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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Bonjour, Avez vous activé l'option dans "Menus" > "Interfaces" > "Commandes"?
  2. Hello, you cannot now, I'll implement it.
  3. Hello, you can try to use product "Schedule".
  4. Hello, can you read this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 If you problem is not resolved, can you share your log file please (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/).
  5. Hello, normally problem is resolved with Sky Golem http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3832-bot-wont-attack-while-getting-node/?do=findComment&comment=18985
  6. Hello, replace ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0 by ObjectManager.Me.Target.IsNotZero() and replace (if '_lastTarget' is WoWUnit): if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget) by if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget.Guid)
  7. Hello, http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Guild_mass_recruiting RunMacroText("/who"); if WhoFrameWhoButton then WhoFrameWhoButton:Click() end local n=GetNumWhoResults(); local i=1; while(i<=n) do local c,g=GetWhoInfo(i); if(g=="") then SendChatMessage("Your Message Here "..c.."! Guild Name Another Message Here","WHISPER","COMMON",c); GuildInvite(c); end i=i+1; end To run this code, go to tab "Tools" > Click on "Development Tools" > paste code in textbox and click on button "Lua (return value in 'ret')".
  8. Sorry for the delay (I didn't have this mount), I have resolved problem, if you can wait next update.
  9. Hello, current version of WRobot support Wow 7.0.3 Build 22810, you don't need to update WRobot. Kind regards
  10. Hello, do you have try to use condition "Global Cooldown Enabled" > "False"
  11. Hello, not feature for this, but you can do this with lua/c# and custom profile, plugin or quest profile.
  12. Droidz

    Chat in Remote

    Hello, sorry but I'll not add this feature.
  13. Hello, general settings window was never been resizable
  14. Hello, Try to remove "return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(38607) >= 1;" and put true at "Auto Detect Objective Count ..."
  15. Hello, longmove use only the flying mount.
  16. Hello, in product settings you can select "ramdon" or select specific BG (max 2)
  17. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/596-use-hearthstone/?do=findComment&comment=6812
  18. Hello, you don't need to cancel your subscription: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/?do=findComment&comment=17816
  19. Hello, you seem launch Wow in 64 bit. Can you check if all is good: start wow in 32-bit Try also to install SlimDX
  20. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/sitting-on-full-ancient-mana-r549/
  21. Hello, you get this problem in product "WRotation"? if yes try to active option "Launch rotation when combat starts". This problem can be caused by your fightclass also.
  22. Hello, yes you can, add task type 'ChangeCharacter'
  23. Hello, you can found on website several way to use Stealth: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awrobot.eu+stealth
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