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WRobot user
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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. full set of gear can cost in between 100-600k depending on the price of that items; ive seen some twinkitems for 8k and ive seen them for 30-40k as well so it kinda depends on server and luck :)
  2. ja, aber ob das dein pc kann musst du wissen.
  3. Consider two things: How much nethershards do you want to farm in what amount of time? And how long do you want to run the bot? Problem with this new area is there are numerous people and since it is a new area it can happen sometimes that your bot maybe will get stuck. (Which obviously is dangerous for your account because of reports and monitoring in the beginning is recommended!) You also have to take into account before starting the bot everyday/night in which area exactly you will farm because of the switching worldquests, sometimes an area is overrun because of that and sometimes it is pretty much dead because there is no quest; which is in my opinion the safest time to grind the hell out of that area. So find out yourself which area is best, create a profil and... profit.
  4. create your waypoints via quester and copy them into your gatheringprofile easypeasy
  5. just enhance the distance between your waypoints
  6. I made one but I dont think it is that profitable edit: and you definitely dont make 300k each day with it, but maybe i did something wrong. try it yourself. and btw; who told you that?
  7. he will fix it soon because bugs like that appeared before patch 7.2 too, but as you just said: it is not his priority best thing to do: use another bot for rotation (there are plenty) or learn how to play your class... i know it is hard to play without mistakes for 5 hours straight but you have to find a solution ;)
  8. probem is with the profile. you should find profiles which are designed for using flymount or create your own profiles.
  9. a good rotation will always be more efficient than human player.
  10. you make more gold while leveling to 100 with battlechest edition or 110 with legion and then grind/gather mats. dk start zone is like 100-250gold if i remember right and that is not enough for the time spent.
  11. never heard of that, maybe your system runs in some weird energysave configuration
  12. musst eine selbst erstellen oder aus dem forum hier eine runterladen.
  13. lol :D we need to get more information
  14. need 100-110 questing profile too, would pay
  15. für sowas bräuchtest dann ne art questprofil aber sowas musst vorab erstellen... als vorschlag würd ich dir bieten: stell den tank auf 0 meter followrange zu deinem heal den du ja scheinbar selbst steuerst, combatroutines natürlich auf assist stellen/lassen... haken rein halt. dann als heal pullen, tank merkt das n kampf startet und greift ein, problem gelöst. (hoffentlich)
  16. so it doesnt fully work as range dd as well?
  17. thats not true for melee characters... ok he uses cooldowns, but doesnt do dps
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