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Custom Profile, does this even work?


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Hi Everyone,

im new here and ive got a question regarding custom profiles...

this is basically what i want my Char to do after a few hours...

1. Use hearthstone - or fly to dalaran

2. move to specific vendor

3. sell greys & greens & crap

4. buy stuff from vendor

5. move to specific location

6. cast specific spell ID

7. Send Mail to Bankchar

8. quit 


any help or feedback would be awsome.#


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Quest profile. straight up.

I did something very similar in the profile below

farm 2500 leather

hearth, use scrolls / AP items

Sell + Mail



Now, you said : 'cast a specific spell ID'.  Looking at what your doing im going to assume you are thinking  crafting profession skill?  In which case you are attempting to call a protected function.  Blizz has put a lot of effort to make the craft button's 'bot proof' in legion.  you will prob end up just mailing raw mats to a bank and mailing them back when you are ready to craft.

Best of luck



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