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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. thank you, I check, you can try to launch WRobot with shortcut "WRobot no dx" and tell me if you get crash please
  2. Can you try without fightclass, and can you send me (by private message) few recent crash rapports files please (in folder "World of Warcraft\Errors\", only .txt files)
  3. Only vanilla? you have try with another fightclass? and to disable plugins?
  4. Hello, you still get this problem? You have updated plugins/fightclasses/profiles? All crashes is in Vanilla?
  5. Hello, can you give more details like log file, profile, ...
  6. hello, can you share your log file please
  7. hey, what is your current code to extract key?
  8. Hello, I think than problem is your profile, try another
  9. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/10998-not-castingmounting/?do=findComment&comment=52486
  10. Some software can cause this problem, but if you cannot resolved problem try to active option "use lua to move" in advanced general settings
  11. You use good combat range in your fightclass? (and share you log please)
  12. If you use lua, you can try code like if DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME then local c=DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:GetNumMessages() for i=1,c do local msg = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:GetMessageInfo(i) if msg then YOUR CODE HERE end end end If message are display in WRobot tab "Chat" you can also use wrobot class Channel (sample: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4802-mage-portal-bot/ )
  13. it is not WRobot error, but profile/plugin/fightclass problem
  14. Hello, install HMP correctly (read install guide) EDIT: @Matenia you have no way to download automatic files if missing?
  15. Read file "README.txt" (in WRobot folder) and install required software. If your problem is not resolved disable your antivirus, redownload and reinstall WRobot
  16. hello, tab "Chat" this text is display? if yes in what channel?
  17. Droidz


    Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  18. Hello, Subscriptions for private servers have always been year.
  19. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ). yo
  20. Hello, you get same problem without WRobot plugin and Wow addons (in Vanilla it is better to disable all)? I think it is because you have stucks, try to disable option "Avoid blacklisted zones (pathfinder)" (in advanced general settings tab pathfinder
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