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[FREE] Highmountain Quester Alliance (Unfinished) 1.0.0

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Hello all. I have decided to go ahead and share what I have for my Highmountain quester. This will get you through the first 80 steps in Zygors addon (about 30% of the zone)

The first step is picking up 'The Rivermane Tribe' so you will have needed to chose Highmountain and taken the quest to fly there, after you land, you should be good to hit start.

There are a few portions of this profile that may need some babysitting (kicking fish into the water for instance) When kicking fish I could not find a way to make him aim at the river so I punted a few into rocks and whatnot but I feel this is kind of inline with what a noob may do, so maybe its NBD...

There are some portions that I just could not figure out on my first run through. The 'Spray And Prey' quest I never got working properly so you may wanna pause and coax the bot there...

Everything else seemed to go pretty good until the VERY end, when you have to go speak to the Spiritwalker and do the scenario when you control the Tauren.

          I have added all the quest in this scenario, as well as the NPC that gives/receives it

          I did not know how to get to this to work @ all. Does it require a new FightClass?

          So, I am starting a new profile now that will be step 81 onward until I hit what I feel is another good stopping point then I will share that profile here too

          If anyone who knows a little bit more about the bot than I do after a week... would like to give it a shot and perhaps try to fix the "Spray and Prey" and "Huln's War" quest I think this will be a pretty solid start to a Highmountain Profile.

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I'll give this a test run tomorrow after work. 


Update 1/27/17: I know, I'm a little late on this. The profile does work and yes you do have to babysit it for different points as stated above. Other than that, it works well. I ran it while doing something else to keep an eye on it for said points. Looking forward to a continuation.

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On the quest "Spray and Prey" I found that you can use a code from http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2681-snippets-codes-for-quest-profiles/. I used the "Use item on hostile weakened mob" and set it low to like 25%.


Also, Huln's War, is that the quest where you are the Tauren and run around killing legion with the moose? If so, I want to say there's some code or script to put in to just push buttons for the spells. Not sure if this will work for the quest counting as complete.


EDIT: It seems to get stuck going into the caves after accepting the quests [Balance of Elements] and [Invading Spelunkers]. Don't think you can do much about this as it seems to be a pathing issue with the bot. It doesn't appear to path around the rocks and tries to go strait up a wall instead of around to the right.

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Tested a bit more and here are some more things to fix/consider:

Got stuck turning in quest [Crystal Fury] after killing Gelmogg. It just
stand's there til he respawned and killed him again. I turned this quest in
manually as well. 

After that it got stuck again on the cave and couldnt find its way out. Had to
manually take it to the entrance again to proceed.

During the quest [The Underking Comes] it tries to use the extra action button. But
it does not wait for the cast to go off before running to the next spot. I added
steps to wait for 4000 after each runcode to click the extra action button and it
seemed to work perfectly.

Changed the quest [Grasp of the Underking] to Interact with NPC.

Changed the quest [The Drogbar] to only have 1 Objective count for killing 8.

After picking up the quest [Bitestone Enclave] it ran above the cave to the Hill Ettin elites and was killed over and over. Not sure how to make it not get confused by caves and actually go inside to do quests. I tried making a Follow Path quest but I couldn't get it to run inside. If I started after running inside the cave, it completed the quest. Also had to change it to only 2 objectives.

After picking up the quest [Dargrul and the Hammer] it just stands there. I noticed a follow path but did not seem to start it. Once I got out of the grip and ran out manually, it went ot turn it in.

On the way to turn in [Get to High Ground] it did not know how to run into Thunder Totem. Again, dont think this is your fault, just the pathing of the bot. Maybe make a FollowPath until it is fixed?

Add a pause to the quest [The Story of Huln] so it doesn't think people watching the cinematic dont get "stuck."

Got lost again going to [Wrathshard]. Seems to be going down to some other cave instead of the proper one.

Stopped here for now.

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