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Everything posted by eeny

  1. You need to point re logger not to wrobot.exe... but the dummy executable. Its random for each install i believe- mines called GoRpQEtFH.exe
  2. Take it up with @Droidz via PM... Your just going to get mocked here. 99% chance you had wrong settings / bad fight class... I say this because i use a Druid bot to heal my 5 mans sometimes and it works a damn charm. However if you are trying to heal LFD with an AFK bot healer- maybe getting a refund will just save your account from the imminent ban you were about to receive from player reports.
  3. chances are the profile creators (myself included) do not have flying yet. so all the 'follow paths" or pulse points in the profiles will be on the ground. So the bot will always be touching the pulse points on the ground. If you want to use flying just re-create the profile with you flying around so the pulse points are up in the sky.
  4. If your pet is dismissed, this macro will call it. If your pet is called and happy, this macro will dismiss it. If your pet is called and unhappy, this macro will feed it the item in the bottom left corner of your backpack. If your pet's dead, it'll be revived. You can change the bagslot this macro checks for food in by changing the "PickupContainerItem(0, 13)" part. The bags count from 0-4, starting from the Backpack, so 0, 13 there means the 13th slot in the backpack. You can change the happiness values (GetPetHappiness()~=3 to GetPetHappiness()~=4) so it will never dismiss pet when its happy and the macro is touched. Tinker with this macro as you see fit
  5. to do this i use the "loadprofile" pulse... and just point it to the same profile thats running.
  6. Everything you have mentioned here is a setting in the advanced options.... I recommend you check them over once again to make sure they are correct- aka sell greens, keep specific items, ignore fights in travel form etc. if you still have an issue we will need the log file from the Bot session, it will tell us what your settings are and If the bot has a problem selling items / fighting mobs it will be proof for review. tks
  7. Didn't Driodz do something where the range of the fight class needed to be > 15?25? to stop auto-attack. change that for a start. Thats my profile for Vanilla- works OK priest.xml
  8. With the exception of automated Ah sniping - Anyone that can say they make 100K PROFIT an hour is likely full of it...More-so if they are 100% AFK botting. That or they are making 20K in 12 minutes and saying " ... at this rate its 100k / hour OMG SO GOOD GUYZ!!" . Either way 100K / hour is unlikely to be sustainable for hours on end as the market you are selling into will likely get saturated. I still think botting with gathering profs is still the best for gold/hour. My bots are mainly leather / herb farmers that run at 6-7K an hour and at the moment i run them 7-10 hours a day. so im just above your 40K mark you think it a little low. Majority of the mats i have go through a bank alt account and onto the AH. I do have a handful of AH goblins who take bulk leather off my hands directly at 85% market price ( which means i dont show up on the AH with is nice). At this point i have been running the same 5 accs since november last year. Craft profession skills are nice- but at that point you are actually playing the game and not botting. I know a lot of the Ah goblins i sell to take my mats to directly flip then into Oblit / Enchanting shards at a reasonable margin. however that's hard to automate, im much happier to have my bots not making top dollar, but being reliable income which is easy to manage. The better question is: if you DONT do gathering... how are you going to make the big money you are after in this game with botting? I do RMT. my gold buyer is paying $0.06/ K on most of my servers which means on average each bot is pulling in US $0.40 /Hour. All up $2 / hour... After i pay my power bill i am left with some free magical internet money, certainly not going to be quitting my day job tho.
  9. It looks like you got this working... but that error means your loading a Quest profile in grinder mode- that wont work. Also- Bumping after an hour?? lmao
  10. Uhhh.. if you open the quest editor with the wrobot client open... go tools > helper tools > dump quest ID's... it will take 2-3 sec but all the quests in your log should be there.
  11. Just enable Skin / gather / mine mobs in the general settings tab.
  12. Agree here- never seen one or got one to work outside of a quester. Grind may get the profile to run it once, quester will let you reset and generally has more structure.
  13. nope, all my profiles are written in the profile editor. you can load and modify it there.
  14. there is no framework for buying ammo within wrobot. I made a quester which directs the bot on what to do dependant on how many arrorws it has in its bags as a workaround. The profile is for alliance 10-30 that starts in Elwynn. Its a grind pulse with an iscomplete condition dependant on having less than 200 arrows. once thats competed the next pulse is an interact with NPC with a buy LUA code to buy more arrows. the NPC is a specific arrow vendor. The quests's complete condition is arrows > 800. once that quest is done it reloads the profile and the bot goes back to grinding till it has <200 arrows. Depending on what level you are will determine what grind spot you will get pulse'd to and i think this profile only works with the lvl 10 arrows. Hunter_ammo_grind.xml modify it how you see fit.
  15. Or try the "shoot" fightclass. ShootVanilla.xml
  16. My hunter just had a trip to GM island... and we can imagine how that went down, the GM- honestly had the question " why did you melee on your hunter..." didn't have the guts to say... "eh it bugs out kinda at range". Hunters done, im sticking to rogues / shamans / paladins / warrior.
  17. @Beltic paste you session log file here please- 1 star on a free profile is pretty poor without notice or offer to make it better/ diagnose EDIT- i bet your using the 35-45 profile... that starts with Shadow priestess vandis. Still upload it, i need a lol.
  18. @Droidz - this looks horrific in-game and is going to get people reported / banned. Its got to the point where i changed the fight class range so im sending my hunter in to melee to avoid the constant weapon swaps when attacking at range. Can we please have a method to stop the bot auto attacking while at range. i know you updated mid February saying the bot wont auto atack unless within 15 yards, however this is still occurring in vanilla. can we please have a way to disable auto attack getting sent to the bot at all.
  19. Tried the move in combat plug-in? Depending on class it may be a band aid fix
  20. come one man... you smarter than that!... load it as a QUEST profile.
  21. upload a copy of your fight class Edit: make sure the spells are on your actionbar too
  22. im using it on vanilla right now. battlenet account- is just the username you would use to log in normally... leaving the default "WoW1" account name works for me.
  23. log file... we cant tell you anything without the session log file
  24. this is still an issue Can we have an option in the fight class editor to disable auto attack please.
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