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  1. Droidz's post in Bug bg was marked as the answer   
    Le problème est cette erreur: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Handle de fenêtre non valide" je pense que le bot n'arrive pas à accéder à ton clavier (ce qui explique pourquoi tu es afk).
    Je viens de répondre ici:  à la même erreur que toi. Si tu peux me donner les mêmes informations que je lui ai demandé (ça m'aidera à trouvé d’ou vient le problème):
    Réinstaller/réparer les programmes:  Framework 4.0, DirectX 9, DirectX 11, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010  (X86) et SlimDX (4.0 X86). Activer l'option "Use lua to move" dans WRobot onglet "General Settings" bouton "advanced...". Si le problème n'est pas résolu: m'envoyer la liste des programmes lancés sur votre ordinateur (pour obtenir la liste, ouvrir le cmd (en mode administrateur) et utiliser la commande: tasklist ).
  2. Droidz's post in Bot not installing was marked as the answer   
    try to disable your anti virus
  3. Droidz's post in upgrading bot package was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   I have credited your mmorobot account of the amount of your old subscription.   You can use this credit to buy new subscription.
  4. Droidz's post in Fisherbot was marked as the answer   
    Petite erreur de ma part lors de la mise à jour d'aujourd'hui.
    Merci de relancer WRobot et accepter la mise à jour, le problème devrait être résolu avec.
  5. Droidz's post in Issue while gathering was marked as the answer   
    Your fightclass works?   If you can try with the new wrobot update and tell me if you have again this problem.
  6. Droidz's post in Problème Milling was marked as the answer   
    Je n'arrive pas à trouver ce qui peut causer ce problème, chez moi tout fonctionne.
    J'ai donc rajouté la possibilité d'utiliser l'id de l'item dans la liste.
    Remplace la liste de noms d'items que tu as dans "Liling list..." par:
    13463 22789 22785 36901 36903 36906 37921 52984 (pour info tu peux trouver l'id de l'item dans l'url wowhead).
    ps: La possibilité d'utiliser l'id sera dispo dans la prochaine mise à jour (qui sera dans la journée).
  7. Droidz's post in Not looting last find in digsite was marked as the answer   
    Wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved.
    Thank you.
  8. Droidz's post in How can I find the time remaining on a buff/debuff? was marked as the answer   
    Look this code: 
    In you case (for spell http://wod.wowhead.com/spell=1079 (id:1079)), to check in your target if remaining time has less than 7 secondes add this lua condition:
    local name = GetSpellInfo(1079); _, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = UnitDebuff("target", name); timeRemaining = expirationTime - GetTime(); if (timeRemaining <= 7) then retV = "1"; else retV = "0"; end Research:

    1 Var:

  9. Droidz's post in how to make it loot orlin supplies was marked as the answer   
    Hello, add object entry id in:
    Tab "General settings" Advanced general settings... Tab "Looting and Farming options" Add entry id in textbox "Harvest object (one id by line)" If you want id you can use wowhead or "dev tools" (tab "Tools"). If you need help to found id, give me complete object name. 
  10. Droidz's post in Relogger was marked as the answer   
    Wait next wrobot update (coming in few minutes) and if you can tell me if reloger works. Thank you.
  11. Droidz's post in Schedule Product Usage was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   To add task, you need to double click on white textbox (I'll add button "Add" to avoid this problem).
  12. Droidz's post in Mana in fight classes was marked as the answer   
    I have add this, wait next update (in a few hours).
  13. Droidz's post in Arcane mage fight class will not attack. was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   In the last update, normally you can now use in the fight classes the spell name like he appear in game.   Tell me if you get problem with an spell
  14. Droidz's post in Why use click terrain on fight class? was marked as the answer   
    Try with new update.
    If you problem is not resolved use base (parent) spell name (to get base spell name use this script: ).
    I get this with my character:
    [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Dark Soul: Instability (113858) (parent spell: Dark Soul (77801)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Immolate (348) (parent spell: Corruption (172)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Incinerate (29722) (parent spell: Shadow Bolt (686)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Mortal Coil (6789) (parent spell: Crippling Shadows (175707)) [D] 19:14:48 - Children spell found: Rain of Fire (104232) (parent spell: Rain of Fire (5740)) Tell me if this works with normal spell name (Incinerate and Immolate). 
  15. Droidz's post in The LUA loop to figure out shared spell ID's was marked as the answer   
    Do you speak about this script:  ?
    If yes I have updated script here:
  16. Droidz's post in Vendoring issue was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   This problem is probably by WoD, WRobot is too fast for Wow. I have try to fix problem. Update WRobot and tell me if this works now.   Thank you for report
  17. Droidz's post in Wont work was marked as the answer   
    Try to install/reinstall vc++
  18. Droidz's post in Use of talents was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   In the last update I have added default support of parent spell, normally now WRobot works with spell name "Powershot".
  19. Droidz's post in Wont load Wow program or see it as 32 bit was marked as the answer   
    Can you send me your log files please (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
    To launch wow in 32 bit, if you use battle.net launcher read this, if you use old launcher look this.
  20. Droidz's post in WRobot not looting was marked as the answer   
    Hello, Thanks for report, Update WRobot, tell me if problem is not resolved.
  21. Droidz's post in how to translate more options? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, Sorry but you cannot translate devtools, quests editor, fightclass editor and some settings like macro.
  22. Droidz's post in Sometimes bot just stops controlling character? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, All dig available sites of your current continent is blacklisted (probably because you have exceed the number of try by dig site, or because you have deactivated it in "Product settings"). You can try to increment max try by dig site in Archaeology "Product Settings" option "Max try by Digsite".
  23. Droidz's post in [api] detect Debuff type was marked as the answer   
    You can use lua for it: http://www.wowwiki.com/API_UnitBuff and http://www.wowwiki.com/API_UnitDebuff
    for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player",i); if spellId > 0 then print("name="..debuffType) end end
  24. Droidz's post in Mailing not working was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   Can you share your profile and your log file please.   Check if your profile contain an mailbox (or add it with profile editor) (ps, you can add mailbox also in NPC DB (tab "tools"))   Dont forget to activate option "Use mail" in "advanced general settings".   You can try to increment distance of search of mailbox ("General settings" > "advanced..."> tab "others" > "Npc/Mailbox Search  Radius")
  25. Droidz's post in Can't download Wrobot was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   Do you have download WRobot from this page: ?   Check if your antivirus don't block download, and try to install last version of winrar/7zip.
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