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About richmiller

  • Birthday 01/24/1995

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  1. Do you have auto loot enabled in the World of Warcraft settings?
  2. You could make a custom proflie to farm the lock boxes. Wouldnt take to much to make one.
  3. There is a built in profile converter. Although it wont be converted perfectly. You will have to go in and check what went wrong in the proflie. Also alot of zones changed quest wise in cata. So that could also be a problem.
  4. Use the auction house or a guild bank to sell the gold.
  5. You have to make your own fight class(or find someone's that works really well) if you want top dps. For alts I have actually made some that pull more dps than I pull. If I was home I could provide links for guides on fight class creation. You you are still struggling when I get back which will be atleast 8 hours I will shoot you those links. You can find them in the tutorials area.
  6. Go here. Your key is directly under License Key.
    Works great!
  7. Works great, thanks for the work!
  8. Just solved my problem with more looking :D. I just had to change mount distance in the advanced settings.
  9. Hi guys, wondered if there was a way to make my character mount back up directly after gathering a node. Right now it runs to the node (while mounted). Then it runs back to the path (on foot). After it gets to the path it then mounts up.
  10. I herb and mine mostly. Transmog would be great if you can make profiles to run dungeons. My favorite expansion to mine and herb is BC. With some of my mats I make Turbo-Charged Flying Machine. If you dont want to make something with what you farm you can just plop whatever you farm on the AH. Id recommend posting the items on a separate account, and at the least a separate character than the one doing the farming. Once in a while I farm WoTLK mats to make Mechano-Hog. I dont like making Mechano-Hogs just because i have to spend my own gold on the vendor items. With my time botting I have found that I can make just as much gold in the earlier expansions. I can generally farm more items in a shorter amount of time, and the items usually sell for around the same as the current expansion items. I have also heard great things about the auction bot. If you can set it up correctly you can have it snipe items and list for a profit. I feel like it is probably the safest way to make gold without getting caught also.
  11. Depends on your server. I like to farm old world items. Less competiton for me.
  12. Version 1.0


    Starts at Nozzlepot's Outpost. This is a profile for characters under level 60 to herb and mine. Not a ton of nodes but so far I haven't got stuck. If anything needs blacklisted let me know in the comments. Enjoy!
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