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Posts posted by Dreamful

  1. Their is LUA function for it "TogglePetAutocast",

    /run TogglePetAutocast(index)

    index = which pet ability as number (4 as example)

    if this dosent work you can try it over the macro api,

    RunMacroText("/petautocaston Firebolt")

    include one of those things into your Fightclass and run it as LUA Code, not tested it, but should work.


  2. You can actually do this with "FollowPath", you can wrap an if around that action as you did with Playerfactions.Tauren but just with your current position.

    And maybe with Offmesh navigation, but i am not sure, never used it actually.


  3. If you play on Wrath Servers, Its just PQR.

    if you want i can give you a PQR Script for Warrior's.
    I know a couple of Warrios and even play with them from time to time that are using this PQR Scripts.

    100% Hamstring Uptime
    On Point Kicks & Reflects
    Overpower perfect on Cast
    100% Rend Uptime

    this all adds up for maximum damage rotation, their is no damage hacks or something involved. But what i do know, their is a range hack, you just swap out a .mpq file and instead of 5 Range alle abilitys have 7 Melee range, which is huge and can destroy you even around the pillar and would result and beside that the uptime on your Target is way higher because of that.

  4. Hello k1ngstire,

    What you already said this should work.

    You can find out your specefic button from Auctioneer with,


    Hover over the button and find out which name the frame has, then just launch LUA Scripts via,

    RunMacroText("/click AuctioneerSellButton1OrSomething")

    you must do this with Quester the other modes are not capable for this type of action.

  5. Yea Download section is a pretty mess, you can find nothing if you want to.
    In my opinion we should release all profiles in the Forum, with sub categories in the specefic Expansion. like on pirox forum if anyone remebers back in the day. its easylier to maintain and you can see updates alot quicker, at the moment so many bullshit profiles and fightclasses are in the upload section just because you are allowed to just upload without even description and stuff.


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