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CPU usage after few hours


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After few hours of running, cpu usage spikes a lot, and bots start to slow down.

CPU usage looks like that:


I use my own fight routine, made in editor, its not c++ one.

Profile I use is a dungeon profile in quest mode, it basicly follows steps in a big while loop, same as azyul hb profiles for dungeon farming.

When I start bots they run really good, but after few hours they slow down, they go much slower by profile steps. Only plugin I use is Memory Clean.

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I am running dx9, whats weird are those processes Visual C# Command line compiler, when i start the bots there are non of those, and when i check in few hours they are there, and using most cpu.

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20 hours ago, mich125 said:

I pmed you the file with flightclass, i dont think i use it

CPU usage of WRobot seem good, but I don't understand why you have a lot of "Visual C# command line compiler" process, you have this process only when wrobot is running? do you have try to repair/reinstall framework and wrobot?

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OK so, fresh windows install, what i did step by step:
1. Installed Wow
2. Made windows updates
3. Installed 
directx https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35&fa43d42b-25b5-4a42-fe9b-1634f450f5ee=True
fremework 4.6 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130
Visual C + + 2010  (X86) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
4. Installed Wrobot
5. Checked windows updates again
6. Started 5 bots cpu usage was below 50%, checked for a few minutes, all was fine, bots run fast, no problems.
7. I woke up in the morning, cpu usage jumps to 80-100% a lot, bot are very slow in responses, every runcode in profile takes long time to execute, those Visual C# Command line compiler show up a lot, and take 10-15% cpu each.

Settings i Checked, and it doesnt make any difference:
directx9 and directx10
with and without -nodx -nolockframe

I dont know what to do now, i checked all possiblities i think, i tried different fightclass it was the same.

My profile is running dungeon over and over, its nothing fancy

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Well thing is, all i want from this bot is to run this profile over and over, i have characters ready to do it, and wanted to make many more. I can send you this profile if you think its profile fault, but rly there is nothing fancy in it, so i dont understand why its happening;/

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29 minutes ago, mich125 said:

Well thing is, all i want from this bot is to run this profile over and over, i have characters ready to do it, and wanted to make many more. I can send you this profile if you think its profile fault, but rly there is nothing fancy in it, so i dont understand why its happening;/

I need to found cause to resolve problem or found solution to avoid it. 

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There is something generally wrong with figthclasses generated in xml format. It's ok but after one hour ( less on more in my case on pandaria priv ) the fps is going down to 18 ( from 100 ) the text in chat become lighter in color and the prompt is gone and only stop bot /reload in wow and start bot again helps resolve that problem. With my own rotations which are pure cs without any cooldown ( sleep thread ) there is no such problem. Lua overload? The memory is up to 300 megs for wrobot too and I'm only using fight class and no plugins.

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You can get lua memory usage with lua script (run it is wow chat):

/run print(gcinfo())

Try to run this code before to start the bot and run it again when Wow fps going to down, but I don't think that problem is caused by lua (when lua is running out of memory wow crash) (but if wrobot is slow, he can slow down wow).

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