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HearthstoneToGoToTown.cs for 1.12.1

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Hi been using HearthstoneToGoToTown.cs for tbc 2.4.3 works fine. but when i try using it in vanilla 1.12.1 i get this error [string"epsqkdd.lua"]:1:attempt to call global `runmacrotext'(a nil value) and the plugin dosent hearthstone me, when it needs to sell items. Is there a workaround for 1.12.1? thx:)

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If you use this: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4721-use-hearthstone-when-bags-are-full/?do=findComment&comment=21875 

edit plugin with notepad and replace:

Lua.LuaDoString("local itemName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetItemInfo(6948); RunMacroText('/use ' .. itemName);");




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thx it tries using the hearthstone now. but sinc i'm a druid i just says "cant use items when shapeshifted", and just starts running. can you add a line so it drops cat/bear form before it uses the hearthstone? 

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thx. is will dismount now but it will try to cast heartstone at the same time as dismount so it just starts running. is it possible to put in some delay between dismount and useitem?

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2 hours ago, oste said:

thx. is will dismount now but it will try to cast heartstone at the same time as dismount so it just starts running. is it possible to put in some delay between dismount and useitem?

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); inbetween those two lines

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