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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Droidz - run 2-3 wRobot sessions at the same time. People have said if you do that it happens much faster
  2. No. It's not easy to implement and it makes no sense. Plus the trend is to use it for science, education and in machine learning, not real software development.
  3. When you test droidz binaries, do NOT let wRobot update after restarting it. I can't test atm (maybe Monday at earliest).
  4. You redownload the products you own if they have been fixed already
  5. I didn't break compatibility and I didn't know Droidz was going to (he likely didn't know himself). We're developing third party binaries that are loaded through the C# API itself. This isn't a simple API change as you'd get it when distributing open source libs to a bunch of users. Discord has all the necessary info, including telling you not to update wRobot until I (or other creators) give the approval. It took me a total of 1:30h after the update to fix all binaries AND announce the update. Not a big deal. Also forum threads are NOT updated. It's considered bad manners between creators to push their own files into the forum's spotlight.
  6. Every single one that uses custom authentication and gets the wRobot key that way. All of my products have been updated already.
  7. Code to extract key before: var authKey = robotManager.Helpful.Others.StringBetween(authManager.LoginServer.GetSubcriptionInfoThread(), robotManager.Translate.Get(""License Key"") + "": "", ""... - "" + robotManager.Translate.Get(""Subscription time expire"")); Code to extract key after I fixed it for the update: CompilerResults result = RunCode.Compile(RunCode.CodeType.CSharp, @" public class AuthMainClass { public static void Main() { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match matcher = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(authManager.LoginServer.GetSubcriptionInfoThread(), ""(Key: )(.*)(\\.\\.\\.)(.*)""); if (matcher.Success) { robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar(""wRobotAuthKey"", matcher.Groups[2].Value); } else { robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar(""wRobotAuthKey"", ""TRIAL""); } } } "); RunCode.InvokeStaticMethod(result, "AuthMainClass", "Main"); Logging.WriteError(RunCode.ErrorsToString(result)); this.wRobotAuthKey = Var.GetVar<string>("wRobotAuthKey");
  8. fbarboza, update your fightclass/plugin/profile. This is not an issue with wRobot, the wRobot update broke third party software This is just a request for droidz to add something more stable. And the log file is in your Logs folder, you don't need to copy it...
  9. Can you please add a property somewhere for the short wRobot auth key? All authentication features currently use this, but since you changed the string to include (1/10 sessions) now, it's broken unfortunately.
  10. No, I don't want to publish everything on my server because it makes it too easy for people to gain unauthorized access. I'm sorry if people can't read the readme and come to the forums with that.
  11. Settings for plugins and fightclasses are saved per character. So if you keep making new characters, you have to set things again.
  12. No. You've been spoonfed for months now, you never contribute anything back. If you can't create a C# fightclass when I already give you everything you need, you actually need to start teaching yourself some stuff instead of relying on others to do all the work for you.
  13. Hello @Droidz can you give an example of how to add water/roads to the pathfinder myself? I know how to use the functions, my problem is - do I need to manually map everything out? Do I swim in the water and add plenty of small vectors (with 5 yard radius or similar)? How does this work for roads? Basically for Arathi Basin, I want to add water and roads, to help with pathfinding. I'm developing my own battlegrounder that is smart and doesn't require profiles atm, so this would be good.
  14. All over the forums. It doesn't use keybinds. It uses spells. This is not comparable to Pirox (which you were probably thinking of). Take your time to read up on how to use wRobot. Sources are plenty and I'm not going to spoon feed them to you. The battlegrounder product is separate from everything else. It basically just signs your char up and tells it where to run and which enemies to attack. Basic functionality is handled by the bot framework and the fightclass (rotation). If you just expect to use Mage.cs (fightclass that comes with wRobot) in BGs you'll get banned within a day. There are tutorials on how to make your own fightclass, both in C# or using the fightclass editor.
  15. Mounting is done by wRobot, spells are done by your fightclass (make your own if you're not happy with the one you have).
  16. Record your own profile Turn off free mode Or just turn off free mode (with no profile available) and it will try and contribute - although not in a very sophisticated way
  17. public static void SetMouseoverUnit(WoWUnit unit) { Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, unit.Guid); } public static void CastOn(WoWUnit unit, string spellName) { SetMouseoverUnit(unit); Lua.LuaDoString($@" TargetUnit(""mouseover""); CastSpellByName(""{spellName}""); TargetLastTarget(); "); }
  18. You can't. You HAVE TO target. Vanilla client doesn't allow casting on other units. There are PLENTY of topics all over the forums on how to do this.
  19. Download the ACTUAL CORRECT version of wRobot for your version of WoW. Vanilla wRobot won't work for TBC, which won't work for WotLK etc. They are not interchangeable.
  20. Current version of wRobot is 2.3.2. 1.7.2 is the old, cracked version which definitely doesn't work.
  21. Disable your addons. Don't bot with addons enabled.
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