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Posts posted by Matenia

  1. Because wrobot isn't inside the client directly and things like reading Lua events are done frame by frame on another thread. So if there's a 50-100ms delay to even receive the event and then more delay to accept your requests, you won't be able to counter instant spells with instant spells. 

    If you're capable of accessing WoW directly in memory (including Lua events and such info as spell targets - which to my knowledge the client has no info on, except maybe patch 5.x), you don't really need wrobot. 

    You'll be able to do a lot but not in the same way as if you were in-process injected

  2. You're not going to get rotations the way that you want. Not unless you write a very sophisticated profile - otherwise you will run into problems with performance. Also more likely than not, reacting to combat log events to death instant spells etc is not going to work. 

  3. If there are no mailboxes in your profile/database, it cannot send mail. HMP tries to work around this by scan for the mailbox, but if it's not visible, it relies on wrobot's NPCDB, which is what wrobot relies on internally as well

  4. Der Bot ist nicht in der Lage vollautomatisch essen zu kaufen beim Vendor. Probier Automaton. Wenn dort alles geht ist dein Profil das Problem. Sonst guck, dass wrobot als admin gestartet wird und die Rechte hat inden Ordner zu schreiben

  5. Du musst wahrscheinlich die Profile im Quester Editor verändern, da sie aktiv C# benutzen um eine "sensible" Voreinstellung von Settings für dich zu treffen. 
    Generell sind diese sehr alten, nicht mehr gepflegten, Profile nicht zu empfehlen. Mach lieber deine eigenen oder such dir welche aus, die etwas neuer sind und/oder kontaktier die Macher wenn du noch Probleme hast. 

    Da wir kein Logfile von dir haben könnte es auch sein, dass du wild irgendwelche Plugins benutzt, die du nicht verstehst und diese zum Verhalten führen, was dich stört.

  6. 33 minutes ago, pokani 2 said:

    Bought this a week or 2 ago and ive achieved 4-5 lvl 45s or so.. havent really experienced any of the paid profiles but was wondering as a hunter if anyone can point me in the right direction


    You bought it? Weird, because you don't have a license.

  7. You probably got flagged for multi botting and they're onto you now. 

    Warmane itself doesn't detect wrobot, but they do detect patterns pretty reliably nowadays. So some of the code OP is using likely triggers something. Could be the quest order or fightclass, but more likely than not you just linked your accounts because you're not creating them inside a clean VM with a clean IP.

  8. Warmane doesn't detect wrobot. However, if you get flagged for multibotting once, they have some sort of system to catch all your accounts at once, even if you're behind a proxy/VPN/VM iirc. Most private servers have this now, from what I remember.

  9. No offense to Droidz, but it's pretty much laziness. He'd have to add everything for every expansion and then maintain it manually if pathfinding for the expansion ever changes.

    I do pretty much the same thing for some connections in HMP. A few Droidz added after being given the info so I could remove them. Others I still struggle with due to large distances. It's really not as reliable as I'd like it to be.

  10. The API docs are outdated or incorrect and that sentence is a reference to TBC, where you couldn't see ANY durations (no timeLeft either) if it's not casted by you. I thought it was pretty common knowledge that in WotLK you can see all durations at all times. This is exactly what the default UI does - how do you think it draws cooldown frames or addons like OmniCC wrap timers over them?

    So to take my original post from weeks ago:


    local _, _, _, _, _, duration, expiration = UnitDebuff("player", "Polymorph")
    local timeLeft = expiration - GetTime() -- timeLeft in seconds
    local timeAlreadyPassed = duration - timeLeft -- time the debuff has been applied to the target in seconds
    if (timeAlreadyPassed > 2) then
    	CastSpellByName('Simple Logic')


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