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Everything posted by Dreamful

  1. Two suspicious .exe's... CPU goes up with wrobot since couple versions.. Droidz has installed a MINER on our systems !!!11!! Droidz is on the Bitcoin hypetrain
  2. Hey, Seems like the function "WoW window position and size" dosent seem to work since couple versions, he dosent shrink the size from the wow windows and dosent position it. Version: 1.2.0 (39020) Wrath of the Lichking anyone can confirm this?
  3. Auf Rising-Gods bekommen die GM's einen alert, hatte ich auch oft aufeinmal stand ein GM vor mir nach 2 stunden angel botten.
  4. If i understand you right, Under Advanced settings in wRobot.
  5. Their is a plugin for it called "AvoidIt", that should help you and avoid large groups of mobs. Otherwise you need the Quester option "FollowPath" to record a safe path so the bot uses it instead of the Random generated Path from the bot.
  6. Dreamful


    Genau, Downloade dir eine Fightclass hier im Forum, findest du unter Downloads und ein Profile, oder mach dir selber eins. Die verscheibst du dann in den jeweiligen ordner und wählst diese im Bot aus. Ein Profile solltest du dir vielleicht selber erstellen, weiß ja nicht was du da farmen möchtest. Hier z.B eine Fightclass für deinen Rogue
  7. What kind of server is this? some sort of Funserver? I checked the Spell ID's they seem right, did you test it on another server besides wowcircle? @slikosummer give me the server if you want, i make a account and test it when i get home. I dont see the error actually. Maybe @Droidz knows why.
  8. you added the MobID's ? you better post a full log or your profile, otherwise we cant help you.
  9. Well, thats the price you paying for a Public profile but in case of a private server profile its not that dramatic imo I think its still better to remove the download section and move it to the forum, and make it private and only visible to paid users (since wrobot is cracked available)
  10. Download section is actually a huge mess, many profiles are buggy, not working or even in the wrong section sometimes. We already discussed that in a antoher thread,
  11. Dont forget Droidz is alone, he cant fix bugs or expand the bot and writing profiles all on his own, yeah we have a problem with profiles, i think its better so rewrite the Quest Profile Builder to make Quest profiles easier imo.
  12. Hey Community, i got recently banned on a farm account, not a huge lose, i looked into the logs and i saw my charactere got teleported to Kalimdore from Sholarbazin, i have checked the option "Stop Bot if Player Teleported" but the Relogger ignores that and after wRobot closes WoW.exe he keeps relogging into that. My Sugesstion, If the Player got teleported the Relogger should stop the whole relogger Task, otherwise the "Stop if Player Teleport" is useless with the Relogger. Or i am missing something? looking foward for feedback, Dreamful
  13. Dreamful


    Du kannst über PaySafeCard kaufen, dies erfolgt dann aber händisch und dauert bis zu 24 Stunden.
  14. How you can use the bot without a subscription you doofus ? @tdawg Dont help people with Cracked versions...
  15. attach a full log for help, their is no reason to use macros with this bot. This is not Pirox.
  16. Which fightclass do you use? Maybe their is a problem with the Russian client, did you try a english client yet?
  17. Their is LUA function for it "TogglePetAutocast", http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/TogglePetAutocast /run TogglePetAutocast(index) index = which pet ability as number (4 as example) if this dosent work you can try it over the macro api, http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/MACRO_petautocaston RunMacroText("/petautocaston Firebolt") include one of those things into your Fightclass and run it as LUA Code, not tested it, but should work. Greets, Dreamful
  18. You can actually do this with "FollowPath", you can wrap an if around that action as you did with Playerfactions.Tauren but just with your current position. And maybe with Offmesh navigation, but i am not sure, never used it actually.
  19. Can confirm had the issue aswell, even if the Ticket got marked as "Fixed".
  20. Bug still exist, still stucks on realm selcetion, and relogger not restarting WoW. 9 Okt 2017 16H23.log.html
  21. Dont bot 24/7 on one spot. Have mutiple breaks between the grinding, you probaly got reported from a player and a GM watched you for a couple of minutes. Its pretty easy to spot a bot, if you spectate him for a short time.
  22. Didnt try you to sell anything lol They are always bugs on Trinity Servers, just find them. Do reverse Engenieering, like the Rend bug that still exist or hidden crits from a warrior ability, that i am not gonna name it, few people sell this for a high price. just find them :) and now, fuck you rude script kiddy.
  23. If you play on Wrath Servers, Its just PQR. if you want i can give you a PQR Script for Warrior's. I know a couple of Warrios and even play with them from time to time that are using this PQR Scripts. 100% Hamstring Uptime On Point Kicks & Reflects Overpower perfect on Cast 100% Rend Uptime etc this all adds up for maximum damage rotation, their is no damage hacks or something involved. But what i do know, their is a range hack, you just swap out a .mpq file and instead of 5 Range alle abilitys have 7 Melee range, which is huge and can destroy you even around the pillar and would result and beside that the uptime on your Target is way higher because of that.
  24. Hello k1ngstire, What you already said this should work. You can find out your specefic button from Auctioneer with, /framestack Hover over the button and find out which name the frame has, then just launch LUA Scripts via, RunMacroText("/click AuctioneerSellButton1OrSomething") you must do this with Quester the other modes are not capable for this type of action.
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