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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Sounds like a connection stability issue. But you seem to have done all the right things. Having a few errors from the 'Remote' function is not very serious in itself (and should not cause crashes). You can : Try without the 'Remote' option activated (you can deactivate this option at the bottom right of the WRobot window). Install/reinstall required softwares (link in "readme.txt" file). Do Windows updates Try disable all Wow addons, bot plugin. Try with others profile/fightclass In the other logs (sessions where WRobot crash) there are no errors towards the end?
  2. Many elements related to spells are cached (spell names (in English and in the client's language), IDs relative to names, list of known spells, ...)
  3. Hi, From Cata version you can maybe check Usefuls.FrameTime_GetCurTimeMs(). On all version, you can check Useful.LastHardwareAction (this counter is updated when there is a keyboard input or when the mouse moves in the wow window). Relogger use "WowProcess.Responding". But, checking every 50ms seems almost impossible.
  4. Hello, you can find some builds here : https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2018-wrobot-old-versions/ . None are compatible?
  5. You can get in game objects info with "dev... tools" (tab "Tools")
  6. Hello, your problem should solved
  7. Hello, This is the profile trying to take this boat. The easiest way is to disable the step (or steps) with the 'Profile settings (enable/disable quests/steps)' tool (in the 'Product Settings' tab). You can also edit the profile, but it is more complicated. If you have trouble finding the steps to disable share here the bot log file (from a session where the bot is trying to take the boat).
  8. Hello, you can add npc (repair/vendor) in the NPC DB (tab "Tools")
  9. Yes connections from China are not always stable. Using a VPN can help (try free or trial versions to find the best one).
  10. Hello, Disable Wow addons to be sure this is not the problem, install the required files (you can find the links to these files in the readme.txt file in your wrobot folder). But you seem to have connection problems, try using a VPN.
  11. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  12. It's c# code to ignore your pet : ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 10 && u.IsAttackable && !u.IsMyPet) >= 3 Replace 10 by the radius (distance), and 3 by the number of hostile unit near the target require.
  13. This profile is protected by the creator. You need to contact him.
  14. Hello, This problem can occur when you use a profile with the quester that is made for another product. If your problem is not solved, can you share the profile you are using.
  15. Hello, Check that your Windows is up to date. Also check that you have installed the required applications (especially SlimDX and VC++) (links in the README.txt file located in the WRobot folder). What about CPU/RAM usage ?
  16. Hello, try https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1966-free-wholesome-inventory-manager/
  17. Hello, Can you share your log file please https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ If you use a VPN/proxy try to disable it.
  18. Hello, maybe another running application on your computer uses this shortcut. Do you have any error about in your log ?
  19. Hello, You don't need VPN or proxy (it's even better to use your real IP). That can be useful if you get banned or when you bot in several accounts.
  20. Hello, For some game versions you can use a Wow addon for that. You can also find some bot plugin https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awrobot.eu+auto+gear
  21. Hello, It's no longer possible to use Paypal, the only alternative to credit card (Stripe) is https://wrobot.eu/allopass/
  22. Good morning, Contact @Bambo to solve your problem (make sure beforehand that your IP does not change and that no one else is using your paid file).
  23. It is true that in your log file the response time of the pathfinder is long. Can you try with a VPN?
  24. When you run your Lua code (in "dev... tools"), it works ? try to add a print in you code to debug it, like that : for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", i); if debuffAuraType == "Magic" then anyCurse = true; print("true") return; end end print("false")
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