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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I comeback here when this frature is added.
  2. If you can wait next update and tell me if your problem is resolved.
  3. Hello, I don't think add "google translate" button at this site, but if you use google chrome you can translate site page quickly (google translate is integrated at google chrome), if you use firefox you can found some addons for it: https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/search/?q=Translator+&appver=&platform=
  4. Hello, WRobot will be never compatible with HB plugins/bot, but it is possible to convert it manually to WRobot plugins/products (what you can found in HB API is usually in the WRobot API).
  5. Hello, Use this code for it: WoWPlayer randomPlayer = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWPlayer(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer()); Try this: WoWPlayer player = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == "CharName"); if (player != null && player.IsValid) { Interact.InteractGameObject(player.GetBaseAddress, false); }
  6. Hello, the npc repair is near the npc vendor? can you check if npc repair is active (tab "Tools" in "Npc DB", or in your profile with profile editor). "Repair" option is activated? (tab "General Settings").
  7. Par exemple, pour http://www.wowhead.com/item=5512/healthstone , à la place du nom du sort mettez l'id de l'item (5512), dans "Spell Settings" mettez "True" à l'option "Not spell, is item id". Dans les condition utiliser "Item Count" et "Item Id Cooldown Enabled". Regarde cette exemple: test.xml
  8. Bonjour, Dans "Spell Settings" utiliser l'option "Timer".
  9. Vous devez le sélectionner de cette façon la ensuite:
  10. Hallo, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2695-disenchant-profile/#comment-12280
  11. Hello, you can try this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/739-disenchanting/?do=findComment&comment=4180
  12. Bonjour, Il n'y a pas d'outil permettant de le faire automatiquement. Mais il est possible de le faire manuellement (pour se rapprocher le plus du code de base, le mieux serait de le traduire vers un fightclass en C#, toutes les fonctions utilisées semblent être disponibles dans WRobot) ref: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/12-how-to-create-an-fight-class-developer-only/
  13. Hello, do you get this problem frequently? (if you can tell me the frequency) If you can also share log files after to get this problem. What is bot state when you get this problem (bot where party is running, you can found bot state tab "In game")
  14. Hello, I come back here when is fixed, what is the name of buff applied by this mount?
  15. Hello, I have written this plugin and I have think at you: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/622-memory-clean/
  16. You can try to run WRobot with this plugin activated: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/622-memory-clean/
  17. Version 1.1.0


    MemoryClean Auto clean wow lua memory (with wow command "/reload") if this exceeds 270000 ko. This plugin is useful if you have a small amount of memory, if you run WRobot for session for a very long time, or if you launch a lot of Wow and WRobot sessions. You can edit file with notepad to change max lua memory size, replace 270000 by new limit size in KO line 28. EDIT: Now WRobot has option to to do this without this plugin: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4918-since-last-update-the-bot-spams-reloadui/#comment-22750
  18. Hello, What product and what profile do you use? Do you have good FPS in wow? Do you run wow in window mode? Do you have all required softwares? Sincerly, you are the first user at say this.
  19. Hello, you don't need to add auto shoot in your fightclass (it is managed by wrobot). Look this sample (for low level): hunter.xml
  20. Add "wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks." before "GoToTask...."
  21. Go to tab "Tools" > click on button "Npc DB" > research the used vendor/repair and activate option "Can Fly To" (you need to use Npc outdoor).
  22. Hello, For the moment the possibility to avoid ground AOE spell is not implemented. To target same mob of the party leader, you need to use c# code like this: if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.IsInGroup()) { var playerLeader = new wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWPlayer(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetPartyLeaderGUIDHomeAndInstance()).GetBaseAddress); if (playerLeader.IsValid) { var target = playerLeader.TargetObject; if (target.IsValid && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.GetBaseAddress != target.GetBaseAddress) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove); } } }
  23. If you can send me by PM you crash file please.
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