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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/5491-unable-to-cast-faerie-fire-feral/?tab=comments#comment-25173 CastSpellByName("Faerie Fire (Feral)()")
  2. At work atm but maybe add a condition on sinister strike to only be used if the buff Stealth is not active?
  3. This is cool, but wouldn't it be better as a plugin rather than a fight class? Then again you'd hope no one would attack you and no mobs would be close enough to aggro anyway.
  4. This didn't work for me, have same issue as above user.
  5. If you change the botbase to wRotation, does the fightclass work?
  6. Which fightclass are you using? Edit: also, does it show any errors when starting the bot (when a fightclass fails to load properly it should do this) the bot will still continue and show the behavior you're explaining.
  7. I don't really have a problem with wanding. Attached is the edited priest fightclass with wanding instead of smite. McRo PriestEdit.cs
  8. There isn't only one, the McRo fightclasses are also all in c#. Of course they're only setup for the lower levels but you have the basis to build on and add more spells/ conditions. I'd say take one of those and try to build upon it, if something doesn't seem to work the way you want to it to, ask for help! (wRobot should totally have a discord..)
  9. The bot is basically a backport of the retail bot, functions the retail bot has haven't been stripped out for the private server version and the reason some of the functions don't work is because the retail version may have been using methods that did not exist in the earlier versions of WoW. I would say this is by far the most fully featured vanilla bot and anything that doesn't currently work can always be raised as a bug report (or worked around by creating a plugin). In regards to your fight class question, the editor is used as a user friendly way to create a fightclass, if you wish to create a complicated/intricate fightclass that responds well you'd have to do it in C#. There are many example fightclasses on the downloads section (xml and c#), even if the c# ones are for a different version of wow you can pretty much still copy the methods and exchange them for something more compatible (like LUA). For the cost of the bot I think you need to give it some more credit, even if there is a lack of documentation (who likes writing documentation anyways lol?).
  10. I have experienced this but only when i had pfUI running. It could be an addon interfering.
  11. If you manually click to move (bot not even running), does it work?
  12. I think I just found the issue, its to do with WoWs refresh rate. Turn V-Sync off.
  13. I get this also and no it doesn't only do it when running to a mob, i think its actually CTM bugging out rather than the swimming itself, if you manually rightclick somewhere CTM should move you there but it moves for like 1 second and stops. Now just gotta figure out why CTM is somehow breaking
  14. Hi, I have a question in regards to the development tools, there is an option for C# but I don't know what it does or how to use it. My hope is that you could add some c# to the textbox and it'll run it for you however I've had no luck. Can someone share their knowledge of what this does? :) Cheers
  15. I forgot to also say you need using wManager.Wow.Enums; at the top of the file for the wanding
  16. Hmm, odd.. I'll give it a test. You can open the .cs file in notepad(i recommend notepad++) and edit it. Replace the smite part of the combat rotation with //Wand if (EquippedItems.GetEquippedItem(WoWInventorySlot.Ranged) != null && !Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Shoot")) + 1) + ")")) { if (Shoot.KnownSpell) SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Shoot"); return; } You'll also need to add public Spell Shoot = new Spell("Shoot"); into the file as well, maybe at like like 63... this should then get the bot to use the wand rather than smite. I'll see if I can test the healing side of things later on.
  17. Have a look at McRos Priest profile, the CC iterates through party members and heals them if needed (also buffs them).
  18. Version 1.0.1


    UPDATE: I see a lot of people still using this, I would recommend using https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1664-free-requesthandler/ instead. It has more options and doesn't just hit decline on every popup. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is just an adapted version of Droidz Auto Accept plugin(it selects accept on WoW popup windows like group invites) where I changed it to decline (on a random timer between 2 and 11 seconds). Simply place the .cs in your plugins folder and turn it on within the GUI. To edit the random timer change the values in line 19. Link to original plugin: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/411-auto-accept-wow-popup-window/
  19. Would this work in a c# fightclass? if (EquippedItems.GetEquippedItem(WoWInventorySlot.Ranged) != null && !Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Shoot")) + 1) + ")")) { if (Shoot.KnownSpell) SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Shoot"); return; } The aim here is to only use Shoot if a ranged weapon is actually equipped.
  20. Hi Droidz, I attempted this however I get some exceptions being thrown both with the main visual studio way as well as the attach to a running process. System.ExecutionEngineException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' occurred in authManager.dll Any assistance would be great!
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