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Drwolf BM Hunter 2.0

   (4 reviews)

About This File

All my Profiles i try to make the bot looks like human, and use every single skill available.

This profiles is not diferent. He will do elites, packs of mobs, pvp, everything optimal and dont waisting big cooldowns in a single mob.

Keep in mind that my profiles is in constant update as i play the character and make adjustments.


Optimized for leveling and pvp with defensive and survival actions! Can be used on dungeon too! Max dps Output!


I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.

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What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


06/02/2018 - Best Rotation posible for Max PVE damage, alot of defensive metods including Spirit beast heal. (more dps tunning coming) (Use Ice-Veins Talents)

14/10/2016 - Better management of cooldowns and Changed talents

29/09/2016 - Changed some spell priorities to do more damage

24/08/2016 - Added heal from pet (Spirit Mend)

30/08/2016 - Fixed the bot keep trying to use Spirit Mend and Added an option to disable Disengage (use this on places with cliffs =P)

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5 hours ago, Bugreporter said:

Moving while fighting is not possible in wrotation....

This is incorrect you can go into the settings and disable character movement. And freely move as you wish.

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Good shot rotation, dps, and aggro management but I turned disengage off. I didn't find it very useful as most mobs will just run back up on you anyway.

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it wont revive or call my pet it trys but the bot wants to keep moving anyone else having a problem with it thankyou

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On 9/7/2016 at 1:13 PM, marty said:

it wont revive or call my pet it trys but the bot wants to keep moving anyone else having a problem with it thankyou

You have to edit the file with Notepad. Go 8 lines down and change "Call Pet 3" to whatever your pet number is, like "Call Pet 1" if you only have one pet or want to use the first one.

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On 26/09/2016 at 2:46 PM, Mr. Robot said:

Murder of Crows works much better than Barrage in my opinion.

Farming yes, but in dungeons with alot of aoe targets, barrage do so much better.

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On 05/09/2016 at 3:39 PM, Mr. Robot said:

Good shot rotation, dps, and aggro management but I turned disengage off. I didn't find it very useful as most mobs will just run back up on you anyway.

I normaly only use disengage on pvp, most of the time i turn off too.

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Bonjour, desole je parle tres peut l 'anglais , mon jeu wow est en français et j ai telecharge ce profile mais sa ne fonction pas c du a l installation du jeux en Français ?


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13 hours ago, Bertdralfuis said:

Bonjour, desole je parle tres peut l 'anglais , mon jeu wow est en français et j ai telecharge ce profile mais sa ne fonction pas c du a l installation du jeux en Français ?


Bonjour, cette fightclass ne support que le client wow en Anglais, essayez en une autre (ou vous pouvez également la traduire en français)

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On 21/10/2016 at 4:52 PM, Droidz said:

Bonjour, cette fightclass ne support que le client wow en Anglais, essayez en une autre (ou vous pouvez également la traduire en français)

Hello, i like this fightclass (gratz to Drwolftech for this one) but i like to play wow in french^^. Droidz, j'aimerais traduire cette Fightclass en français pour pouvoir l'utiliser. Manger du code ne me fais pas peur mais je ne sais pas part où commencer.. Il y a un tuto qui explique comment traduire ? Apres avoir joué un peu avec le Fight Class Editor, je devrais mettre le nom du spell en français dans cette case: "Add to settings - Option name" ?

EDIT1: Est il possible au lieu d'utiliser le nom du spell, d'utiliser plutôt son ID ? je pense que ça résoudrait le problème de traduction et d'utilisation des fightclass :D

EDIT 2: @ Bertdralfuis je viens de traduire cette fightclass en français, elle fonctionne avec wow en français chez moi, dis moi si ça fonctionne pour toi. Credits goes to  Drwolftech .


Drwolf Hunter BM french by Sonat.zip

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How do I enable this and make it work?

My hunter just auto attacks in bgs.

Please let me know.

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is there a way to make the bot pull more than one mob? say I'm farming mobs that die in like 2 or 3 hits, can I set this class up to pull 3 mobs at once? sorry, I'm new from honorbuddy and was use to the fighting class having control on number of mobs pulled.

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