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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3383-pickpocket-mobs/?do=findComment&comment=16747
  2. Hello, you can bypass this problem with WRobot plugin http://wrobot.eu/files/file/650-party-chat-command/
  3. Hello, when you get this problem, contact me by private message or mail.
  4. Hello, your food/drink name is case is good (case sensitive). Can you share your log file (when you get this problem)
  5. Hello, in advanced general settings, tab "Looting and..." put lower value at option "Search Radius".
  6. Hello, try to disable settings "Havrest Herbs" and "Habrest Mine". If you problem is not resolved, please share your log file http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966
  7. Hello, I'll try to found solution. But problem was caused by option (in advanced settings) "Automatically add NPCs to database". WRobot go to nearest npc vendor to buy food/drink, if the vendor haven't your food/drink, wrobot is stuck. (to resolve it, disable this option, clean 'NPC DB' (tab tools) and add manually your vendor/repairs).
  8. Hello, can you give me buffs of dead npc please (tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > select npc in game and click on "Player/target buff/debuff", send me text after "TARGET Buff/Debuff:").
  9. Hello, To remove old files: 2016-08-16_18-25-57.mp4 If user want keep informed about news: 2016-08-16_18-28-15.mp4
  10. Hello, sorry for the delay, your problems are resolved?
  11. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/relogger-wow-path-r472/?do=findComment&comment=3171
  12. Droidz


    Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback Changed Version to All
  13. Droidz


    Hello, do you have try to increment min/max latency in advanced general settings?
  14. I'll add it, but not release date for the moment sorry.
  15. Hello, your problem seem resolved: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/769-zans-unholy-death-knight/
  16. Hello, try to use condition (Pet|Target|)Fleeing
  17. Droidz

    Archaeology crashing

    Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback Changed Version to All
  18. Droidz

    Archaeology crashing

    Hello, Steps 9 and 11: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 If your problem is not resolved, please share your log file
  19. Hello, to download files you need active WRobot subscription.
  20. Hello, can you tell me if launch WRobot with shortcut "WRobot No Lock Frame" resolve this problem?
  21. Hello, yes I'll add support of legions invasion.
  22. Hello, can you share your log file please.
  23. Wait next WRobot update and use this code: public static int GetThreat(WoWUnit target) { int threatpct = 0; string luaCode = "local _, _, threatpct = UnitDetailedThreatSituation('player', 'focus'); return threatpct;"; try { if (!target.IsValid) return threatpct; if (target.IsMyTarget) { threatpct = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(luaCode.Replace("'focus'", "'target'")); } else if (target.Guid == ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid) { threatpct = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(luaCode); } else { var currentFocus = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = target.Guid; threatpct = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(luaCode); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = currentFocus; } } catch { } return threatpct; } (this code not freeze wow)
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