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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Get on Discord if you want proper support and PM me a full logfile. Idk if you're using conflicting addons or what.
  2. Make sure you're not running any addons. Auto attack is part of wRobot, I don't really control it.
  3. These things are only casted out of combat. You need to properly set up your regen settings (especially drinks) if you expect the bot to stop fighting after rezzing. It will cast crusader, then realize it just went below a certain amount of mana and try to preserve it for another heal. I'll add something (again). But I highly suspect you are trying to run the bot without drinks, even though it says in the description that you *will* need drinks. The fightclass is designed to kill fast and be efficient while doing it, not minimize downtime. Trust me, with drinks you get much higher xp/hour than you would with any other ret fightclass.
  4. The fightclass heals by itself, you should just set up actual food (or none, but then you need to keep food settings high to not enter regen state) and drinks.
  5. Are you sure you're using the paid version? Out of combat, Purify has higher priority than Holy Light. Stutter stepping was a problem with incorrect range calculation for caster classes, which I had to hack fix. However, ret has a pull range of 10 yards and the only time I ever call StopMoveTo is when it tries to cast a spell with cast time (Holy Light or Turn Evil), so I don't see how that could be happening. If you have problems with it, play around with your latency settings. I just reuploaded with a setting for low mana consumption added that takes out Judgement of Command.
  6. Hey Droidz, when using the above API, instead of returning the item level of the actual item, it returns "ItemMinLevel". It works correctly for EquippedItems.GetEquippedItems(). Even items without ItemLevel (for example, Neophyte's Pants) are returned correctly (item level 2). But nothing in the bags is.
  7. Read your log file, you need to run every monitor at 60Hz and the game with vsync
  8. It used to happen on an older version of wRobot. Droidz fixed it. The current bug only happens in the way I explained it. Tested it myself plenty of times.
  9. Also, I know I don't license any of my stuff, but it'd be great if you could release what you're making so others can profit from it the same way you have from my code :)
  10. Yes, but I am explaining why it runs to NPCs again. It's trying to get as many queues as you have set NPCs, but Warmane only allows 2 so it keeps running
  11. Would it be detectable, if I created a reference to the original function on startup (say, on /reload) and then only called that function directly through Lua (which would be unprotected Lua call)? If not, that's something I could do. Basically like this: EventsLua.AttachEventLua(LuaEventsId.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, context => Lua.LuaDoString(@" if not _CastSpellSafe then _CastSpellSafe = CastSpellByName; end ")); Lua.LuaDoString("if not _CastSpellSafe then ReloadUI() end;"); Lua.LuaDoString($"_CastSpellSafe('Polymorph', 'focus');");
  12. Hey @Droidz, I've noticed on TBC (Warmane) the above mentioned method breaks after a while and only keeps casting on enemies (with heals, that means you automatically cast on yourself instead of focus). Not using any addons and a "/reload" fixes this. I suppose this has to do with Warmane's Anti-Cheat measure or your protection against it. I cannot 100% reliably reproduce this and one user has reported that /reload does not fix this bug for him. Maybe when you hook CastSpellByName to prevent anti-cheat, you forgot to pass all argments to the hooked function and only use the first one?
  13. At 70% to 70% it can't start drinking... Just set it to 55 to 95, make sure the names are set correctly and you don't use a plugin like iEquip that overwrites drink.
  14. At 1% minimum, it would only start drinking if you drop below 1% mana after combat. So Just do 55% to 95%. It will start drinking if you drop below 55 and until you've reached 95% before it gets up and fights again. This is a common question, use the search next time.
  15. https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/api/wManager.Wow.Helpers.AuctionHelpers.html
  16. Instead of iterating through WowPlayers using the Party API, just use ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() and find one with your character's name.
  17. It's an old product that hasn't been available in a while (wRobot was abandoned for retail servers). The name is therefore a bit confusing, but the subscription was lifetime (not yours, but wRobot for retail).
  18. Your subscription expired on August 31st 2018. Of course you can't use it. It literally says "Status: Expired".
  19. Turn off your addons and do a /reload. Seems to be an issue with addons tainting CastSpellByName somehow (which I use to cast on focus target).
  20. This is incredibly helpful. They probably give you a mind-control buff to see if you will still try to attack enemies (which are now friendly or neutral). You can still avoid attacking friendly players and try to attack enemy mobs (and/or if they are suddenly neutral, you can say something in chat automatically or make your bot wake you up, post to discord etc). Edit: If they change up the buff by adding customs spells, just getting the buff name/id wouldn't be enough - hence my suggestions.
  21. Your thread is probably waiting for the ObjectManager to update (which happens on a different thread and is synchronized, therefore a locked operation). Either create a deep copy of the current ObjectManager and use that instead of yours, cache which spells you already know or make your fightclass thread sleep until just after global cooldown ends so that "waiting periods" for ObjecManager updates during your rotation have less of an impact. If you don't understand what I'm saying, this is too advanced for you and I recommend either buying a fightclass or trying to only run a single bot with both WoW and the bot having high process priority so all actions are executed faster overall.
  22. It can take up to 5 minutes for the authentication system to pick up your new purchase. Make sure you enter the correct order id into the fightclass settings (not into HMP plugin settings).
  23. You know that if you were a paying user, it would show you as "wRobot user" not as Members, right? So either you're running a cracked wRobot or you're entering captchas every 15 minutes for the trial...
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