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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. you can't download because you don't have active subscription
  2. BetterSister


    Changed Status to Not a Bug Changed Version to All
  3. BetterSister


    Too big job to do. Also there is WoW addons that do the exactly same thing like zygor
  4. what is the code BSOD gives? 0x0--- something
  5. It's alright i used distance and has quest check instead. It isn't fail proof but i didn't find any problems with this solution
  6. you can't go to somewhere and interact with the npc without pathfinder :/ with this you can move without pathfinder: MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(123, 321, 1)); or wManager.Wow.Helpers.TraceLine.TraceLineGo(new Vector3(123, 321, 1)); Right now i can't even find how to interact with NPC outside of pathfinder... Back to sleep
  7. i don't have any problems. Try reinstalling the newest version Also could you paste the logs here
  8. problem is there isn't any of it in my bags... dunno why This is first time i noticed this problem
  9. [D] 18:56:35 - [Quester] While[40] (Quest.HasQuest(37853) && Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(3, 37853)) | Result: False the objective 3 is complete so this should return true but it doesn't i checked Quest.HasQuest check does work as intended
  10. Otherwise good but looks like Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(1, 37853) is broken... it returns true no matter what i put and if trying to turn it negative (if objective isn't complete do X) returns false as it would be complete Id: 37853 - Objective count: 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time: 1472654747 - http://www.wowhead.com/quest=37853 (The Death of the Eldest) @Droidz help please
  11. went to pee and meanwhile i realized how to do it... The button is called ExtraActionButton1 i can create while check for it to go there and click it... Clearly 5-6 hours sleep/night on 3 days isn't enough
  12. i tried to use the item/spell itself but it doesn't work. Any ideas how to get this to work reliably? Legion is so pain in the ass to create quester for but i'm trying! :D
  13. Woopsie. Make sure bot recognizes you as combat using development tools
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Works all the way from 10 to 110 lvl. i've used it on both of my mages from 10-100+ and it works really well. At 100 lvl you can solo* any quest monster without issues * = Not guaranteed but i didn't have issues NOTE! Doesn't create food on its own talents 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 (75lvl talent might be changed to Ring of Frost someday)
  15. recheck the conditions. When your mana is lower than 40% and when hp is more than 40% no wonder it won't ever use it
  16. Quest editor - helper tools - there is something about npcs and objects
  17. Use condition "is spell overlayed"
  18. FK me... i forgot to change the NPC ID! Change 4561 to 34880
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