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Check For Hostiles Unit(s) Behind Player


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Hi, I am having problems understanding IsBehind. I would like to check if there are any mobs behind me. I am trying to add a backpedal feature to my fight class, but I don't think I am getting it correct. Here's what I tried:

var EnemiesBehind = new List<WoWUnit>();
    u => u.IsValid && !u.InCombat && u.IsAlive && u.IsBehind(Player.Position, 180.0f) &&
    u.GetDistance <= Settings.BackpedalScanRange).OrderBy(
    o => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(o.Position)));

if (EnemiesBehind != null && EnemiesBehind.Count > 0)
    MyFunctions.LogDebug("Enemy, (" + EnemiesBehind.FirstOrDefault().Level + ")" + EnemiesBehind.FirstOrDefault().Name +
        " found behind you, skipping backpedal!");
    Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!

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I may have something here if anyone is interested. It still needs more testing though.


private void FightEventsOnFightStart(WoWUnit wowUnit, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
        if (Settings.Backpedal)
            Var.SetVar("CanBack", true);
    catch (Exception ex)
        MyFunctions.LogWrite("FightEventsOnFightStart() Exception:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), true);

private async void FightEventsOnFightLoop(WoWUnit wowUnit, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
    Random _rand = new Random();
    bool _playerAggro = false;
    bool _playerStuck = false;

    #region Backpedal
    if (Settings.Backpedal &&                                       // Make sure Include Backpedal is TRUE in Settings
        (!Player.IsPartyMember || ObjectManager.Me.IsInGroup) &&    // Let's not backpedal in groups!
        Var.Exist("CanBack") &&                                     // Make sure our Variable exists
        Var.GetVar<bool>("CanBack") &&                              // Make sure the Variable is TRUE
        Player.InCombat &&                                          // Make sure Player is in combat
        !Player.IsIndoors &&                                        // Skip if Player is indoor
        !Player.IsCast &&                                           // Make sure the Player is NOT casting
        Target.IsAlive &&                                           // Make sure the Target is valid
        Target.IsTargetingMe &&                                     // Make sure the Unit is Targeting the player
        !wowUnit.IsCast &&                                          // We don't want to backpedal from a casting target!
        MyFunctions.TargetInCooldownLevelRange())                   // Target level is > Settings CD lvl
            // Player.IsFacing(Vector3 targetPosition, [float arcRadians = 0.2])
            // Player.IsFacing(u.Position, 1.5f)
            // 1.5 radians = 85.9 degrees || Arc Length = 37.5yd || Sector Area = 468.75 yd^2

            var EnemiesInFrontPlayerNearTarget = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Where(u =>
                u.IsValid && u.IsAlive && !u.InCombat && Player.IsFacing(u.Position, 1.5f) &&
                Player.Target != u.GetBaseAddress &&
                u.Position.DistanceTo(Target.Position) <= Settings.BackpedalScanRadius &&
                (u.Reaction == Reaction.Hated || u.Reaction == Reaction.Hostile || u.Reaction == Reaction.Unfriendly)).OrderBy(o =>

            var EnemiesBehindPlayer = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Where(u =>
                u.IsValid && u.IsAlive && !u.InCombat && !Player.IsFacing(u.Position, 1.5f) &&
                Player.Target != u.GetBaseAddress &&
                u.Position.DistanceTo(Player.Position) <= (Settings.BackpedalScanRadius + (Settings.BackpedalScanRadius / 2)) &&
                (u.Reaction == Reaction.Hated || u.Reaction == Reaction.Hostile || u.Reaction == Reaction.Unfriendly)).OrderBy(o =>

            if (EnemiesInFrontPlayerNearTarget != null && EnemiesInFrontPlayerNearTarget.Count > 0)
                foreach (WoWUnit unit in EnemiesInFrontPlayerNearTarget.Take(3))
                    MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Enemy (Front): " + unit.Level + "-" + unit.Name +
                        " (Distance: " + System.Math.Round(Player.Position.DistanceTo(unit.Position), 3) + "yd");

                WoWUnit NearestFrontUnit = EnemiesInFrontPlayerNearTarget.FirstOrDefault();

                if (EnemiesBehindPlayer != null && EnemiesBehindPlayer.Count < 1)
                    var timer = new robotManager.Helpful.Timer(_rand.Next(3000, 4000));
                    var timerCheckDistance = new robotManager.Helpful.Timer(_rand.Next(1500, 2250));
                    Vector3 PlayerStartPos = Player.Position;
                    int EnemyCountBegin = MyFunctions.HostileUnitsInRange(100.0f);

                    MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Found no enemies behind you. Begin Backpedal");

                    if (wowUnit != NearestFrontUnit &&

                        while (!_playerStuck &&
                            (!timer.IsReady || wowUnit.Position.DistanceTo(NearestFrontUnit.Position) <= Settings.BackpedalScanRadius))
                            if (Player.GetMove && wowUnit.IsCast)
                                MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Your target is casting; Stopping movement");
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                            if (MyFunctions.HostileUnitsInRange(100.0f) != EnemyCountBegin)
                                MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Enemy count changed, you may have aggro'd something; Stopping movement");
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                            if (timerCheckDistance.IsReady &&
                                Player.Position.DistanceTo(PlayerStartPos) < 1) just over a 1.5 sec.
                                MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Player might be stuck; Stopping movement");
                                _playerStuck = true;
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                            if (Player.Position.DistanceTo(NearestFrontUnit.Position) > Settings.BackpedalScanRadius)
                                MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Distance is greater than " + Settings.BackpedalScanRadius +
                                    " yards; Stopping movement");
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                            if (Settings.BackpedalScanRadius > 0 &&
                                Player.Position.DistanceTo(PlayerStartPos) > Settings.BackpedalScanRadius)
                                MyFunctions.LogFight("Backpedal -> Player has moved more than " + Settings.BackpedalScanRadius +
                                    " yards; Stopping movement");
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                            if (TraceLine.TraceLineGo(wowUnit.Position))
                                MyFunctions.LogFight("Backpedal -> Your target is out of line of sight; Stopping movement");
                                Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);

                else if (EnemiesBehindPlayer != null && EnemiesBehindPlayer.Count > 0)
                    foreach (WoWUnit unit in EnemiesBehindPlayer)
                        MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Enemy (Back): " + unit.Level + "-" + unit.Name +
                            " (Distance: " + System.Math.Round(Player.Position.DistanceTo(unit.Position), 3) + "yd");

                    MyFunctions.LogDebug("Backpedal -> Skipping movement");
                    Var.SetVar("CanBack", false);
        catch (Exception ex)
            MyFunctions.LogWrite("FightEventsOnFightLoop -> Backpedal Exception:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), true);


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