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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. Doesn't start a fight as 1 lvl hunter most of the time
  2. Also you can use my wotlk druid profile. Wotlk and cata profiles are about the same if there is difference you can edit it Offtopic: Post #300
  3. Add condition to every other ability target buff mangle true and buff cat form true so it wont do anything else before has cat form and target has mangle casted
  4. Converter isn't straight from hb to wrobot so you can use it only to help at creating profiles
  5. At 25 lvl right now... No trainers added yet exept for paladin
  6. Currently the max amount of users in chatbox is 5. It is sometimes full so increasing it to 10 would help alot
  7. i did have a SSD but it was one of the first 60GB ones that cost 300eur back then :D
  8. depends on what patch you're playing on
  9. Did some testing. 7z unpack 320MB/s, Copying from temp folder -> desktop 415MB/s, HDD -> SSD 72MB/s
  10. Alright everything is installed and configurated... this SSD is so damn fast... Even windows 7 updates (1GB about) took under 10 minutes to complete
  11. Size matters. Middle is new. Sides are old 4GB sticks
  12. Works. Note that i will connect my 2TB hdd after windows is installed that's why it didn't detect it right away ;)
  13. Low profile 8GB sticks
  14. This is it! To home
  15. The day when my 500GB SSD and 32GB ram arrives No more issues related to ram too low or HDD being too slow
  16. What patch? 3.3.5a:
  17. when you get to 60 it's all the same for all classes so that's when it gets way easier
  18. It completely depends on the area where you are if you get stuck. Sometimes there is none or very poor meshes so it doesn't know how to get there without getting stuck as example i got stuck alot at zuldrak but then I've never noticed problems at grizzly hills ( exept banned once there)
  19. not a single bot is 100% safe but we're on the safest side
  20. Today i noticed something really weird. People got banned for POWER LVLING! What the hell... Since when it is bannable offensive on any server? i've power lvled low lvl characters with main for ages and never got problems with it
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