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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. What are you talking about? WRobot was never detected, but rebot was several times detected.
  2. This guide could help you http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9-tutorial-create-a-sucessfully-fightclass-profile/
  3. Please upload a log file.
  4. You could solve it via a C# fight class, but much more work and knowledge is necessary.
  5. Now i understand you. I've tested it by myself and i was able to reproduce this problem. The bot just try over and over again to cast on the "focus" target, even if there's no focus set. You can create a Bug Report for that, if you want.
  6. Then use the focus condition for helping or healing your focus and for other stuff simply without the focus condition?
  7. You have access to the whole profile section, without registering in the forum.. So you was able to see what profiles exists and what not, are you really that dumb?
  8. If droidz would release a wow.exe patching software for every single expansion, so we can enter the realm information in the patching software and patch the wow.exe by our self.. then this problem would be solved.
  9. You can't say that all, i know some people which have saved their account, while monitoring the bot and a gm whispered them. ( private server )
  10. Here's a example for a pretty neat "anti gank plugin", for the Vanilla Bot ZZukBot https://bitbucket.org/SeeSharpXD/punk-alert-plugin/downloads Maybe someone want to use the base of the plugin and port it to WRobot.
  11. It doesn't exist a public 1-100 alliance questing profile.
  12. If it would be that easy, then we should have 1-max level questing profiles for every expansion... Ps, you have a edit function, no need to spam.
  13. Do you read stuff what other people write?
  14. Start the bot, choose "WRotation" - "Product Settings" - "Manage character movement" off. Done..... http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/7-tutorials-wrobot/
  15. Runaro

    Blacklist zone

    Dear Droidz, i've just heard from BetterSister, that the "blacklist zone" function isn't something which can be used to avoid a specific area, it's just for ignoring all units inside the blacklisted zone. Wouldn't it be better, if the "blacklist zone" function would be for avoiding the whole area, so the bot won't be able to generate a path thru it and gonna generate a path around it? This is how it currently is: How it should be:
  16. lul, i thought "blacklisting zone" is for avoiding a area.. damn though learned something new. Now i understand, why my bot keeps running off a cliff and ignores my blacklisted zones.
  17. Huh? For what is then the blacklisting function?
  18. I wasn't able to find a version for 6.2.4 (21355) in the forum, only person which could have access to it would be Droidz. At least i was able to find the x86 Wow.exe for Farahlon, but old bot versions isn't a thing i can get. Only those: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2018-wrobot-old-versions/
  19. Get ingame and read them out of the game???
  20. Runaro


    Schreib einfach deine eigenen Fight Classes, dann kannst du sicher sein, dass gewisse Spells benutzt werden. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9-tutorial-create-a-sucessfully-fightclass-profile/
  21. Let's say you have a sea which you want to avoid, simply set a blacklist coordinate at the middle of it and increase the radius of the blacklisted coordinate. Since the blacklist zone is a circle, it is going to look like this: And here's an example for a cliff: I hope this answered your question.
  22. Runaro


    TopFit ist aber leider nicht so "Top". Vielleicht möchte sich ein Hobby Dev um ein Plugin kümmern, sodass wir endlich für jede WoW Version eine "Top" Lösung haben. Post #100
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