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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. That's an error with HMP because you didn't follow the readme
  2. You can't really RayCast for "non-liquid" areas. At least when I tried the LoS check that Droidz has implemented for it, it never worked (probably not in vanilla), so you can't find a spot that's not liquid and therefore can't navigate out of water.
  3. You need Lua: DoEmote('SIT') if you don't have the buff "Enrage". Assuming you're using the fightclass editor. There are many topics explaining how to enter Lua instead of a spell name and set the editor to "Is Lua, not spell".
  4. This method exists in 1.12 wRobot but not in 2.4.3
  5. What do you mean there aren't any fightclasses doing this? Mine certainly does...
  6. https://classicdb.ch/?item=2516 You buy Light Shot from vendors. In wRobot's vendor database, you can add vendors that sell ammo. Then you can enter the buy/sell tab in advanced settings and set it up to re-buy ammo.
  7. Enter the advanced wRobot settings, you can set it up there
  8. Contact the owner. Considering it says it's a 1-60 grinder, I'm pretty sure it won't be doing quests after that level. With a good fightclass, you should be able to handle the grind. It's best you familiarize yourself with how wRobot works in general so you understand what is actually managed by the profile and what isn't. For example, if your bot gets stuck in a high level zone pathing through it while trying to get to a lower level zone, that is not the profile's fault. wRobot will generally fight back against high levels, if they attack you, even if they're "Skull" enemies.
  9. Battlegrounder has no healer option. You need to put everything in your fightclass in C# and overwrite wRobot behavior if that's what you want. Regarding queue pop, trying finding an addon that auto accepts. Don't really have another solution. There's a BG helper plugin somewhere (i believe in the MoP section) you can look for. Not sure if it still works, but probably should.
  10. I do clear the current SESSION blacklist in HMP, when this happens: I will remove that part in the next HMP update, so no more of this: wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession();
  11. That tool is probably a render blocker. It saves CPU/GPU but does not prevent models from being loaded into RAM.
  12. Yep, that's the Lua to move bug. Make sure your profile doesn't deactive it and make sure you're not using any conflicting plugins like SmoothMove (my edit should work).
  13. By crash do you mean the client freezes with deadlock? This could be cause by your profile or a plugin deactivating Use Lua to move. Otherwise I doubt it's my fightclass causing crashes. You can try deactivating frame lock in the fightclass settings though
  14. Install SlimDX, install Visual C++ 2010 (or w/e is linked). I just went through this myself on my laptop. Start wRobot normally and not with Quick Launch. You will need to re-enter your license key. Follow that threat, it works.
  15. It's one of the auth errors of the quester you use. It doesn't affect functionality at all.
  16. The bot will not avoid certain areas just because mobs are there. HMP's smart pull can at least avoid pulling groups if your bot tries to actively attack them. But it doesn't stop the bot from pathing through groups. You will need to blacklist the general area and that way the pathfinder will *generally* try to avoid it - this isn't 100% reliable. AvoidIt does this automatically and then forces the bot to generate a new path. It doesn't really work (well) which is why nothing like that has been implemented in the bot. I've fixed compilation errors before and posted it in the vanilla section, but I'm pretty sure it's broken again now. Even when it "was working" - not reliable enough in any way.
  17. wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.Mount(); // no conditions required
  18. Because all conditions are combined (if you look at Spell Conditions and the way he entered them) through AND operators. You can only use OR operators, if you create your very own condition from scratch. But the way the fightclass editor adds up conditions that are set separately is through AND. You can do it in the form you wanted before (if you set brackets the way Droidz/Bambo explained), but it's really, really slow and inefficient.
  19. All conditions in wRobot are combined with a && operator. In the fightclass editor, you can only create "or" scenarios, but using one sole C# or Lua condition OR creating a second spell with the same name and different conditions. I recommend you just look into how to use C# to write a fightclass from scratch and don't use the editor. Also what Droidz said - wrap your C# conditions in brackets like this: ( <condition> ) You can do everything in one C# conditon too: ObjectManager.Me.Level < 25 && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Power Word: Shield") && Usefuls.ContinentId < 2
  20. No, this is really only for BGs
  21. using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Events; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Configuration; using wManager.Wow.Class; public class Main : IPlugin { private string version = "1.6.1"; public static int timer = 0; public static bool _isLaunched; private static float saveDistance; public static Vector3 destinationVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); public static bool inProcessing = false; public static bool _takenTaxi = false; static FlightMasterDB from = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB to = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _timer = false; public static bool _discoverTaxiTimer = false; public static bool changer = true; public static bool _updateNodes; public static bool checkPath = true; public static bool checkPathActive = false; public static FlightMasterDB checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool cancelCheckPathThread = false; public static bool pauseCheckPathThread = false; public static string status = ""; public static string statusDiscover = ""; public static bool _copySettings { get; set; } public static bool _runScan = false; public static FlightMasterDB taxiToDiscover = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _taxiToDiscover = false; public static bool _discoverInProessing = false; public static int stuckCounter = 0; //public static bool followingPath = false; //public static bool firstStart; //public static bool _logPause = false; //public static bool abortFlight = false; //public static bool _disposeInstance = false; //public static bool cancleOldMovement = false; //public static bool paused = false; //public static Vector3 myPositionAtStart = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //public bool _deleteOldPath = false; public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master initialized - " + version); _isLaunched = true; inProcessing = false; _copySettings = true; _runScan = true; _updateNodes = false; cancelCheckPathThread = false; ingameSettings(); watchForEvents(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); applyDefaultNodes(); MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck += MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); flightMasterLoop(); } public void Dispose() { _runScan = false; cancelCheckPathThread = true; _isLaunched = false; _updateNodes = false; MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck -= MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master disposed"); } public void Settings() { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ToForm(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); } public static void ingameSettings() { if(wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: WRobots Taxi is enabled, going to disable it..."); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = false; } } public static void applyDefaultNodes() { if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.NightElf) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = true; } if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Human) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Dwarf || ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Gnome) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge = true; } private void flightMasterLoop() { while(Products.IsStarted && _isLaunched) { if(!Products.InPause && _takenTaxi || _timer) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } for(int timer = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; timer > 0 && _timer; timer -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } if(!scanNearbyTaxi.IsAlive) { Logging.Write("Taxi scan not running, restarting..."); scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); } if(!checkPathDuringRun.IsAlive && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.useCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("Check path is not running, restarting..."); checkPathDuringRun.Start(); } resetTaxi(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Dispose(); } private static void resetTaxi() { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3 + 1500); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Reset taxi"); _takenTaxi = false; from = (FlightMasterDB)null; to = (FlightMasterDB)null; _timer = false; checkPath = true; checkPathActive = false; checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; } private void watchForEvents() { EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) => { //_updateNodes = true; if(id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.TAXIMAP_OPENED && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.updateTaxi) { if(!_updateNodes) { _updateNodes = true; //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi map opened"); List<FlightMasterDB> dbUpdate = fillDB(); int node = -1; foreach(var temp in dbUpdate) { if(temp.continent.Equals(checkContinent())) { node = -1; node = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + temp.name + "') then return i end end return -1"); //Logging.Write("Node is: " + node); if(node == -1 && temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has not been discovered so far"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = false; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, false); } else if(node != -1 && !temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has already been discovered"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, true); } } } _updateNodes = false; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5 + 5000); } } }; } private static void MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck() { Vector3 searingGorgeGate = new Vector3(-6033.529f, -2490.157f, 310.9456f); if((Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Loch Modan") || Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Searing Gorge")) && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(searingGorgeGate) < 50 && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseSearingGorge) { stuckCounter++; if(stuckCounter >= 5) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Repeated stucks detected at the locked gate between Loch Modan and Searing Gorge. Going to stop bot, to prevent getting caught"); stuckCounter = 0; Products.ProductStop(); } } else { stuckCounter = 0; } if(_timer || _takenTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: SeemStuck detected, reset taxi to help solving it"); resetTaxi(); } } private static void MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { // Logging.Write("Enter Movement event path count: " + points.Count); statusDiscover = Logging.Status; if(_taxiToDiscover && !discoverTaxiNode.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !_discoverInProessing && !_updateNodes && !statusDiscover.Contains("Boat") && !statusDiscover.Contains("Ship")) { // Logging.Write("Enter _taxiToDiscover"); _discoverInProessing = true; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = discoverTaxiNode; discoverTaxi(discoverTaxiNode); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3); cancelable.Cancel = false; checkPathActive = false; } if(changer && !_updateNodes && !inProcessing && ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive) //&& points.Count > 1 { //Logging.Write("Enter take taxi actual step"); changer = false; if(!_taxiToDiscover && !_timer && !_takenTaxi && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(points.Last<Vector3>()) > FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.taxiTriggerDistance) { status = Logging.Status; if(FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPath && status.Contains("Follow Path") && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently following path or distance to start (" + calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) + " yards) is smaller than setting value (" + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance + " yards)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; changer = true; _timer = true; return; } destinationVector = points.Last<Vector3>(); saveDistance = calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; if(!inProcessing) { from = getClosestFlightMasterFrom(); to = getClosestFlightMasterTo(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if(!from.name.Contains(to.name) && !to.name.Contains("null") && !to.name.Contains("FlightMaster") && !from.name.Contains("null") && !from.Equals(to) && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, from.position) + calculateRealDistance(to.position, destinationVector) + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.shorterMinDistance <= saveDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Shorter path detected, taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); inProcessing = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = from; //cancelable.Cancel = true; takeTaxi(from, to); //Logging.Write("After take taxi"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; } else { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: No shorter path available, skip flying"); cancelable.Cancel = false; _timer = true; inProcessing = false; } } changer = true; } //Logging.Write("Finished MovementPulseEvent"); } public static bool inCombat() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('player');"); } public static bool inCombatPet() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('pet');"); } Thread scanNearbyTaxi = new Thread(() => { int scanTimer = 10000; List<FlightMasterDB> npcScan = fillDB(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { //Logging.Write("In Taxi scan thread loop"); /* if(!_runScan) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan disposed"); break; } */ if(_discoverTaxiTimer || _discoverInProessing) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Discover in processing or scan for nearby nodes paused"); for(int i = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; i > 0; i -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } _discoverTaxiTimer = false; } while(inCombat() || inCombatPet()) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } //Pause while training First Aid in Darnassus, to avoid conflicts with HumanMasterPlugin string status = Logging.Status; while(status.Contains("First Aid") && Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Teldrassil")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: HumanMasterPlugin trying to train First Aid. Pausing undiscovered node scan for five minutes to avoid conflicts"); Thread.Sleep(300000); } if(Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !_taxiToDiscover && !ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { foreach(var temp in npcScan) { if(checkContinent() == temp.continent && !temp.alreadyDiscovered && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(temp.position) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.detectTaxiDistance) { taxiToDiscover = temp; discoverTaxiNode = temp; _taxiToDiscover = true; Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Near undiscovered Taxi node found: " + temp.name); Thread.Sleep(1000 + Usefuls.Latency); while(!MovementManager.InMovement) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Reenable(); } } } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 10); npcScan = fillDB(); Thread.Sleep(scanTimer); } }); Thread checkPathDuringRun = new Thread(() => { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Path checker started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if(pauseCheckPathThread) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(_timer) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(cancelCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Check path thread disposed"); break; } if(checkPathActive) { Thread.Sleep(5000); status = Logging.Status; if(MovementManager.CurrentPath.Last<Vector3>().DistanceTo(checkPathActiveFM.position) > 10 && !checkPathActiveFM.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && !status.Contains("To Town")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster: Current path does not lead to Flight Master of " + checkPathActiveFM.name + ". Reset path..."); checkPathActive = false; Reenable(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }); //By Matenia private static async void Reenable() { //Logging.Write("Enter reenable"); await Task.Run(() => { Products.InPause = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = false"); MovementManager.StopMove(); MovementManager.CurrentPath.Clear(); MovementManager.CurrentPathOrigine.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(5000); Products.InPause = false; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = true"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Resetting pathing"); }); } private static float calculateRealDistance(Vector3 startVector, Vector3 destinationVector) { float distance = 0; List<Vector3> realDistance = new List<Vector3>(); realDistance = PathFinder.FindPath(startVector, destinationVector); for(int i = 0; i < realDistance.Count - 1; i++) { distance = distance + realDistance[i].DistanceTo2D(realDistance[i + 1]); } //Logging.Write("Real distance is: " + distance); return distance; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterFrom() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLnfmd = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLnfmd) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterTo() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLgcfmt = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLgcfmt) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static bool checkContinent() { if(Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Kalimdor) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Kalimdor"); return true; } else { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Eastern Kingdoms"); return false; } } public static void waitFlying(string destinationFlightMaster) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: On taxi, waiting"); Thread.Sleep(30000); } _takenTaxi = true; inProcessing = false; Thread.Sleep(5000); Reenable(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Arrived at destination " + destinationFlightMaster + " , finished waiting"); } public static List<FlightMasterDB> fillDB() { //FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); //True = Kalimdor ; False = Eastern Kingdoms List<FlightMasterDB> FMListe = new List<FlightMasterDB>(); FlightMasterDB Stormwind = new FlightMasterDB("Stormwind", 352, new Vector3(-8835.76f, 490.084f, 109.6157f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind); FMListe.Add(Stormwind); FlightMasterDB ArathiHighlands = new FlightMasterDB("Arathi", 2835, new Vector3(-1240.03f, -2513.96f, 21.92969f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands); FMListe.Add(ArathiHighlands); FlightMasterDB Ashenvale = new FlightMasterDB("Ashenvale", 4267, new Vector3(2828.4f, -284.3f, 106.7f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ashenvale); FMListe.Add(Ashenvale); FlightMasterDB Darkshore = new FlightMasterDB("Darkshore", 3841, new Vector3(6343.2f, 561.651f, 15.79876f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore); FMListe.Add(Darkshore); FlightMasterDB Stranglethorn = new FlightMasterDB("Stranglethorn", 2859, new Vector3(-14477.9f, 464.101f, 36.38163f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley); FMListe.Add(Stranglethorn); FlightMasterDB Duskwood = new FlightMasterDB("Duskwood", 2409, new Vector3(-10513.8f, -1258.79f, 41.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Duskwood); FMListe.Add(Duskwood); FlightMasterDB FeralasFeathermoon = new FlightMasterDB("Feathermoon", 8019, new Vector3(-4370.5f, 3340f, 12f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon); FMListe.Add(FeralasFeathermoon); FlightMasterDB FeralasThalanaar = new FlightMasterDB("Thalanaar", 4319, new Vector3(-4491f, -781f, -40f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar); FMListe.Add(FeralasThalanaar); FlightMasterDB Tanaris = new FlightMasterDB("Tanaris", 7823, new Vector3(-7224.9f, -3738.2f, 8.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Tanaris); FMListe.Add(Tanaris); FlightMasterDB Hinterlands = new FlightMasterDB("The Hinterlands", 8018, new Vector3(282.1f, -2001.3f, 194.1f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands); FMListe.Add(Hinterlands); FlightMasterDB Ironforge = new FlightMasterDB("Ironforge", 1573, new Vector3(-4821.13f, -1152.4f, 502.2116f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge); FMListe.Add(Ironforge); FlightMasterDB Menethil = new FlightMasterDB("Wetlands", 1571, new Vector3(-3793.2f, -782.052f, 9.014864f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Wetlands); FMListe.Add(Menethil); FlightMasterDB TheBarrens = new FlightMasterDB("The Barrens", 16227, new Vector3(-898.246f, -3769.65f, 11.71021f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheBarrens); FMListe.Add(TheBarrens); FlightMasterDB Redridge = new FlightMasterDB("Redridge", 931, new Vector3(-9435.8f, -2234.79f, 69.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains); FMListe.Add(Redridge); FlightMasterDB Teldrassil = new FlightMasterDB("Teldrassil", 3838, new Vector3(8640.58f, 841.118f, 23.26363f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil); FMListe.Add(Teldrassil); FlightMasterDB Southshore = new FlightMasterDB("Hillsbrad", 2432, new Vector3(-715.146f, -512.134f, 26.54455f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills); FMListe.Add(Southshore); FlightMasterDB Stonetalon = new FlightMasterDB("Stonetalon Mountains", 4407, new Vector3(2682.83f, 1466.45f, 233.6483f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains); FMListe.Add(Stonetalon); FlightMasterDB Thelsamar = new FlightMasterDB("Loch Modan", 1572, new Vector3(-5424.85f, -2929.87f, 347.5623f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.LochModan); FMListe.Add(Thelsamar); FlightMasterDB Theramore = new FlightMasterDB("Dustwallow Marsh", 4321, new Vector3(-3828.88f, -4517.51f, 10.66067f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh); FMListe.Add(Theramore); FlightMasterDB WesternP = new FlightMasterDB("Western Pleaguelands", 12596, new Vector3(928.3f, -1429.1f, 64.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(WesternP); FlightMasterDB Westfall = new FlightMasterDB("Westfall", 523, new Vector3(-10628.8f, 1037.79f, 34.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Westfall); FMListe.Add(Westfall); FlightMasterDB EasternP = new FlightMasterDB("Eastern Pleaguelands", 12617, new Vector3(2269.9f, -5345.4f, 86.9f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(EasternP); FlightMasterDB SearingGorge = new FlightMasterDB("Searing Gorge", 2941, new Vector3(-6559.1f, -1169.4f, 309.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.SearingGorge); FMListe.Add(SearingGorge); FlightMasterDB BurningSteppes = new FlightMasterDB("Burning Steppes", 2299, new Vector3(-8365.1f, -2758.5f, 185.6f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes); FMListe.Add(BurningSteppes); FlightMasterDB BlastedLands = new FlightMasterDB("Blasted Lands", 8609, new Vector3(-11110.2f, -3437.1f, 79.2f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BlastedLands); FMListe.Add(BlastedLands); FlightMasterDB Azshara = new FlightMasterDB("Azshara", 12577, new Vector3(2718.2f, -3880.8f, 101.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Azshara); FMListe.Add(Azshara); FlightMasterDB Felwood = new FlightMasterDB("Felwood", 12578, new Vector3(6204.2f, -1951.4f, 571.3f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Felwood); FMListe.Add(Felwood); FlightMasterDB Winterspring = new FlightMasterDB("Winterspring", 11138, new Vector3(6800.5f, -4742.4f, 701.5f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Winterspring); FMListe.Add(Winterspring); FlightMasterDB UngoroCreater = new FlightMasterDB("goro Crater", 10583, new Vector3(-6110.5f, -1140.4f, -186.9f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater); FMListe.Add(UngoroCreater); FlightMasterDB Silithus = new FlightMasterDB("Silithus", 15177, new Vector3(-6758.6f, 775.6f, 89f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Silithus); FMListe.Add(Silithus); FlightMasterDB Desolace = new FlightMasterDB("Desolace", 6706, new Vector3(136f, 1326f, 193f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Desolace); FMListe.Add(Desolace); return FMListe; } /* public static bool validFlight(String from, String to) { bool von = false; bool zu = false; List<FlightMasterDB> FMLvf = fillDB(); for(int i = 0; i < FMLvf.Count; i++) { if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(from)) { von = FMLvf[i].continent; } if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(to)) { zu = FMLvf[i].continent; } } return von != zu; } public static bool discoveredTaxiNodes(String from, String to) { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLDTN = fillDB(); foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { if(ele.name.Contains(from)) { //Logging.Write("Test 1"); if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node from " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { //Logging.Write("Test 2"); if(ele.name.Contains(to)) { if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node to " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } //Logging.Write("Test 3"); return true; } */ private static void takeTaxi(FlightMasterDB from, FlightMasterDB to) { //Logging.Write("Taking taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); // Logging.Write("Distance: " + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(from.position)); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(from.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { //Logging.Write("Enter select taxi"); //Logging.Write("FROM OBJECT: " + from.name); while(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress, waiting..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } int node = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + to.name + "') then return i end end"); Lua.LuaDoString("TakeTaxiNode(" + node + ")"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 2500); if(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); } if(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking taxi successful!"); waitFlying(to.name); } } } } private static void discoverTaxi(FlightMasterDB flightMasterToDiscover) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); List<FlightMasterDB> FMLdt = fillDB(); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFLightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master " + flightMasterToDiscover.name + " discovered"); flightMasterToDiscover.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(flightMasterToDiscover, true); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5); timer = 0; //_timer = true; discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; _taxiToDiscover = false; _discoverInProessing = false; _discoverTaxiTimer = true; Reenable(); return; } } _discoverInProessing = false; return; } } public class FlightMasterDB { public FlightMasterDB(String name, int NPCId, Vector3 position, bool continent, bool alreadyDiscovered) { this.name = name; this.NPCId = NPCId; this.position = position; this.continent = continent; this.alreadyDiscovered = alreadyDiscovered; } public int NPCId { get; set; } public Vector3 position { get; set; } public String name { get; set; } public bool continent { get; set; } public bool alreadyDiscovered { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class FNVFlightMasterSettings : Settings { public FNVFlightMasterSettings() { //Settings this.taxiTriggerDistance = 1000; this.pauseTaxiTime = 50000; this.detectTaxiDistance = 50; this.shorterMinDistance = 1000; this.skipIfFollowPath = true; this.updateTaxi = true; this.skipIfFollowPathDistance = 5000; this.useCheckPathThread = false; this.pauseSearingGorge = true; //FlightMaster discovered //Eastern Kingdoms this.ArathiHighlands = false; this.Wetlands = false; this.WesternPlaguelands = false; this.EasternPlaguelands = false; this.HillsbradFoothills = false; this.TheHinterlands = false; this.LochModan = false; this.Ironforge = false; this.SearingGorge = false; this.BurningSteppes = false; this.RedridgeMountains = false; this.Stormwind = false; this.Westfall = false; this.Duskwood = false; this.StranglethornValley = false; this.BlastedLands = false; //Kalimdor this.Teldrassil = false; this.Darkshore = false; this.Winterspring = false; this.Azshara = false; this.Ashenvale = false; this.StonetalonMountains = false; this.Desolace = false; this.TheBarrens = false; this.Tanaris = false; this.FeralasFeathermoon = false; this.FeralasThalanaar = false; this.UngoroCrater = false; this.DustwallowMarsh = false; this.Silithus = false; this.Moonglade = false; this.Felwood = false; } public static void flightMasterSaveChanges(FlightMasterDB needToChange, bool value) { if(needToChange.name.Contains("Arathi")) CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Wetlands")) CurrentSettings.Wetlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Western")) CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Eastern")) CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hillsbrad")) CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hinterlands")) CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Modan")) CurrentSettings.LochModan = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ironforge")) CurrentSettings.Ironforge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Searing")) CurrentSettings.SearingGorge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Burning")) CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Redridge")) CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stormwind")) CurrentSettings.Stormwind = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Westfall")) CurrentSettings.Westfall = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Duskwood")) CurrentSettings.Duskwood = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stranglethorn")) CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Blasted")) CurrentSettings.BlastedLands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Teldrassil")) CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Darkshore")) CurrentSettings.Darkshore = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Winterspring")) CurrentSettings.Winterspring = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Azshara")) CurrentSettings.Azshara = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ashenvale")) CurrentSettings.Ashenvale = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stonetalon")) CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Desolace")) CurrentSettings.Desolace = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Tanaris")) CurrentSettings.Tanaris = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Barrens")) CurrentSettings.TheBarrens = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Feathermoon")) CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Thalanaar")) CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("ro Crater")) CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Dustwallow")) CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Silithus")) CurrentSettings.Silithus = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Felwood")) CurrentSettings.Felwood = value; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Thread.Sleep(2500); try { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Error when trying to reload DB file -> " + e); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Settings saved of Flight Master " + needToChange.name); return; } public static FNVFlightMasterSettings CurrentSettings { get; set; } public bool Save() { try { return Save(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Save(): " + e); return false; } } public static bool Load() { try { if(File.Exists(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName))) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); return true; } FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = new FNVFlightMasterSettings(); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Load(): " + e); } return false; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Trigger Distance")] [Description("Sets how long your distance to your destination has to be, to trigger use of taxi")] public int taxiTriggerDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Pause Taxi Time")] [Description("Sets how long taxi is paused after use, to avoid loops. Only change it, if you experience issues")] public int pauseTaxiTime { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Discover Distance")] [Description("Min distance to discover an undiscovered taxi node")] public int detectTaxiDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Shorter Path Min")] [Description("Sets how much shorter a path has to be, to trigger taxi")] public int shorterMinDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(false)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Use check path thread")] [Description("Checks if current path leads to Flight Master, while take taxi is running. Resets path, if otherwise")] public bool useCheckPathThread { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1. Skip if Follow Path / Boat step")] [Description("Skips take taxi, if currently executing a Follow Path or Boat Quester step. When running a profile with dedicated paths")] public bool skipIfFollowPath { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("2. Update taxi nodes")] [Description("Scans and updates all entries on the taxi map of the current continent, if they have already been discovered. Triggers, when the taxi map is opened")] public bool updateTaxi { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(5000)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1.1 Skip if ... min distance")] [Description("Won't skip taxi min distance to destination")] public float skipIfFollowPathDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("3. Stop bot at Searing Gorge gate")] [Description("Stops the bot, to prevent it from running into the Searing Gorge gate from Loch Modan and getting stuck over and over again")] public bool pauseSearingGorge { get; set; } //FlightMaster //Eastern Kingdoms public bool Stormwind { get; set; } public bool Westfall { get; set; } public bool RedridgeMountains { get; set; } public bool Duskwood { get; set; } public bool StranglethornValley { get; set; } public bool Ironforge { get; set; } public bool BurningSteppes { get; set; } public bool BlastedLands { get; set; } public bool SearingGorge { get; set; } public bool LochModan { get; set; } public bool Wetlands { get; set; } public bool ArathiHighlands { get; set; } public bool HillsbradFoothills { get; set; } public bool WesternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool EasternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool TheHinterlands { get; set; } //Kalimdor public bool Ashenvale { get; set; } public bool Azshara { get; set; } public bool Darkshore { get; set; } public bool Teldrassil { get; set; } public bool Desolace { get; set; } public bool DustwallowMarsh { get; set; } public bool Felwood { get; set; } public bool FeralasFeathermoon { get; set; } public bool FeralasThalanaar { get; set; } public bool Moonglade { get; set; } public bool Silithus { get; set; } public bool StonetalonMountains { get; set; } public bool Tanaris { get; set; } public bool TheBarrens { get; set; } public bool UngoroCrater { get; set; } public bool Winterspring { get; set; } } Source code I still had access to - now that FNV disappeared I wanted to publish it in case someone wanted to take over
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