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Help Lua Avoid ground AOE from bosses?

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Hi Guys , 


I hope maybe some of you guys could help me here i am asking if it is possible to give conditions in lua or any way in the bot to avoid "AOE Fields" for boss encounters so they dont stand just dumb in it and die.


Also another question: which conditions do i have to use in wrotation mode if i want to stack Lacerate (feral druid) on a target and keep it on the target at 5 stacks?

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Yeah @betterSister thats what i am lookin for actually that would help a lot because my party members keep standing too long in it and i cant do anything against it besides of simple follow but he should choose the shortest way without aoe fields on the ground.


Maybe we can get a smart solution for that from droidz

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Also is it possible to add a function for the bot to refresh the focus from party leader every some seconds so they dont split up attacking the wrong target? 

and is it possible to have a function or plugin which tells the bot to keep some distance between party members so they dont stay all together atleast in a fight maybe they can build a circle arround an enemy or something.

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For the moment the possibility to avoid ground AOE spell is not implemented.

To target same mob of the party leader, you need to use c# code like this:

            if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.IsInGroup())
            var playerLeader = new wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWPlayer(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetPartyLeaderGUIDHomeAndInstance()).GetBaseAddress);
            if (playerLeader.IsValid)
                var target = playerLeader.TargetObject;
                if (target.IsValid && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.GetBaseAddress != target.GetBaseAddress)
                    wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);


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6 hours ago, Solit said:

i have no experience at all for using scripts. is it possible to convert this script into a plugin so i can activate it for the slaves ?

Also you said you will make a version to manage more bots at once . is it possible you add a feature with which i can change fight classes for all of the targeted bots and also settings etc? for example i run 9 shamans in a team and i have to stop and start them very often also i have to switch fight classes a lot which i have to do manually for all of them right now.


If it is possible can you also add a function which prioritizes the spells before range? right now you can just set range to a certain range.. if possible could you do it so we can say from range 1-25 for example if the bot gets knocked back he cant heal because he is trying to get to the party leader instead of taking care of heals first ? would be a great feature

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