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Thoughts so far


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My thoughts on Wrobot thus far:

1. Wrobot when you pay for the bot that is literally it! no profiles, no plugins, no fight classes no anything just a program that will automate your toon "half-ass I might add."

2. Paid, Paid, Paid: Sure you can get profiles and everything else on the forums if you want to pay an outrageous price to people that make them (why not? Nothings free in Waterworld right?) So after paying a monthly fee you still have to pay 20 Euros for a plugin so your bot doesn't look like a Walmart door greater with down syndrome. 

3. If you choose not to go the way of "paid" good luck! All the free profiles are a joke and you will get banned with free fight classes and profiles and you will definitely eat a ban without a 20 Euro plugin. (HumanMasterPlugin) its a no go. Which puts it back again to #2 

4. Why do we pay a monthly fee for Wrobot? What's our money go towards? Obviously not to updates to make this bot actually work (Shrugs)

5. Like I've said the bot is just your basic here's your bot with nothing else but you can make your profiles I personally just use this bot to fish in isolated areas and set the log off timer to random amount of time ranging from 40 minutes - 150 minutes while I sleep I was going to use it for mining and gathering herbs but like I said unless you pay extra for a non derpy fight class you will die 100+ times and get stuck and god knows what else

All n All at this point I would not recommend this product to anyone unless they feel like shelling out another 100.00 Euros to get questing profiles, plugins, Grinders, etc etc.... Or if you're okay with spending the monthly fee just to fish.

I've tried all free profiles and stuff that is offered on the forums and this bot just simply does not work 100% of the time I've sat here and babysat it for 6 hours and I ended up having to play the game more than the bot did lol













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You're not supposed to use free profiles. You're supposed to make your own (like absolutely everyone who knows anything about botting does), because sharing with people creates bot trains and will get you banned.

In 2016/2017 there were basically no paid fight classes at all. People still botted just fine using the fightclass editor - which I agree could use some work (because it was created for MoP and backported to other expansions later).

HumanMasterPlugin came out by the end of 2017. It's not even 1 year old and only works for the first 3 expansions. I personally started using wRobot for MoP and was fine using grinders (in Quester product) where food was set for a level range of ~5, using wRobot's normal food buying by just adding only 1 vendor and repair to the profile and limiting wRobot to them. That's how I came up with the free food and drink plugin (I essentially used that code in quester).

Obviously I think my plugin is useful and so are my fightclasses. But these are things most private grinders had beforehand anyway - it's just stuff that helps with laziness.
If you've ever botted outside of wRobot you know that the framework it provides is already pretty damn good. You will never see another HonorBuddy (it was an actual company with paid developers and they paid their community devs because they appealed to the masses) and if you compare wRobot to Glider or Pirox, it's doing damn well.

For most people here botting is a business. Which makes it a competitive scene. It's actually (considering the community's small size) a miracle people are still this nice and are sharing that much stuff and code for free.

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I've been botting since Diablo 1... Wrobot isn't even in the same league as Glider.  Glider at least did the basics automatically, put food n drink in protected bag slots and put them on the last two slots of the action bar and would use the skills you put on them. To even try and compare Wrobot to glider is laughable you literally have to program your own plugin to even get this thing to eat and drink (shrug)

For people who do not program "like me," this bot is a nightmare and a joke. I'm sorry that I don't want to have to pay 20 Euros for a plugin because Wrobot wont use the money they get to update their program then another 7.99 Euros for a fight class then another 24.99 Euros for some half-assed 1-60 grinder packs or for questing packs. 


Yes, you are right on making your own grinder profiles that's a no-brainer for sure, but for questing yes, you all use the same profiles but you have to shell out the cash for it and on top of that the bot acts dumb as all hell. You should see what the bot does when it swims lol its like it taps "W" instead of holding it this bot cannot even path correctly in water.


and like you said this bot is community driven so then again what does my monthly subscription go towards? "scratches head." Any bot I've ever used starts out rough but once they get a base and solid flow of income they update their program make it better more reliable more lifelike not Wrobot and this bot has been around for a while too which makes matters even worse. 

I don't bot hardcore and I don't bot to make money. I bot because I'm a lazy ass that doesn't want to do the repetitive grind of picking flowers or mining nodes. I wanna put my feet up watch a movie come back and see my bags full of fish, or clam meat or cloth for my trade skills and I shouldn't have to learn to code to make that happen that's the point of a paid service. 


Imagine if Blizzard offered zero support to their game but charged you a monthly fee what if they made the community patch the game, do maintenance, code the classes etc etc how many people do you think would stay subbed? Imagine going to a restaurant paying the premium to have people wait on you, bring you your food and make it for you to come and find out you had to cook it and get it your self? I think you get my point my now

People pay for convenience this program is not convenient 


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 you literally have to program your own plugin to even get this thing to eat and drink (shrug)

Nah, you just have to put in the names and set the percentages in your advanced settings. You can do this through adding C# to your quester/grinder. wRobot automatically restocks food when it goes to a vendor that has food with this name and you've set the correct amount to buy. HMP actually just tells wRobot "go to vendor when at 0 food" and sets names automatically.


24.99 Euros for some half-assed 1-60 grinder packs or for questing packs

Grinders are between 5 and 8 euros. That's way below minimum wage for much more work put in. FNV's quester for example has received nearly a year worth of work (and doesn't even get to 60 yet). He could've made 50k working a day job that way.


so then again what does my monthly subscription go towards?

The framework (the bot itself) including the quester base, across multiple expansions with multiple pathing servers, anti-anti-cheat being updated to protected against new private server protection vectors, forum cost and profit because Droidz doesn't do all that work out for charity's sake.
Subscription is also a yearly price. Can't be compared to Blizzard.


I'm a lazy ass that doesn't want to do the repetitive

Take a look at other bots tackling vanilla. They're nowhere close to wRobot. If you're lazy, spend the money you earn from actual work on the bot. Then you don't have to do ANYTHING including grinders/questers. If you don't wanna spend money, invest time. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Again - compare this to Pirox or Glider, both of which had a much larger community - and you'll see wRobot is much more advanced. Especially with the API it exposes.

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"Subscription is also a yearly price. Can't be compared to Blizzard."

Wrobot is monthly, 6 months or a year same as WoW so you're wrong...


Either way, I don't want to argue with you. People pay for convenience like I said no other bot I've ever used has ever required so much work on the user end to even get it to work... 


I do have the food and drink setup and still does not eat nor drink.




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12 hours ago, food4me said:


If these settings don't work for you, then using HMP wouldn't change a thing. Check your log to see if the bot even enters regen. Disable all addons too.
And set up CTM correctly (60fps/60hz, vsync enabled, no monitor over 60hz) and you'll have no problem swimming either.

The bot literally tells you to do that when you start it in BIG RED letters in the log.

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I have 3 144hrz monitors and I've read the forums and already dropped them to 60hrz and disables G-sync and enables V-sync  I also always disable all addons when I plan on running Wrobot I know the bot tells that you in big red letters. When I start the bot I get no errors 

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We are all prone to mistakes you, I everyone else I'm hoping its some option somewhere I keep having high hopes but I paid for this bot on the first so 15 days ago and I've been fighting with it ever since. I just cannot get it to work I've followed all the guides everything. 

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On 8/16/2018 at 6:49 PM, food4me said:

For people who do not program "like me," this bot is a nightmare and a joke.

I'm going kind of suppor that partially. Sometimes, for people that are programmers it's a nightmare and joke as well. To many bugs that you can't workaround and no one going to fix them ever. Sometimes people fix part of them with paid or free plugins. It should not be like that, it should just work without 34 plugins that are fixing obvious things, that should work "from the box".

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