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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Did i not already tell you what to do? You need to get the reference otherwise it won't be able to look. ?
  2. No you have to get the references etc. first.
  3. Open VS write wManger.Wow.Helpers. Then you will see all the helpers wManger.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager. Then you will get all the ItemsManager functions etc.
  4. Just to quote myself. I think it's my auto updater lol Yep my updater site is down it appears. ? I need to make a timeout script so it goes on if it can't connect.
  5. Mine is not starting, so i think there is some instability with the wrobot server right now.
  6. Yeah i think that wrobot server is crashed or something, i can't load anything either right now.
  7. And you have obviously taken a lot of screenshots right?
  8. There is no workaround for it, because in Vanilla you can't control sound with Lua
  9. FNV has auto update as far as i know right? Maybe he added it? ?
  10. It's the way Vanilla works, you can't get any info about spells without them being on the actionbar. So some plugin/fightclass/whatever is checking spells by putting them on your actionbar then removing them again.
  11. Personally MoP was my favorite expansion ever. So much awesomeness added in that expansion. If there was a non-bugged MoP server i'd play the shit out of it.
  12. If there has been made a questing profile then it'll probably be found under downloads -> quester for that expansion
  13. No. Nothing is detected. But it's easy for other players to see that you are bot when you are using a grinder, because no sane person would kill the same mobs over and over and over again to level up, that is the most inefficient way to level up. So they report you can you get banned.
  14. So you are gettng banned in certain locations only. dude this is definitely you getting reported and banned.
  15. If you can do questing profiles with a fightclass without getting banned but you can't do grinding profiles, then it has nothing to do with fightclass. However if you are getting banned using ANY grinding proifle, then it's because you have been reported, and a GM has used his ban macro saying that you are using PQR.
  16. Please don't PM me these details mate, you need to write them here so every one can see. So it seems that either something in your grinding profile is exposing you. OR a gm manually banned you and set the reason to PQR, because he had a macro for that. Try running another grinding profile and see if it still happens.-
  17. Okay, so the server thinks that you are using PQR. That means, they don't know you are using a bot. But somehow they know that your rotation is automated, because that is what PQR does. How they are detecting that, is hard to tell. I would try and make a fightclass that only has like one ability or something, to see if it's the unlocking Lua itself that does it.
  18. When you get banned, does the server say that they banned you for using PQR?
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