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  1. it is working
  2. download it and put it in profiles\fisherbot folder in program you can find the file as talador whiptail.xml and choose it it is working and if you still dont know how to make it work you are in wrong place
  3. Version 1,0


    World of draenor fishing and garrison fishing shack we need alot fish. for Sea Scorpion Angler achievement just go to this place and run this file. Works perfect. Small island Coords : 22,74 Also there is Rare spawn Grrbrrgle
  4. Version 1.0


    World of draenor fishing and garrison fishing shack we need alot fish. for Blackwater Whiptail Angler achievement just go to this place and run this file. Works perfect. my first upload please let me know if anything go wrong fly to talador shattrath fly point, just below small lake
  5. Hello my problem is i have misclicked and uninstalled BASE DATA ADMİN :) where can i download and update it ?
  6. i had the same problem right click on wrobot.exe click properties and there is digital sign or certificate click install and it fixed
  7. Can you pls let us know where to start. If you mark farm place on the map this will be very helpfull.
  8. i fix temple of red Crane stuck part erase the points when its stuck and blacklist it and save it again worked perfect thanks
  9. please upload english version also
  10. best aoe and best for grinding. leveled my druid
  11. Use Anubisath Idol Have a beer or more and watch the Game !!!! 3m xp/hr
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