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Posts posted by iMod

  1. 11 minutes ago, Crespo said:

    How can I change general settings so it doesn't reset for every new account I log on? I tried in the settings file but I haven't found anything like that.

    The only way atm is just copy and paste an existing one and change the name of the file to the name of your new character.

    Old: General-Charname.Servername.xml
    New: General-NewCharacterName.Servername.xml

  2. Hello,

    is there a way to call the start method of a fight class by our self or is it just possible atm with the fight class engine? if so it would be nice if there would be a way to pulse the Start method since the engine is kinda overloaded and i want to start my fight class without all those extra "stuff".


    thanks in advance, iMod

  3. WRobot is not HB and never will be, hopefully. There are a few things who could be better for sure but it will take its time.

    35 minutes ago, YatagarasuKamisan said:

    That's the main issue I have at the moment, how can a product that's more expensive than its competitors have less built-in functionality?
    I mean, you would at least expect the bot to ship with a bunch of "baseline profiles" like Fighting Classes and such.

    It can be that expensive because its the one who isn't catched by blizz ;)
    Like HB you paid for the botbase not the profiles. HB is shipping profiles and fightclasses, because a user was that kind to invest some time to create those. They also paid someone to create profiles.

    35 minutes ago, YatagarasuKamisan said:

    I hope things will get better since seemingly a lot of HB users are coming over here, but as stated above I am feeling a bit screwed over by the lack of baseline content you get with a subscription that's more expensive than its competitors - It's like Bethesda all over, ship an incomplete product and then expect the community to pick up the slack with mods (in this case, profiles/routines/fighting classes).

    It will be better in some time for sure but since only one developer is working at the core and the bot supports all expansions... it will take its time. Don't get me wrong but this bot is nothing for ppl who don't want to invest time.
    This bot is able to do everything what HB does but you need to tell it what it should do with profiles and fightclasses you made or bought from other ppl.
    I mean its a short calculation "time = money" -> invest some time and you can get something without paying or buy somone else time to save your own time. its easy as that.

    Btw if oyu need help with your stuff there are many posts with informations in it and also questions are always welcome in discord. BUT ppl who just want something without trying it by them self are not really supported.

  4. using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using robotManager.Helpful;
    using robotManager.Products;
    using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
    using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager;
    public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin
        private bool isRunning;
        private BackgroundWorker pulseThread;
        public void Start()
            pulseThread = new BackgroundWorker();
            pulseThread.DoWork += Pulse;
        public void Pulse(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
                // Loop
                while (isRunning)
                    // Valid?
                    if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Fight.InFight && !ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 80)
                        uint[] items = new uint[] { 14530, 14529, 3531, 3530, 6451, 6450, 3531, 3530, 2581, 1251 };
                        uint? currentItemID = null;
                        // Get itemID
                        foreach (uint itemID in items)
                            // Exists?
                            if (ItemsManager.HasItemById(itemID))
                                // Set
                                currentItemID = itemID;
                        // Any?
                        if (currentItemID.HasValue)
                            // Stop moving
                            MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 10000);
                            // Use item
                            Logging.WriteDebug("Using consumable bandage");
                            // Wait
                    // Wait
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Dispose()
                isRunning = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Initialize()
            isRunning = true;
        public void Settings()


  5. 14 hours ago, Lemke said:

    Thank you,

    Any link or tutorial to do that?Just trying to do some rotations a bit more complete.

    Personaly i'm using
    BurstMode = strg
    AoeMode = alt

    Subscribe to event (needs to be in the constructor or initialize method NOT in the loop):

    #region Events
    bool burstMode = false;
    bool aoeMode = false;
    // Listen to events
    EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += delegate (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args)
        if (id == LuaEventsId.MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED && args.Count == 2)
            //  Possible values are LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCTRL, RCTRL, LALT, and RALT
            string key = args[0];
            // 1 means that the the key has been pressed. 0 means that the key has been released
            int state = int.Parse(args[1]);
            // AOE mode
            if (key == "LALT" && state == 0)
                // Set status
                aoeMode = !aoeMode;
            // Burst mode
            if (key == "LCTRL" && state == 0)
                // Set status
                burstMode = !burstMode;

    Use (in the loop):

    // Burst?
    if (burstMode && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat)
      // Do your burst stuff 
    // AOE?
    if (aoeMode && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat)
      // Do your AOE stuff 

    Hope that helps.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Lemke said:

    Hello guys!Just asking if its possible to create a multiple rotation,like 3 files,or one,with hotkeys into-game like this:

    Rotation in loop: Normal attacks,normal rotation without burst spells.

    Burst rotation: When we want,use hotkey to activate burst rotation file.

    Defensive: When we want,use that to trinkets,dispels,movility,etc...

    Thanks in advance for your attention.

    Yes it is.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Lmarty said:

    I am not going to pay for this, why would I pay for a product that would be implemented into a product for others to use?? Also not to make comparisons but Wrobot is now a lot more expensive compared to Honorbuddy, although I am more satisfied with Wrobot, it still lacks a lot of free features and profiles which HB and other bots come with. 

    I doubt I will even end up paying the new Wrobot price of 25.99 euros a month for the features I am using.

    Most of the dungeon profiles are already created and can be converted to work with Wrobot, so you would probably just get some lazy fuck creating a UI with trashy piece of code to auto load the profiles.

    If its that easy why you don't create something like that in your free time and give it out for free? I bet you get enough support in the forum to create such easy product. If you start converting the dungeon profiles please convert the quest one too many user would be greatefull :)

  8. 9 hours ago, Ruinit said:

    I appreciate you responding, however I can not get this to work I tried item id, cast on player, buff casted by me ... etc no luck 

    keep getting this in log when set to false [F] 19:24:55 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: local name = GetItemInfo(Celebration Package); RunMacroText('/use ' .. name);

    Set to true is buff it does nothing

    The item id is 147877 and the buff it applies is WoW's 13th Anniversary: ID=243305 don't know if that matters?

    Give it a try.

    WoW's 13th Anniversary.xml

  9. 22 minutes ago, Ruinit said:

    Don't mean sound dumb but how do you add a spell not in the toons spell book? I haven't started messing with fight classes yet. Just started using this bot.  

    Its not a spell as far i see, its an item.
    I'm not really familar with the figthclass editor but as far i saw you just need to add the item id(127987) as spell name and make sure you enabled "Not spell, is item id" in the spell settings. I also would set "Is Buff = true".
    Now you just need to make a condition "Buff" with the name of the buff you get if you use the item.

  10. On 18.11.2017 at 2:10 PM, camelot10 said:

    each profile details contains "please for god sake PM me in case of problems" and link to pm, every week such topic

    Welcome in the "user" world, main reason why i don't sell stuff :P

  11. 11 minutes ago, Bobsen said:

    hi i get the error when i press start on quest modus. trying new install but same. 

    17 Nov 2017 17H21.log.html

    Something in your quest profile is broken as the error said. Double check your profile. The error is telling you for what kind of key you need to look for "\".
    Error: Unerwartetes Zeichen '\'

  12. Targeting by guid for vanilla (not tested)

            private static readonly object LockTargeting = new object();
            public static void TargetUnit(ulong guid)
                // Allocate memory for the target guid
                uint alloc = Memory.WowMemory.Memory.AllocateMemory(8);
                // Write guid
                Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64(alloc, guid);
                // Create asm
                string[] asm = new string[]
                        $"mov ecx, {alloc}",
                        $"call {0x489A40}",
                lock (LockTargeting)
                    // Execute
                // Free memory


  13. 1 hour ago, eeny said:

    Im trying to make FC's for vanilla and ship them as .cs files.


    For the life of me i cant get a "hostile unit near=x" condition to work like it does in the xml FC editor.  I cant find any Working examples i can copy the structure from either.


    Attached is what i currently have- trying to get it to work for Thunderclap... once i have something working i can go apply it to other classes.

    Anyone got a file i can look at to see how it should work?


    bool thunderClapConditions = (ObjectManager.Me.GetAttackableUnits(8).Count() >= 2) && this.AoeMode;
    if (this.ThunderClap.Cast(ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject, thunderClapConditions))
        return true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the units around our unit in the given range.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="range">The range we are looking in.</param>
    /// <param name="objectType">The object type we are looking for.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns a list of units if we found one, otherwise a empty list.</returns>
    public static IEnumerable<WoWUnit> GetAttackableUnits(this WoWUnit instance, int range, WoWObjectType objectType = WoWObjectType.Unit)
        // Get units
        IEnumerable<WoWUnit> results = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u.Type == objectType && u.IsAlive && u.MaxHealth > 1 && ((instance.Position.DistanceTo2D(u.Position) - instance.CombatReach) <= range) && u.IsAttackable && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(u.Position));
        // Return
        return results;
  14. 12 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    I used to use a bot a while back that was able to do all quests itself because it read from a database, do you think this is possible to do with WRobot aswell? 

    It is, I allready started such project but it will take some time since its just a fun project and its not directly made for wrobot.

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