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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, What executables do you have in the game folder? Normally, you rename (or delete) the executable file of the 64 bit version and you launch the Wow.exe file (Wow.exe is 32bit version)
  2. Hi, the correct code is : public static string GetTextFixed(string commandline) { uint FrameScript_GetText = 0x0819d40; var commandByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(commandline + "\0"); var luaGetLocalizedTextSpace = wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.AllocData.Get(commandByte.Length); var rCodecave = wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.AllocData.Get(IntPtr.Size); if (luaGetLocalizedTextSpace <= 0) return ""; wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteBytes(luaGetLocalizedTextSpace, commandByte); wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WritePtr(rCodecave, 0); var asm = new[] { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.CallWrapperCodeRebaseEsp(FrameScript_GetText, 0x0C, luaGetLocalizedTextSpace, -1, 0), "mov ecx, " + rCodecave, "mov [ecx], eax", wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.RetnToHookCode }; wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.InjectAndExecute(asm); var sResult = string.Empty; var a = wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadPtr(rCodecave); if (a > 0) sResult = wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadStringUTF8(a); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sResult)) sResult = string.Empty; wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.AllocData.Free(luaGetLocalizedTextSpace); wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.AllocData.Free(rCodecave); return sResult; }
  3. thanks, I'll add it soon to pathfinder, you know in what game versions these elevators are?
  4. Hello, for some code you have to wait few hours (to get them by mail). Enter the codes obtained here https://wrobot.eu/allopass/ You can check the available credit on your account here : https://wrobot.eu/clients/credit/ To obtain the code quickly the best way is to call. But, I don't have any information about the payments or the status of the payments. I get information and money only when you use a code (these codes can be used on several sites, that's why I don't get any information before a code validated on this site).
  5. You can run this c# code : robotManager.Helpful.Others.OpenWebBrowserOrApplication(@"c:\myapp.exe");
  6. Code should look like : Var.GetVar<int>("RND5451") == 2
  7. Hello, yes, you can run c# code to execute your application. What type of profile do you use ?
  8. Hello, try to disable option BlackListTrainingDummy : wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.BlackListTrainingDummy = false;
  9. Hello, what is the position and continent of this elevator please
  10. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ). Some options like "max unit near" can cause this problem
  11. Hello, Are you certain that your profile is adapted to your game version ? You get same problem with you use the product 'Automaton' ?
  12. Hello, this error can be caused when you use a proxy (or redirect http request)
  13. this is quester profile, you need to put downloaded file in the folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\", select "Quester" product and select profile in "Product settings" tab.
  14. Can you give me link of the profile please
  15. If it's xml it's not for "custom profile". Where do you find this file ?
  16. Hello, can you share the full log file please (you can find it in the folder "Logs").
  17. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/15080-how-to-load-custom-profile/#comment-67802
  18. Hello, Move (and unzip if zipped) downloaded file in the folder "WRobot\Profiles\Custom Profile\". In the bot main tab, select the product "Custom Profile", in the tab "Product Settings" select the previously added profile.
  19. Hello, this error can be caused when you use a proxy (or redirect http request)
  20. Hello, I have answered your private message.
  21. .net Framework 4.x (4.5 minimum). You can't use "$", bot compiler use old C# compiler (you can't use the new language features, or, you need previously to compile your code in dll). You can run your Lua code like that : var hello = "hello world"; Lua.LuaDoString(@" local index = string.find('" + hello + @",h'); "); or var hello = "hello world"; Lua.LuaDoString("local index = string.find('" + hello + ",h');");
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