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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. If you use WRotation only and still get banned it's just proof that the bot is detected. If you don't get banned then, it's not detected automatically. Rather they detect certain profiles, grinding statistics etc
  2. They likely have you fingerprinted and some decent-ish detection when it comes to bot behavior. If you use WRotation and don't get banned, you're safe. But then you also know it's likely related to movement. Meaning you can try a few things like enabling/disabling smooth movement in WRobot, using Lua movement, keyboard movement (disabling CTM entirely), trying CTM with your game locked to 60 Hz via Rivatuner, etc. Considering my second character I used for testing (so it got stuck a lot, as I was refining my products) got to level 40 before getting banned, I'm fairly certain GMs just sit in starting areas while they answer tickets and ban some bots. Once you get past that, you're pretty safe and it's only player reports.
  3. Is this for Vanilla? For Vanilla clock to move to work, you need to be at 60Hz. You can use Rivatuner Statistics Server to limit your Wow.exe to 60 fps for the same effect. Otherwise the timestamps internal to the client are off and it won't work. Just iterate the list and within each step, use blocking code that only succeeds and jumps to the next step in the loop if ObjectManager.Pet.Position.DistanceTo(Vector3) < 3
  4. That's not what he said. He said meta info is cached. Buffs are still read from memory every time you make a call. If you're making a fightclass and want it to be a efficient, create a state of truth for all units around you and make sure it doesn't change until after the iteration is over. That holds true for ids, distance, buffs, debuffs, whatever you need to make decisions in your rotation
  5. Vanilla is probably the worst expansion to work with, but it's also had a multitude of profiles released. There's fightclasses for every class (even free), tons of profiles, etc. A couple years ago, it had the most paid content and some of it is still up. Some of it has been released for free if the creators disappeared. However, if you're not willing to do anything yourself/barely set anything up besides loading an old profile that may not fully work anymore or isn't 100% compatible with your server, you're out of luck. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/164-plugins-vanilla/ https://wrobot.eu/files/category/163-fight-classes-vanilla/ https://wrobot.eu/files/category/166-grinder-vanilla/ https://wrobot.eu/files/category/171-quester-vanilla/ https://wrobot.eu/files/category/177-plugins-multiversion/
  6. I never told you to Google it. I told you to the class is https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/T-wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect.htm You can create a new instance and then call Run on it. But you need to decompile it if you ACTUALLY want to look at the code. If you think you can just call "rezz in safe spot pls", it doesn't work like that. I told you from the start, WRobot already does it. That's as good as it will get. I promise you, you will not be able to write better code. I've spent days on it myself back in the day.
  7. Decompile the Resurrect state and have a look yourself
  8. WRobot already does this. It only kinda-sorta works. Long story short, it's extremely difficult, especially because every server and expansion has a different resurrection and aggro radius and you can never fully avoid mobs. Especially if they keep moving as you're trying to find a safe spot. It's best to just have a profile that will not put you into spots where you're likely to die in a dead lock or write code that makes you escape from combat, either before dying or so you are then in a safe spot to rezz.
  9. Zero updates? The Wholesome Group keepings pushing new updates to their free products all the damn. There's tons of content out there both free, paid and as sample to build your own with. If you're expecting to be spoon fed or not put in any work yourself - this isn't HonorBuddy. There is no HonorBuddy for pservers and nothing like it will ever exist again. They made millions of dollars and hired developers full time. I'd be surprised if Droidz had even made a single million in revenue since starting this endeavor almost 10 years ago.
  10. iSupport is super old (you'll find this is thread is 6 years old) and was outdated even then. He's talking about the Party product within WRobot
  11. Thanks, I changed the OP. I honestly hadn't touched WoW in years and only vaguely remembered that in some expansions, it already returns in percentage
  12. return (UnitMana('target') / UnitManaMax('target')) < 0.5; There you go, Lua condition to only return true if enemy mana is < 50%. For a C# condition, It's ObjectManager.Target.ManaPercentage as per https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/P-wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWUnit.ManaPercentage.htm
  13. You need to make a custom quester with several spots to randomly choose on a timer
  14. Yes, IP bans are likely. You need to at least partially monitor and be ready to intervene. Don't interact with accounts you don't want to lose (mail gold, etc).
  15. Just wanted to point out that my framework is more for ease of use and built based on old ideas of how WRobot works. If you built something more modern, you'd likely build a tick based system that caches important information on every ObjectManager update in your own classes to prevent expensive (Lua or memory read) calls to be executed more often than necessary. It's hard to tell what to cache in the first place too. Making unnecessary calls that you'll never need is equally unperformant. However, unless you're looking for to cheat in PvP using a rotation bot, a couple hundred milliseconds between each rotation iteration isn't a huge issue.
  16. Look at all kinds of free quest profiles for all expansions. Then change them to fit your needs. With the translator you're using, it's hard to understand what you even want to achieve and how.
  17. That's not related to WRobot. Contact whoever supplied you with the client. This is a bot forum.
  18. Yes, 2D ignores Z axis and I would generally recommend you never use it unless you specifically know you need it. PS: Figure out if your server calculates it including hitboxes and such. Otherwise you need to calculate the distance yourself based on Position.
  19. It checks ingame 3D distance vs whatever the spell has as an attribute. That mostly doesn't work due to center-center calculations, hitboxes etc. Every server implements it differently too, so you just have to do your own calculation based on what you observe on your server. Good luck.
  20. You're asking on the forums of a bot why you were banned on an unrelated server. I don't think you'll get any answers here. Try and contact the staff.
  21. Make sure all your vendors have drinks then. And then find this: if (OutOfFood()) { Logging.WriteDebug("[AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Out of food, force wRobot to town"); ToTown.ForceToTown = true; } and replace with if (false) { Logging.WriteDebug("[AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Out of food, force wRobot to town"); ToTown.ForceToTown = true; } It will now never go to town to buy food. However, the log file above showed it went to town to buy water. If your water is not in this level appropriate list, you're fucked: Water at the vendor you're using needs to be the one in the list. You may follow down the code and adjust it to your liking. { 0, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 5, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 10, 1179 }, // Ice Cold Milk { 20, 1205 }, // Melon Juice { 30, 1708 }, // Sweet Nectar { 40, 1645 }, // Moonberry Juice { 50, 8766 }, // Morning Glory Dew { 61, 28399 }, // Filtered Draenic Water -- make sure this is only used in TBC { 65, 27860 }, // Purified Draenic Water { 71, 33444 }, // Pungent Seal Whey -- make sure this is only used in WotLK { 75, 33444 }, // Pungent Seal Whey { 85, 8766 },
  22. Read the description. Every vendor (except for Repair) available to your profile NEEDS TO BE A VENDOR WHO SELLS FOOD FOR THIS TO WORK. You need to force your bot to only know applicable vendors. It will try to select the appropriate food for your level and in your bags, depending on the situation. The code is right there if you want to modify it. Responsibility of configuring WRobot is on you. If you add vendors that don't sell food, the bot will try to go to the closest vendor over and over and never be able to buy food. It'll just force another ToTown state where it can intercept and buy more food. If you only want to use specific food, you need to change the code. That's why I published everything for free.
  23. Well, then you should contact me for support with your order ID and a log file on Discord, like it says in your purchase email. You'll find that this is Vanilla 1.12.1 only and there is NO guarantee it supports modified clients. If you patch your WoW.exe in any way, I can't guarantee that my code still works.
  24. For anyone wondering, this is pretty much the preferred method. You could set WRobot's settings to completely ignore fights after calling Fight.StopFight as well. But this is essentially what I use to escape mobs in HMP too. Unfortunately dynamic escape while avoiding new groups of mobs is quite complicated and will probably never be 100% perfect as you need to also make sure you won't just run in circles etc. Mostly just came here to say Zer0's approach is the one I found to be working best and most reliably.
  25. Should be 2.4.3 and everything after. Dungeon TBC maps didn't change until 6.x or something iirc.
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