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WRobot user
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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. Did you read the forum before posting your false accusations?
  2. I do believe this, it happpened to me as well. The problem is the bot doesnt seem to get any development in most of his behaviour things like "stop fucking attack an evading minion for hours"
  3. Never got banned because of Wrobot, only because Honorbuddy has made Blizzard hate bots. And I was using grinding, archeology, gathering, wrotation, automatron, pet battle and fisherbot. But I must admit some points you did make are valid, especially the behavior of the bot and how it trys to deal with problems which occur very often. Anyway, you shouldnt bot battlegrounds because that is a guaranteed way to get banned.
  4. try using the spellID. Create Healthstone (Lesser) should be 23520
  5. i checked your fightclass and it seems fine sounds like an issue with the bot itself, have you tried a fresh install?
  6. oooh thats vanilla wow... im sorry :D range in legion is 40, thats why i had recommended 35+
  7. searchradius and fight class range are two different things.
  8. ist eh klüger, bei nem permabann kannst chargeback machen und bekommst dein geld zurück
  9. Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll error CS0012 seems to be everything you need to find the error yourself.
  10. follow mode just looks like multibotting which is a reason to get banned on privat servers
  11. ja, musst dazu einstellen bei wieviel % health/mana er essen/trinken soll. und dann musst natürlich noch einstellen was er trinken/essen soll.
  12. hast den bot frisch installiert etc? neustart könnte helfen. ansonsten kanns schon normal sein, wenn beispielsweise die Fightclass schlecht ist.
  13. dungeons + quest with wrotation is the fastest way and if you have no time for gaming just grind for some hours a day
  14. blacklist in questing; how does that work?
  15. i think there is an addon that can do that too but i dont remember the name, you have to look it up yourself edit: and i dont know if it works for TBC tbh
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