priest uses Desperate Prayer, Power Infusion, and Halo.

-Windwalker Monk uses Chi Wave, Chi Brew.

Currently working for 6.x

Arcane Mage

Blood Death Knight

Destruction Warlock

Elemental Shaman

Fire Mage

Frost Death Knight

Frost Mage

Fury Warrior

Guardian Druid

Prot Warrior

Ret Paladin

Shadow Priest

What's New in Version Mending Broken Classes


  • I lost track of what I updated since the last upload.. I know this one contains Windwalker Monk though.
  • Marksmanship Hunter added. Might have issues with focus capping for higher haste builds. I only tested on a 505 Hunter.
  • Guardian Druid has been added. Lots and lots of defense in this one.
  • REEETTRRRIIBBUTTION! Retadin has been fixed.
  • DEEEESTRRRUUCCCTIOONNN!! Destruction Warlock has been added to the list of working stuff.
  • Ohhhh, look what we have here, a completely NEW fight class. My first time making an Elemental Shaman class. Enjoy it!
  • Shadow Priest was moved to the front of the list, all you SPriests can thank SephBlades for his forum activity getting it moved up.
  • Fire Mage down. Sorry for the update spam!
  • Frost mage has been added. It was doing about 6k more DPS than arcane on the L85 target dummy, will try improving arcane later.
  • Another update for arcane mages, uses the new mana percent condition.
  • Arcane Mage has been updated. Requires two talents.
  • Finished fury warrior, it's a complete DPS spec, if you want to add some defense to it, send me a message and I will teach you the ways.
  • Fury warrior now has it's DPS rotation done, will add CD's tomorrow.
  • Blood DK is kicking ass. It is set up for surviving and nothing more. You will not top DPS charts, you will not gain 10m exp/hour grinding, but set it on Wrotation and you will be a healers best friend.
  • Messed up the last upload. Nothing fixed yet.
  • Frost works, but it is far from optimized.

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Hey. first of all: well done! i like your classes =) I'm trying to use your class with my shadow priest in pvp and sometimes it works grate. But sometimes my char just runing to the victim, dont cast anything and just trying to fight like a melee. How can I fix it?


Best regards ;)

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I seem to be getting an issue with the enhancement shaman profile, my character doesn't seem to engage the enemy in close combat. She will stay at range and cast her shock spells.

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Just tried the Fury Warrior, guessing this update wasn't an update for each class for the Patch last Tuesday.  Warrior still tries to use Heroic Strike alot which no longer exists.  Does minimal attacking do to that spam of ability that is no longer is game.



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how can i remove the spell Halo from Shadow Priest ? my toon keeps using it and pulling every mob in the area and gets me killed :p 


thanks for the great collection :) 

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how can i remove the spell Halo from Shadow Priest ? my toon keeps using it and pulling every mob in the area and gets me killed :P


thanks for the great collection :)

You can go into file and delete the spell from the list

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using the mage classes, any of them.. and my mage is just auto attacking, is this because he is a low level? How do I get it to work for low levels that are grinding?

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