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how to find the id of custom quests ?


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easy quests editor 

there is a guide on how to do it


EntryTarget.Add(82017); // Герри Клавайгер  : https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/npc=82017

HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(2604.74f, 3033.36f, 80.5993f));


Target informations:

Name: Аллери Солнечный Огонь (Entry: 82022 )
GetDynamicFlags = 0
GetUnitDynamicFlags = None
WowClass = Warrior
IsLocalPlayer = False
IsBlacklisted = False
UseRelativePosition = False
ForceRelativePosition = False
Position = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None"
PositionWithoutType = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None"
PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None"
Health = 150746
MaxHealth = 150746
MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
HealthPercent = 100
HealthRatio = 1
IsGoodInteractDistance = True
InteractDistanceByEntry = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Single]
InteractDistance = 4,3
CombatReach = 1,5
IsSwimming = False
IsFlying = False
IsStunned = False
AggroDistance = 0
Rotation = 2,522
Pitch = 0
CreatureTypeTarget = Гуманоид
FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
Mana = 0
MaxMana = 0
ManaPercentage = 100
Rage = 0
MaxRage = 0
RagePercentage = 0
Focus = 0
MaxFocus = 0
FocusPercentage = 0
Energy = 0
MaxEnergy = 0
EnergyPercentage = 0
Chi = 0
MaxChi = 0
ChiPercentage = 0
Runes = 0
MaxRunes = 6
RunesPercentage = 0
RunicPower = 0
MaxRunicPower = 0
RunicPowerPercentage = 0
SoulShards = 150746
MaxSoulShards = 0
SoulShardsPercentage = 0
Eclipse = 0
MaxEclipse = 0
EclipsePercentage = 0
UnitClassification = normal
IsElite = False
IsWorldBoss = False
HolyPower = 0
MaxHolyPower = 0
HolyPowerPercentage = 0
Alternate = 0
MaxAlternate = 0
AlternatePercentage = 0
DarkForce = 0
MaxDarkForce = 0
DarkForcePercentage = 0
LightForce = 0
MaxLightForce = 0
LightForcePercentage = 0
ShadowOrbs = 0
MaxShadowOrbs = 0
ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0
BurningEmbers = 0
MaxBurningEmbers = 0
BurningEmbersPercentage = 0
DemonicFury = 0
MaxDemonicFury = 0
DemonicFuryPercentage = 0
ArcaneCharges = 0
MaxArcaneCharges = 0
ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
Faction = 2392
DisplayId = 15475
GetMove = False
SpeedMoving = 0
GetDistance = 1,439694
GeHitBoxtDistance = 0
GetDistance2D = 1,439694
GetDistanceZ = 4,577637E-05
IsAlive = True
IsDead = False
IsLootable = False
IsTaggedByOther = False
TaggedByMe = False
IsTapDenied = False
IsMyPet = False
HasTarget = False
IsTargetingMe = False
IsTargetingMyPet = False
IsTargetingPartyMember = False
IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
IsMyTarget = True
IsMyPetTarget = False
IsPartyMemberTarget = False
IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
Target = 0
TargetObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
Level = 83
IsBoss = False
PetNumber = 0
Name = Аллери Солнечный Огонь
DBCacheRow = 1844209184
UnitFlags = None
UnitNPCFlags = Gossip, Questgiver
Skinnable = False
IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
IsNpcRepair = False
IsNpcVendor = False
IsFlightMaster = False
IsNpcInnkeeper = False
IsNpcVendorFood = False
IsAuctioneer = False
IsNpcTrainer = False
IsNpcWildPets = False
Summon = 0
CreatedBy = 0
CreatedBySpell = 0
SummonedBy = 0
IsPet = False
PetOwnerGuid = 0
InCombat = False
InCombatFlagOnly = False
InCombatWithMe = False
CastingSpellId = 0
CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
CastingTimeLeft = 0
IsCast = False
CanInterruptCasting = False
IsMounted = False
MountDisplayId = 0
TransportGuid = 0
TransportObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
InTransport = False
Reaction = Hostile
IsTracked = False
IsOnTaxi = False
NotSelectable = False
IsAttackable = False
PlayerControlled = False
Silenced = False
Rooted = False
Influenced = False
Confused = False
Pacified = False
Fleeing = False
Possessed = False
NpcMarkerId = 7
NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True
NpcMarker = BlueExclamation
IsOutdoors = True
IsIndoors = False
IsPartyMember = False
IsPartyLeader = False
GetBaseAddress = 961019920
IsValid = True
GetDescriptorStartAddress = 961024024
Guid = 17379392338123625209
Type = Unit
Entry = 82022
Scale = 1
MinInteractDistance = 4,3
MaxInteractDistance = 50

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where could be the problem *?*
something doesn't come out


Id: 22262 - Objective count: 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time/Obj5: 0 - States: None - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=22262 ()

Id: 22271 - Objective count: 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time/Obj5: 0 - States: None - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=22271 ()


(kill 10 spirits)



kill2023-04-11 15-56-31-799.jpg

kill2 2023-04-11 16-00-02-540.jpg

kkii 2023-04-11 16-48-01-039.jpg

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I recommend creating a Lua script that can extract QuestIDs from your quest log. Once you have the QuestID, you can add it to WRobot Quester and assign a name to the quest. Then, depending on the type of quest, you can configure the quest NPC pick-up and turn-in.

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On 4/12/2023 at 8:28 AM, Nax said:

I recommend creating a Lua script that can extract QuestIDs from your quest log. Once you have the QuestID, you can add it to WRobot Quester and assign a name to the quest. Then, depending on the type of quest, you can configure the quest NPC pick-up and turn-in.

how to do it
removed the space does not work
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On 4/12/2023 at 12:00 PM, Droidz said:

Here :


You don't have to put a space in 'Action Parameter', use the name as it appears when you click on the drop-down menu.

how to do it >>>????
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wow he almost works
but didn't find a solution
you need to kill and use item on will figure out how to do it
for me it does or kills or uses the item together does not
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Look at all kinds of free quest profiles for all expansions. Then change them to fit your needs.
With the translator you're using, it's hard to understand what you even want to achieve and how.

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