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About zjxlsmr

  • Birthday 01/04/1992

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  1. just black list it. With the 3Dmap tool, you can accurately do so without any more testing!
  2. There are 2 widely used plug-in 1. auto gear buyer (For BGs), User create a vendor list, and whenever the player has enough honor point, it will buy that out and clear it from list. 2. Multiply target puller. in Grinding situation, there are many times player just need to pull the mob with one spell, and switching to next mob before that one dies, because the mob dies easily or the player is a tank, a pack of mobs will be more efficient. (ofc many setting had to be adjusted before enable)
  3. Version 1.0


    they have 0.006% chance drop many kinds of 665 item. sells 40~80k depends on your svr. just wowhead yourself!!! this file can help you get start, nothing serious.
  4. modify yourself!! i am not gonna update since pretty busy...this one just works fine ..ofc it is not the optimal one....
  5. Version 1.0


    check it out yourself
  6. just aiming for transmong runs and what not. it s even better if it knows how to run into instance
  7. so you know exact how and where the area you are working with. it could be the areas you want to block while not too much by blocking the path way. you might need that visual aid to determine whether you are making the desired path rather than whole pages of coordinates.
  8. why would someone want to spend time on something that might get changed at any time. Never expect any developer would work on beta or test realm region. And hell why you need a bot to testing a test realm?
  9. Just want to say thanks for the new release 1.2.4. Just updated like 5 mins ago, regardless any future issue that may happen, I still think the 3D radar gonna help so much while creating profile BLINDLY. Here is what it looks like if you havnt got the update: Great work keep it up! xD
  10. make sure Wrobot is CLOSED when you finishing editing the NpcDB.xml file. otherwise, it just wont save. The step is: 1: make sure copied all the information to somewhere from the DevelopmentTool panel. 2: Close Wrobot 3: Add the code into NpcDB.xml 4: Reopen Wrobot, after you click "NpcDB" button in the "Tools" tab, you will see what you just have added. PS: i was trying to add a mailbox, and i did it manually, i typed all coordinates, and it did not save....................(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
  11. make sure Wrobot is CLOSED when you finishing editing the NpcDB.xml file. otherwise, it just wont save. The step is: 1: make sure copied all the information to somewhere from the DevelopmentTool panel. 2: Close Wrobot 3: Add the code into NpcDB.xml 4: Reopen Wrobot, after you click "NpcDB" button in the "Tools" tab, you will see what you just have added. PS: i was trying to add a mailbox, and i did it manually, i typed all coordinates, and it did not save....................(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
  12. so sorry to hear that. This used to happen to me as well. But all i did was Re-download a new one. The direct reason must being something is wrong with coordinate of dig sites.(example the dig sites is at x:100 y:-200 z:30, somehow the bot read the y axis wrong as 200, there is a missing "-". Thus the bot fly straight west. because all the map are read as they are in "Second Quardrant" of a x-y rectangular coordinate system. But this is what i observed, i dont know why bot reads those parameter wrong. please need some developer here.
  13. 1, one thing to make sure is that turn off your virus-protection or add the bot to trust-area. I had my Archaeologist.dll deleted by those program before, and everything went so wrong, took me so long to solve. 2, Have you tried use archaeologist on Kalimdor or Eastern kingdoms, it should does the same thing (fly west and suicide). So it is not about the dig-site, the settings or files must be wrong. 3. what i did was completely re-download a new Wobot and save it somewhere else while leaving my previous alone. And use the new one. this way i can negate all the possibility alone my client side
  14. and then fly clockwise....
  15. Starts near 7 shine(alliance inn)
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