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File Comments posted by BetterSister


       89    3
    33 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

    no like say something sells for a mount of gold (15k) gold on ah and everyone si trying to farm that item theres gonna be PvP, so make it fly up to the point where you are at to avoid pvp and goes down every few mins to check the item then flys up.

    Good idea but there is no way bot can survive even if it fly up randomly. As soon as it goes down its dead

    Auto use Bags

       243    9
    1 hour ago, eeny said:

    This plugin will attempt to auto equip bags while out of combat.  It will check if you have the bag if your inventory and equip it.  Will attempt with the following bags:

    Murloc Skin Bag
    Mageweave Bag'
    Large Red Sack
    Journeyman's Backpack
    Large Blue Sack
    Glacial Bag
    Frostweave Bag
    Deathweave Bag
    Black Silk Pack
    Huge Brown Sack
    Imbued Netherweave Bag
    Blue Leather Bag
    Heavy Brown Bag
    Fel Steed Saddlebags


    I have added this as description 

  1. 7 hours ago, TDunndy said:

    Has anyone else had issues in the 25 lvl area of Thousand Needles? I keep finding my guy dead. Idk if it's just a skipped profile step or something or if i'm just special. Just checking.



    It is possible. This profile is discontinued & incomplete with old features that aren't needed anymore 

  2. 1 hour ago, Shiinu said:

    First of all, thank you very much for the profile!
    Everything works fine for me except one thing that sometimes happens. 
    When my char has to buy water, in some locations he ends up standing infront of the wrong vendor. Example: Stonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat.. he ends up talking to "Kulwia" <Trade Supplies>. 
    So i tried to add the vendor Grawnal <General Goods>. Still not working. Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?

    Another question, the bot doesnt recognize  when i dont have any drinks left in the bags.. so i had to set a timer for repair/vendor/mailbox. 

    What I did: 
    - did set Drink Amount in settings
    - did check all boxes for adding NPC's to Database when near
    - did change npc search radius to 30000

    Thanks in advance!


    Bot setup fault mostly. You can add correct vendors to profile via editor then deny the bot from using other vendors. Ask more help on forums

  3. On 25.9.2016 at 9:45 PM, Mara25x said:

    Thanks a lot BetterSister.

    Quick question, would it be possible to set timewarp to execute only on bosses?

    You can add condition target is boss ttue


    On 13.10.2016 at 5:07 PM, Vanguard said:

    I started with the PVE that was available for download and was thinking ' wow mages suck at level 100'.   I downloaded this a couple days later and I am smoking whatever attacks me.

    Flame strike takes forever to cast with multiple adds.  If I could change anything I would only do flame strike after a freeze then blink. Other then that, rock solid rotation! 



    I tried adding it but i couldn't get the bot tell if target is frozen cuz few API entrys were broken. Could work now but i can't work on it cuz i don't have wow account

  4. On 01/10/2016 at 6:59 PM, baddack said:

    wonderful profile !! i can't believe it's working so good. I have 2 suggestions :

    1) This profile uses Dash as soon as available, that's great. Could you also use Stampeding Roar ?

    2) after gathering herb or mineral, could if be possible to wait for Prowl cooldown, instead of going and being repered by mobs or pvp players ?


    thank you very much for this profile :)

    Roar is added. Dunno why it doesn't use it tho

  5. 5 hours ago, Minaris said:

    UNFORTUNATELY, Blizzard has decided to nerf druids in 7.1 and they're removing Healing Touch from Balance, Feral, and Guardian spec, replacing it with Regrowth. This is going to effect this awesome fight class in possibly a negative way, since I'm not sure if Regrowth will react to clearcasting in the same way that Healing Touch did.

    This will require a change to this fight class and play style in general for Ferals, and that makes me sad :(

    I'll look into it

  6. 6 hours ago, KnightRyder said:

    I had one problem with the profile. I had written down what quests I was on but my PC crashed. I know it was at 5/6 destorying something and freeing people. The problem was it kept walking around to different green swirls on the ground (where I think the previous 5 were), kill a grim inquisitor, then try to destory something and move on. It would sometimes try to go into a cave where the last one was located but then would run out again without doing anything.

    I paused and unpaused it several times in the cave hoping it would realize what to do and fix itself. I eventually had to stop it and complete it manually, then start it again.

    I have attached the log file if you want to try and see what the issue is. Overall, very impressive work.

    Question time.

    1) When you release it, will it just be the one zone?
    2) If so, will you be releasing other zones? 
    3) How much are we talking?
    4) How many quests? Just enough to get Loremaster done for zone, more?

    4 Sep 2016 20H42.log.html

    I'll look into the problem. 

    First i will release this profile then think about others. I will first try to do as zygor says but sure i could try making it capable of doing lore master for the zone. I'm thinking about 10eur/copy but I'm also interested at selling whole profile lets say for 150eur to 1 person who then can do whatever they want with it is it then resell or keep to himself

  7. 56 minutes ago, Mr. Robot said:

    For some reason the corpse stays targeted after looting. This is causing the wow interface to keep saying "Can't attack that target" until the bot finds another live target or the corpse is out of range and becomes untargetted. Is there any way to fix this?

    i've never had same issue

  8. 2 minutes ago, Massivemc said:

    the idea is very nice, but i must point to some problems with druid..... He goes prowl and then just wonders around from objective to objective doing nothing... I am not sure is it profile problem or fight class..... But i am using your fight class also

    i had same issue.. it is caused by players nearby collecting same item OR the object is blacklisted. Automatically blacklisted objects are blacklisted for 60 secs. Walking around in stealth is safe since no one will see you so no big panic about that :)

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