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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Good to hear man. No real guide or page on what works where- just take into consideration that fight class editor was written for WoD/ Legion and back ported to BC and Vanilla. A lot of the more complex code / LUA it ran on doesnt exist in Earlier WoW. For an XML fight class, start it simple and just add more and more conditions. Simple usually being better.
  2. Have you tried just using "Target Buff" not "Target Buff Casted By Me". Im not sure if the BC client can determine if the buff is yours or not so it might just ignore it? May be worth a shot. or re-work my Vanilla C# lock FC.
  3. what instance are you looking at- chances are if its bottable someone here has a working copy already.
  4. This is the code for drain soul, it should be stopping after 4 shards- by chance are you using a non enligsh client? as for wand got a log file from the session- usually its when the bot hits a logic error on the mob and is trying to cast a spell it cant yet and studders. if (DrainSoul.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 25 && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= 15 && ItemsManager.GetItemCountByNameLUA("Soul Shard") <= 3 ) { DrainSoul.Launch(); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); }
  5. I may have changed it a few releases ago because feralas gets busy at 45. Is there and issue with tanaris at 44 not 46? If there is use the alt files to force to not to stay.
  6. This guys gone and given you a free 1-50 file. Quit the low effort bs, the LEAST you can do is give an explanation of what you are seeing... jfc
  7. Secondly- the file has empty quests in it. When the bot loads a quester It checks all the quest's, this file has two empty "<none>" quests which are causing the namespace issue. remove them and it loads fine.
  8. Allow me to be the first to provide the low effort " you file dont work!" Comment with absolutely no further explanation that (to me) you are known for.
  9. You may not be the only one here with those issues- over the past week something is wrong with the pathfinder server for lots of people which is giving bots odd paths to get from A>B. see the thread below. Personally i make use of the alt / test files- get the bot some-what close to the zone indicated on the file and let it go. Selling is a hard one since the profile doesnt control the way the bot sells or interacts with vendors. Do you have a log file from the failed vendor session- does it show why its not selling (blacklisting vendor)?
  10. Hey Drekal, What file are you using- One of the three files is a feral_drink.cs file that should break for for food / drink. Personally i think a Feral druid bot with passable gear should not need to drink too often (at all in my view).
  11. The area should be blacklisted- the main line file 6-45 is in the same area- does it do the same?
  12. lol it was updated < 3 days ago- your last DL was 4 days ago. So its super unlikely your using the latest version. Also if you have a problem with a free fight class- a bit of description of whats going on helps. A little effort on your part goes a long way. I have got to the point of ignoring " broken plz fix ASAP" comments.
  13. FNV mentioned that and I removed the pause code a few days ago. Still happening on the new version,?
  14. uploaded new version, you will need to re-download. Let me know how it goes / any other ranks of healthstone that dont work
  15. I swear the ID's of healthstone change with server, i have had to fix this so many times... mind giving me the ItemID so i can add it. Wrobot client > Tools >Development tools > Bag items. Can you give the name + the ID.
  16. The C# source is there- modify as you see fit.
  17. You are loading a quest file in grinder mode- load in quest mode.
  18. it jumps between both trying to get easy quests to complete.
  19. 1- try turning off flight master in general options and make bot run to where is should be 2- thats whay i gave you alt files. Dependant on server some zones are busy (profile cant help this), so i gave the option of an alternate levelling path.
  20. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9939-eeny/?tab=comments#comment-46594
  21. Looks like you didn't take the zep to UD lands. I'll put some more safeguards in. Take the zep manually and start the bot.
  22. The 6-45 profile doesn't take trams, buy food and should be training in goldshire for majority of classes. I suspect you are using HMP. Get the bot to golshire / STV, turn off HMP and see what it does. if its still messy send me a log so i can see what its trying to do.
  23. Uploaded a newer version i have been playing with (a lot of help from Ashoko) and removed that line of code.
  24. My bad- try now
  25. I didnt think that was too new.. regardless, i dont know why u got the reports LOL/ So... as a fix i should put a sleep and then un-pause?
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