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Everything posted by tonycali

  1. So your creating the emails in Vmware and playing all your bots in vmware?
  2. i also botted on my main to 30 and is 59 half now.
  3. They've banned 4 of my accounts while i was playing on my main not on the sock5proxy just home ip. All 4 bots closed account but nothing to my main. I would assume if they had my home i.p. and just wiped all my bots they would drag my main off the home ip into the room since they would know the bots were mine as well and ban my main but didn't happen.
  4. Typical liberal ideology I'm a senior developer of fight class hunter so im superior to you, and im evil for selling a charachter and your the morally superior guy here for not (no proof u do or dont) Just like no proof of you going unbanned but have an excuse of why u wont be able to show the 10 hunters that are just rolling thru mass botting without ban city . I think we beat this dicussion to death. I'm not sitting here in anger or anything droidz has made an awesome product but ndales seems to have something different than kronos / elysium so i guess will just agree to disagree on topic ordush.
  5. So in 2 weeks you should have 10 60's ready to post the screen shots of them on ndale with name blacked out if not cool story ordush.
  6. Theres enough take my word for it without any proof in this world then you call it facts...lol?. BS if so post a overwolf vid of u running ur 10+ all day there so far away u can't even see the names when there windowed in small boxes..but if what you are saying is true then why isn't the market flooded with lvl 40's for sale and only a couple lvl 20's for sale like 1-2 account from MASS SELLERS who usually have 50 accounts for sale...The market says differently than your facts bro.
  7. can we see these 10 that are 32-37 with blacked names find it odd that ur the only person in this whole community that isn't being banned. these bans aren't happening on elysium or kronos for us so duno what is needed to test in term of ip ranges...i have them from different countries its not like they are even close together in range..
  8. Great only put on 8 accounts and ban city by lvl 12. yet can go 2 accounts 24/7 to 30-40. Whats the sweet spot only lol 3-5?....And of course this is with all socks5 proxies and no cheap shared proxies even after changing the proxy cities on fresh ones to a new country..
  9. lot of chinese on new servers will play by hand but they will use a speed hack to fly around fast to get the exploration xp or fly pull mobs then have ur buddy fly in land and loot chests. lot of times they can make couple hundred gold flying around looting the chests of the world at later lvls. theyll make bunch gold sell it then get banned and the buyer with em.
  10. ordush how many accounts are u botting though and didn't u say u were playin by hand doing quests n such as well?. like im only botting 2 24/7 straight and no ban yet there only late 20's atm though but lasting a heullva lot longer than if i run 18 of them all on different proxies.
  11. whisper me the email provider u used at chara creation i think this is one of the problems if not thee.
  12. Nice that worked.
  13. Ya I use 2 folders Alliance / Horde so my npc database never has alliance vendors when i run a horde toon. Because multiple times my alliance toons in their 20's-30's would run to gromgol to repair and chain die to guards. So this new relogger doesn't give me that option of 2 folders without having to manually log in the one i don't set as my general wrobot.exe in the relogger settings.
  14. Probably have a way of finding said bots these days thru logs. China hope devs can't code anything all they do is monitor logs 24/7 looking to crush bots so they can be the only sellers.
  15. those re overlays possibly. i use online webpage skype / discord etc.
  16. check out the support how to make a gathering profile its super ez to make waypoints especially with flying mounts. like 12 min to do a zone
  17. I'm using relogger using a Horde and Alliance Folder so the vendors don't get crossed to the wrobot.exe Problem is since last update my alliance charachters work with relogger fine but all of my horde accounts get stuck on the wow account login details it doesn't write the details that i filed into relogger like it does the alliance charachters. tried with a fresh reinstalled wrobot.exe for the horde folder and still it won't log in the details no clue whats up. 5 Jul 2018 11H45.log.html File below is my relogger alliance folder's wrobot.exe and same proxy as my horde and it connects perfectly but all horde kaput lol.. 5 Jul 2018 11H55 - FdEoo.log.html
  18. does urs ignore combat? mine ran into mobs attacked them and chain died to lvl 8 mobs.
  19. Got errorss running in quest and grinder mode wouldn't start.
  20. This has gotten bunch my bots banned it will work fine for majority of day but when it goes offline for 30min-1h and kind sits there afk it looks hot.
  21. I think they just know all the locations ur gonna have to make new grinders
  22. advanced settings tick box do not attack pets.
  23. 1. Pathfinding server was offline so ur bots were running into walls at some point for couple hours. 2. Botting on weekend of launch is begging for bans way to many people way to many bots in same area and someone is sititng there paging GM of all these botters and most of the time its a botter who uses same profile and thinks hey if i get these guys banned i get this area but they should realize its not how it works and people will just recreate a bot and will be in same area so why make the area hot. 3. I wouldn't put it past them to scan your ram for hardware id instead of proxy ip china hope devs are shady as shit prolly driving around in a bently from all the sales.
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